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Exercise 2. Analyze the problems connected with rendering the stylistic devices from English into Russian. Give your versions of translation of the italicized words and expressions.
the lights were green as peppermints. Trees of black iron broke into leaf ahead of me, as if I were the lucky prince in an enchanted wood summoning summer with my whistle, banishing winter with a nod. Swung by the road from bend to bend, I was aware that blood was running down through the delta of my wrist and under arches of bright bone. Centuries, continents it had crossed; from an undisclosed beginning spiralling to an unmapped end. (Jon Stallworthy. From «The Almond Tree»)
«A certain time». «Do you know her well?» «Pretty well». «When you say «Pretty well», you mean - ?» «Fairly well. Tolerably well» (P.G. Wodehouse). Exercise 3. Read the texts and answer the following questions:
1) Japan’s Banks: Survival of the Fattest? Japan has wasted nearly a decade refusing to attack its mountain of bad bank loans. It has gone from wildly underestimating the size of the festering pile, to confessing that it is some 77 trillion yen ($546 billion) high, to admitting - under intense recent pressure from the United States - that it is indeed a health hazard for the other countries in its neighborhood. Last week Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto broke out the shovels, presenting a long-awaited plan for cleaning up the mess. Now all he has to do is get his countrymen to put their backs into the job. The key element of the plan - expected to be adopted in a special legislative session at the end of the month - is the creation of so-called «bridge» banks, a tool for winding down insolvent institutions. Busted banks would be taken over by the new Financial Supervisory Agency, which would install new management and try to sell or merge them. Failing that, the banks would be run by the Heisei Financial Restoration Corp., usually for a maximum of two years, as bad loans are sold off. Public funds would be injected to enable bridge banks to keep lending to credit-worthy customers until they are shuttered. It’s a plan Japan could use to build itself a modern, healthy financial system - or to drag out the problem into the next century. The Tokyo stock market rose in anticipation of Hashimoto’s announcement, then eased back on the recognition that the measures on the table won’t necessarily force the biggest banks to offload their problem loans. Will Japan really force change on its elite institutions? History isn’t reassuring. («Newsweek», July 13, 1998) 2) FAO... Let There Be Bread A new excitement has been added to the queer race that Man has run against himself down through the ages, testing whether he can produce food fast enough to feed his fast-growing family. In the past the race has never been a contest. Never, in all the yesterdays since he clambered out of the primeval ooze, has Man the Provider caught up with Man the Procreator: there has been famine somewhere in the world in nearly every year of recorded history. Even today, after twenty centuries of Christian Enlightment, half Man’s family goes hungry and vast numbers of them are actually starving to death. Nevertheless, the race has suddenly grown close enough to be charged with suspense. For the Provider has latterly been getting expert coaching from the sidelines and, despite the fact that the Procreator, running strong and easy, is adding to his family at the unprecedented rate of nearly fifty million a year, the gap is steadily closing. The coach responsible for this remarkable turn of events is the Food and Agricultural Organization, more familiarly known as FAO, a specialized agency of the United Nations. And for its achievements in this crucial contest it richly deserves two cheers. Not least of all because, when it comes to the categorical imperatives of eating, every quack can be an expert and, in consequence, FAO operates in an area where lunacy often passes for logic. Exercise 4. Analyze the stylistic peculiarities of the advertising material. What stylistic features may constitute a problem while translating the text? A Renaissance Person seeks hotels where hospitality is king. (No matter what your title.) All requests are graciously attended to at Renaissance Hotels and Resorts (even king-sized requests). In fact, catering to our guests is the essence of Renaissance Hospitality. It means you may ask our staff for truly anything. And at every Renaissance hotel, you’ll enjoy superb dining, comfortable accommodation and a warm, inviting atmosphere. There are over 82 Renaissance Hotels and Resorts in 26 countries worldwide. And hospitality reigns in each and every one of them. It’s time for Renaissance. («Newsweek», September 28, 1998) Exercise 5. Translate from English into Russian paying special attention to rendering stylistic peculiarities of the advertising materials and to preserving the function of the texts: HOSPITALITY, HUB TO HUB Take a fresh look at a network offering over 200 weekly flights, serving 48 destinations in four continents. Aboard some of the world’s most advanced aircraft. Experience the hospitality that warms up your mood from relaxed to refreshed to reflective each time we start up the engines. Royal Jordanian - Reflecting the Change. («Newsweek», September 28, 1998) JUST THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR OUR NEW ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND CAR PAINTS Water. The basis of life on our planet. A symbol of purity. And compared with paints using organic solvents, an obviously superior, environmentally sound, base. Because the environment is harmed by the emissions of organic solvents that otherwise arise during the painting process. While searching for alternatives, we were initially successful in developing water-based paints for primers. Not an easy task. Just think about it: a paint that can be diluted by water, of all things, is resistant to rust. The next step was to develop primer surfacers and base coats, which in the meantime have gone into full-scale production. For some time now, even the popular metallic paints have been available as water-based and largely emission-free products. This success was largely generated by our subsidiary, Herberts, which built one of the world’s largest water-based paint factories in Wuppertal (Germany) last year. There are thus a number of good reasons why our water-based paints are used on the assembly-lines of an increasing number of European car manufacturers. And in the near future, cars from Japan and USA will also shine with our environmentally sound paints. We will be happy to send you additional information. («Newsweek», August 5, 1996) Exercise 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English paying special attention to figures of speech:
Exercise 7. Determine the means of rendering the lexical units which belong to super-neutral vocabulary into Russian. Is the stylistic effect preserved?
Exercise 8. Analyze the means of rendering sub-neutral words and expressions into Russian:
Exercise 9. Analyze the translation of the extract from «The Catcher in the Rye» by J.D.Salinger paying special attention to the means employed by the translator in order to render the stylistic coloring produced by sub-neutral words and expressions:
Exercise 10. Translate the following passages paying attention to the difference in stylistic colouring of various remarks: 1) «There’s an expression on the tip of my tongue which seems to me to sum the whole thing up. Oh, rather, when I say an expression, I mean a saying. A wheeze. A gag. What, I believe, is called a saw. Something about Joy doing something.» «Joy cometh in the morning, sir?» «That’s the baby. Not one of your things, is it?» «No, sir.» «Well, it’s dashed good», I said (P.G. Wodehouse). 2) «Odd’s boddikins, Jeeves», I said, «I am in rare fettle this a.m. Talk about exulting in my youth! I feel up and doing, with a heart for any fate, as Tennyson says». «Longfellow, sir». «Oh, if you prefer it, Longfellow. I am in no mood to split hairs. Well, what’s the news?» «Miss Hopwood called while you were still asleep, sir». «No, really? I wish I’d seen her». «The young lady was desirous of entering your room and rousing you with a wet sponge, but I dissuaded her. I considered it best that your repose should not be disturbed» (P.G. Wodehouse). 3) «Was Nobby alone?» «No, sir. There was a gentleman with her, who spoke as if he were acquainted with you. Miss Hopwood addressed him as Stilton». «Big chap?» «Noticeably well developed, sir». «With a head like a pumpkin?» «Yes, sir. There was a certain resemblance to the vegetable» (P.G. Wodehouse). 4) «Who was it?» I asked, as he filtered in again. «Lord Worplesdon, sir». The significance of the thing failed to penetrate and, as I say, I oh-ahed with merely a faint spot of surprise. «The call was for me, sir. His lordship wishes me to go to his office immediately». «He wants to see you?» «Such was the impression I gathered, sir». «Did he say why?» «No, sir. Merely that the matter was of considerable urgency» (P.G. Wodehouse). 5) «You did say, Jeeves», I said, touching on this as he entered with the steaming Bohea, «that Aunt Agatha would not be at Steeple Bumpleigh to greet me on my arrival?» «Yes, sir. Her ladyship expects to be absent for some little time». «If she’s going to remain with young Thos till they’ve demumped him, it may well be that she will be away during the whole of my sojourn». «Quite conceivably, sir» (P.G.Wodehouse). 6) For some moments we discussed the relative merits of ham and kippers as buckers-up of the morale, there being much, of course, to be said on both sides, and then I touched on something which I had been meaning to touch on earlier. I can’t think how it came to slip my mind. «Oh, Jeeves», I said, «I knew there was something I wanted to ask you. What in the name of everything bloodsome are you doing here?» «I fancied that you might possibly be curious on that point, sir, and I was about to volunteer an explanation. I have come here in attendance on Mr. Fink-Nottle...» (P.G.Wodehouse). 7) ...But Bill, as we say, was agitated. He was brooding over an earlier remark that had fallen from this great man’s lips. «What do you mean, the gentleman may at any moment be calling?» he asked. The thought of receiving a visit from that red-faced man with the loud voice who had bellowed abuse at him all the way from Epsom Downs to Southmoltonshire was not an unmixedly agreeable one. «It is possible that he observed and memorized the number of our car, m’lord. He was in a position to study our licence plate for some considerable time, your lordship will recollect». Bill sank limply into a chair and brushed a bead of perspiration from his forehead. This contingency, as Jeeves would have called it, had not occurred to him. Placed before him now, it made him feel filleted. «Oh, golly, I never thought of that. Then he would get the owner’s name and come racing along here, wouldn’t he?» «So one would be disposed to imagine, m’lord». «Hell’s the bells, Jeeves!» «Yes, m’lord». Bill applied the handkerchief to his forehead again. «What do I do if he does?» «I would advise your lordship to assume a nonchalant air and disclaim all knowledge of the matter». «With a light laugh, you mean?» «Precisely, m’lord». Bill tried a light laugh. «How did it sound, Jeeves?» «Barely adequate, m’lord». «More like a death rattle?» «Yes, m’lord». «I shall need a few rehearsals». «Several, m’lord. It will be essential to carry conviction». Bill kicked petulantly at a footstool. «How do you expect me to carry conviction, feeling the way I do?» «I can really appreciate that your lordship is disturbed». «I’m all of a twitter. Have you ever seen a jelly hit by cyclone?» «No, m’lord, I have never been present on such an occasion». «It quivers. So do I». «After such an ordeal your lordship would be unstrung». «Ordeal is the right word, Jeeves. Apart from the beautiful peril one is in, it was so dashed ignominious having to leg it like that». «I should hardly express our recent activities as legging it, m’lord. «Strategic retreat» is more the mot juste. This is a recognized military manoeuvre, practised by all the greatest tacticians when the occasion seemed to call for such a move. I have no doubt that General Eisenhower has had recourse to it from time to time». «But I don’t suppose he had a fermenting punter after him, shouting «Welsher!» at the top of his voice». «Possibly not, m’lord». Bill brooded. «It was that word «Welsher» that hurt, Jeeves». «I can readily imagine it, m’lord. Objected to as irrelevant, incompetent and immaterial, as I believe the lexical expression is. As your lordship several times asseverated during our precarious homeward journey, you have every intention of paying the gentleman». «Of course I have. No argument about that. Naturally I intend to brass up to the last penny. It’s a case of... what, Jeeves?» «Noblesse oblige, m’lord». «Exactly. The honour of the Rowcester is at stake...» (P.G.Wodehouse). Exercise 11. Translate the sentences paying attention to rendering syntactical expressive devices:
«Yes, and look how the elms make long Gothic arches!» «Yes, and do look at the young leaves, so shrill, so virginal and green!» «Yes, and yet you can still see the beautiful tree skeleton - youth and age!» «Yes, and the chestnut blossom will be out soon!» «Yes, and the young grass is - Oh, Elizabeth, look, look! The deer! There’s two young ones». «Where? Where are they? I can’t see them. I want to see them!» (Aldington).
Exercise 12. Read the story and a) answer the following questions:
DEAR GRETA GARBO William Saroyan Dear Miss Garbo: I hope you noticed me in the newsreel of the recent Detroit Riot in which my head was broken. I never worked for Ford but a friend of mine told me about the strike and as I had nothing to do that day I went over with him to the scene of the riot and we were standing around in small groups chewing the rag about this and that and there was a lot of radical talk, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. I didn’t think anything was going to happen but when I saw the newsreel automobiles drive up, I figured, well, here’s a chance for me to get into the movies like I always wanted to, so I stuck around waiting for my chance. I always knew I had a sort of face that would film well and look good on the screen and I was greatly pleased with my performance, although the little accident kept me in the hospital a week. Just as soon as I got out, though, I went around to a little theatre in my neighborhood where I found out they were showing the newsreel in which I played a part, and I went into the theatre to see myself on the screen. It sure looked great, and if you noticed the newsreel carefully you couldn’t have missed me because I am the young man in the blue-serge suit whose hat fell off when the running began. Remember? I turned around on purpose three or four times to have my face filmed and I guess you saw me smile. I wanted to see how my smile looked in the moving pictures and even if I do say so I think it looked pretty good. My name is Felix Otria and I come from Italian people. I am a high-school graduate and speak the language like a native as well as Italian. I look a little like Rudolph Valentino and Ronald Colman, and I sure would like to hear that Cecil B. DeMille or one of those other big shots noticed me and saw what good material I am for the movies. The part of the riot that I missed because they knocked me out I saw in the newsreel and I mean to say it must have got to be a regular affair, what with the water hoses and the tear-gas bombs, and the rest of it. But I saw the newsreel eleven times in three days, and I can safely say no other man, civilian or police, stood out from the crowd the way I did, and I wonder if you will take this matter up with the company you work for and see if they won’t send for me and give me a trial. I know I’ll make good and I’ll thank you to my dying day, Miss Garbo. I have a strong voice, and I can play the part of a lover very nicely, so I hope you will do me a little favor. Who knows, maybe be some day in the near future I will be playing the hero in a picture with you. Yours very truly, Felix Otria.
1) Дорогая мисс Гарбо, Я надеюсь, Вы заметили меня в кинохронике о недавней стачке в Детройте, где мне разбили голову. Я никогда не работал на Форда, но один мой друг рассказал мне о забастовке, и так как мне нечего было делать в тот день, то я пошел с ним на место стачки, и мы стояли там небольшими группами, болтая о том о сем, и очень много было радикальных разговоров, но я не обратил на это внимания... 2) Любезная мисс Гарбо, Надеюсь, Вы заметили меня в кинохронике о недавней стачке о Детройте, где мне разбили голову. Сам я на Форда никогда не работал, но один мой приятель рассказал мне о забастовке. Дел у меня особых не было, вот я и отправился с ним на место события. Ну вот, стоим мы там, болтаем о том о сем, многие говорят о политике, но я как-то не обратил на это внимания... 3) Уважаемая госпожа Гарбо, Я надеюсь, Вы обратили на меня внимание, посмотрев кинохронику о прошедшей недавно в Детройте стачке, в ходе которой мне разбили голову. На заводах Форда я никогда не работал, но один мой друг рассказал мне о забастовке, и так как я бы свободен в тот день, то я пошел с ним на место события. Мы стояли небольшими группами и обсуждали разные проблемы, много говорилось о политике, но ничто не предвещало ничего плохого... Exercise 13. Read the story and a) answer the following questions:
A VERY SHORT STORY Ernest Hemingway One hot evening in Padua they carried him up onto the roof and he could look out over the top of the town. There were chimney swifts in the sky. After a while it got dark and the search-light came out. The others went down and took the bottles with them. He and Luz could hear them below on the balcony. Luz sat on the bed. She was cool and fresh in the hot night. Luz stayed on night duty for three months. They were glad to let her. When they were operated on him she prepared him for the operating table; and they had a joke about friend or enemy. He went under the anesthetic holding tight on to himself so he would not blab about anything during the silly, talky time. After he got on crutches he used to take the temperatures so Luz would not have to get up from the bed. There were only a few patients, and they all knew about it. They all like Luz. As he walked back along the halls he thought of Luz in his bed. Before he went back to the front they went into the Duomo and prayed. It was dim and quiet, and there were other people praying. They wanted to get married, but there was not enough time for the banns, and neither of them had birth certificates. They felt as though they were married, but they wanted every one to know about it, and to make it so they could not lose it. Luz wrote him many letters that he never got until after the armistice. Fifteen came in a bunch to the front and he sorted them by the dates and read them all straight through. They were all about the hospital, and how much she loved him and how it was impossible to get along without him and how terrible it was missing him at night. After the armistice they agreed he should go home to get a job so they might be married. Luz would not come home until he had a good job and could come to New York to meet her. It was understood he would not drink, and he did not want to see his friends or any one in the States. Only to get a job and be married. On the train from Padua to Milan they quarreled about her not being willing to come home at once. When they had to say good-bye, in the station in Milan, they kissed good-bye, but were not finished with the quarrel. He felt sick about saying good-bye like that. He went to America on a boat from Genoa. Luz went back to Pordonone to open a hospital. It was lonely and rainy there, and there was a battalion of arditi quartered in the town. Living in the muddy, rainy town in the winter, the major of the battalion made love to Luz, and she had known Italians before, and finally wrote to the States that theirs had been only a boy and girl affair. She was sorry, and she knew he would probably not be able to understand, but might some day forgive her, and be grateful to her, and she expected, absolutely unexpectedly, to be married in the spring. She loved him as always, but she realized now it was only a boy and girl love. She hoped he would have a great career, and believed in him absolutely. She knew it was for the best. The major did not marry her in the spring, or any other time. Luz never got an answer to the letter to Chicago about it. A short time after he contracted gonorrhea from a sales girl in a loop department store while riding in a taxicab through Lincoln Park. Exercise 14. Translate from Russian into English paying attention to the means of preserving the stylistic coloring of the text: ЧУБАЙС-БЕССМЕРТНЫЙ Дмитрий Князь Фольклористы будущего, принявшись за изучение памятника древней письменности под названием «Стенограммы заседаний Государственной думы», обнаружат, что чаще других персонажей в думских сказаниях фигурирует некий рыжий мироед по прозвищу Чубайс. И вроде бы самой большой мечтой и главной целью жизни большинства народных избранников было этого самого Чубайса полное изведение. Но почему-то подвиг этот никак богатырям не давался. Вот и под Рождество третьего года от сотворения пятой Думы (1998-й по старому стилю) страшная беда будто бы нависла надо всем отечеством: решил-де коварный со своим шестиглавым чудищем - РАО «ЕЭС» - пол-России заморозить. Вызвали депутаты Чубайса на бой. Главный защитник Руси, прозванный за стать Красным Зю, кричал: «Он угробил всю собственность в стране, теперь принялся за энергетику, в отставку его», - в народе думали, что теперь-то Рыжему от расправы не уйти. А товарищи Красного по палате вместо того говорят: «Присоветовать нанизать Чубайса на кол мы можем, вот только теплее от этого вряд ли станет. А ежели с ним по-хорошему, глядишь, и поддаст парку рыжий черт». В общем, опять злодей целехонек ушел. Какой-нибудь хитроумный доцент непременно диссертацию напишет в том духе, что и не думали богатыри Чубайса изводить. Ведь если бы не было этого «главного прихватизатора», прихвостня ужасного МВФа, как объяснить сиротам, старикам и вдовам все то, что творится в этой богом забытой стране. А так сказал: «Чубайс виноват!», - и всем все ясно, и с себя вроде как вину снял. Такой специальный оберег для депутатов, наподобие «чура». Магия, конечно, самая что ни на есть черная. Ну да Чубайс с ними, ученые разберутся. («Итоги», 15 декабря 1998 г.) Exercise 15. a) Read the text below and specify the stylistic devices (semaciological, lexical, syntactic) used in it; b) what functions do they perform? c) Translate the text trying to preserve the stylistic coloring and principal features of the individual author’s style: СТРАНА НЕПУГАНЫХ КАНДИДАТОВ Валерия Новодворская На нашем стадионе очень много праздных зрителей и очень много спортсменов. И не то чтобы последние были в хорошей спортивной форме. Тренироваться им было негде и не с кем. Такая страна. Такие выборы. Такие стадионы. Бегать негде, и никто бегать не умеет. И не то чтобы спортсмены соблюдали какие-то правила и вели себя спортивно. Куда там! Кусаются, лягаются, пихаются. Могут и покалечить. Но правил нет и не было здесь никогда. А то, что у американцев списано и чей день рождения отмечается 12 декабря, висит себе на стенке. В рамочке, для гостей. И не то чтобы зрители могли себе позволить праздно глазеть на забег. Легко- и тяжелоатлеты бегут за ними, за зрителями. И когда добегут - мало не покажется. Но на нашей спортплощадке так было всегда. За зрителями гонялись цари, генсеки, председатели Президиумов. Зрители привыкли сидеть и ждать своей участи. Сидеть сначала на стадионах, потом опять-таки на скамьях, но уже на других, в закрытых помещениях. А потом - в других местах, отдаленных, хотя и не столь. Было бы странно, если бы при таком стаже наши болельщики обеспокоились тем, что перед ними забегали какие-то кандидаты в президенты. Они же не говорят, что они кандидаты в палачи. По крайней мере, не все. И не каждый день. Чего остро не хватает на нашем стадионе, так это судей. Некому свисток употребить, дисквалифицировать, на допинг проверить. Фальстартников за шиворот на место вернуть. Был один судья в Кремле, все забеги останавливал. Зрители со стадиона расходились с бранью, но живые. А теперь оплошал. Все кричат: «Судью на мыло!». А Центризбирком в таких случаях решает по принципу: «Не судите, да не судимы будете». Ему что, больше всех надо? Итак, на одно рабочее место президента РФ претендуют уже полдюжины кандидатов. Скажете, много? Да нет, подтянутся еще. Смутное время. Положено являться Самозванцам. Из левого и правого центра. Лжедмитриям. Тушинским ворам. Они никогда не ждут, чтобы освободилась шапка Мономаха. У того Бориса был царевич Димитрий. У последнего нашего монарха была Чечня. Что из того, что мы простили? Простили ли чеченцы? Дано ли нам было право отпускать грехи - свои и его? По крайней мере, случившееся в 1994 - 1996 гг. Повод для «мальчиков кровавых в глазах». И, по-моему, единственная причина для этой прострации Ельцина. Этой безропотной обреченности, с которой он идет к гибели. Своей и страны... ...Сто дней прошли. Правительство Кириенко - это было его и наше Ватерлоо. А с острова св. Елены, как известно, уже не возвращаются. Кандидаты, которые уже поняли, что некого и нечего бояться, устраивают свои тараканьи бега без оглядки и страха Божьего. Работает тотализатор в «Итогах» на НТВ... ...Конечно, я хотела бы для Бориса Ельцина другого финала. Чтобы все было, как в Англии времен Кромвеля, хотя ни Селезнев, ни Зюганов на Кромвеля не тянут. Но чтобы президент начал войну с парламентом как тогда, в XVII веке. Куда-нибудь двинул какие-нибудь полки. Был бы разбит, предан и попал в плен. Его судили бы в Думе, нарочно бросив в дверях топор палача, как судили в парламенте Карла I. А он отказался бы признать их суд. И я, подобно старому солдату гвардии, могла бы крикнуть с места: «Слава павшему величию!» Все по Дюма. И его казнили бы на Лобном месте, а потомство отомстило бы за него. Но ничего этого не будет. В российской истории не было таких эпизодов. Величия не будет, даже павшего... ...Досрочные президентские выборы пройдут по законам русской классики. От «Бесов» Пушкина до «Бесов» Достоевского. («Новое время», №42/98) C O N T E N T S
ПРАКТИКУМ ПО СТИЛИСТИКЕ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Михаил Петрович ИВАШКИН, Вадим Витальевич СДОБНИКОВ, Андрей Васильевич СЕЛЯЕВ Редакторы: Л.П.Шахрова, Н.И.Морозова Лицензия ЛР № 020073 от 20.06.97Подписано в печать . Формат 60х90/16. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 7,5. Тираж 500 экз. Заказ № . Цена договорная. Издательство Нижегородского государственного лингвистического университета им. Н.А.Добролюбова 603155, Нижний Новгород, ул. Минина, 31а Типография "Вектор ТиС". Плр 060400 от 05.07.99. 603105, Н.Новгород, ул. Б.Панина, 3а, оф. 306, 337 тел. (8-312) 35-69-61, 35-57-40 |
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В. В. Сдобников, А. В. Селяев, С. Н. Чекунова Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов |
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Секция "Перевод и межкультурная коммуникация" Р е д а к ц и о н н а я к о л л е г и я: канд филол наук, доц. В. В. Сдобников (отв редактор), кнд филол наук, доц. Л. А. Аверкина,... |
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Клинические рекомендации по диагностике и лечению хронического панкреатита Москва 2013 Рамн проф. Ивашкин В. Т. Координатор работы: член-корр рамн проф. Маев И. В. Научный Совет: проф. Ивашкин В. Т., проф. Маев И. В.,... |
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