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тема Повышенный уровень В 1 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1- 6 частями предложений A - G. Одна из частей в списке A - G - лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу. Scotland was once 1 . But in the 17th century the crowns of the two nations, England and Scotland, were united, then, at the beginning of the 18th century, the Scottish parliament was merged with the English parliament, and Scotland lost its 2_ . The Scots are a proud 3 . They have some freedom from the rule of the central government in London. But in recent years that has not been enough for many Scots. Since the discovery of oil in the North Sea near the Scottish coast, they think they should have more 4 . A Scottish National Party was formed. Some of its members want 5 , others fight for devolution. What does «devolution» mean? It means first of all having a separate parliament in Scotland to decide Scottish problems. A referendum was held in 1979 to find out how much the Scots really wanted to rule their country. Only 33% (per cent) of the population had said «Yes». This was not enough for the United Kingdom Parliament 6 . A to grant devolution B political independence C independence from the government in England D an independent country E complete independence F independent people G to fight for their independence 1 2 3 4 5 6 Высокий уровень В 2 Прочитайте текст и выполните задания A1-A7, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. THE WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER After Frank Candlin Margit and Eduard Erling have been to England several times before. They usually came by air, but this time they decided they would try coming by sea. "I suppose we shall be sea-sick, but I'm ready to try anything once," Margit had said, when they bought their tickets, and now they were half¬way across the Channel, with the sun shining overhead, and the sea as calm and smooth as a lake. They had set off from their home in Lucerne (Switzerland) late the evening before and travelled across France all through the night, arriving at Calais in time to go on board the cross-Channel boat wait¬ing at the quay. Having seen their suitcases put away in one of the luggage-racks, they went straight down to the restau¬rant for breakfast — an English breakfast: bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade and tea or coffee. Coming up on deck after breakfast, they saw that the coast of France was disap¬pearing behind them and ahead, shining white in the bright sunlight, were the cliffs of England — the white cliffs of Dover. Margit and Eduard joined the many passengers who were leaning on the rails watching the English coast coming nearer and nearer. At last the cliffs closed round them, and they were in Dover Harbour. Giving up their landing cards they stepped on to the quay. It seemed much more exciting than getting out of a plane at the London Airport. At the entrance to the Customs Office their passports were checked. Inside they found their porter waiting for them with their bags on the long wooden tables behind which stood the customs of¬ficers. The officer did not ask them to open their cases and in another minute they were through the gate, on the platform, and then sitting in their reserved seats on the London train. As the boat-train pulled in, Eduard was going to call a taxi, but Margit said she would rather go by "Tube". She thought travelling by Underground was part of the fun of coming to London. So, leaving their bags in the Left Luggage Office, they went on the District Line to Charing Cross. This line runs mostly on the surface, and goes underground only in the centre of London. At Charing Cross they changed to the Baker-loo Line. They followed coloured lights along tunnels till they came to the train for Piccadilly. After a lunch in a res¬taurant, they travelled back to Victoria Station by bus, and caught a local train to Bishopton, where their friends were waiting for them at the station with the car. A1. Margit and Eduard Erling have been to England several times before that’s way they decided to go there 1. on foot 2. by air 3. by sea 4. by car A2. At last they arrived at Calais 1. with their friends 2. alone 3. quickly 4. in time A3. When they returned after their breakfast they saw 1. their suitcases 2. the coast of France 3. the white cliffs of Dover 4. their parents A4. To be on the quay it was much more 1. interesting 2. difficult 3. unusual 4. exciting A5. In train they had their 1. reserved seats 2. free seats 3. occupied seats 4. comfortable seats A6. At last they decided to 1. go by car 2. call a taxi 3. go by Metro 4. wait A7. They knew that their friends 1. were ready to join them 2. were waiting for them 3. were very upset to see them 4. were very glad to meet them Говорение Student Cards Task 1 (3-4 min) Give a talk on the topic “Different landscapes – different countries” Remember to speak about: -where the UK ( the USA or Russia) is situated; -what the country is washed by; -the rivers, lakes, mountainous areas; -what types of climate there are on the territory of the country; -the population of the country; -the representatives of what nationality live in the country Task 2 (1, 5 -2 min) You are in a foreign country. You have lost your camera. Ask police officer what you have to do -about the application form; -how to fill it in correctly; -describe your camera; -ask when and where you can get the information about your lost property; -clear up where the Lost Property Office is located and what its telephone number is; -find out if you have to pay some money for the service. You will start the conversation Remember to: be active and polite; ask all the questions to get the necessary information. Task 3 (4-5 min) You and your friend are discussing your plans for the summer holidays. There are three options to choose from. You have to decide on one of them: -to go to London; -o stay at home in your native town; -to enjoy the sights of Washington. You begin the conversation. Remember to: discuss all the points; take an active part in the conversation and be polite; come up with suggestions; give reasons; invite your partner to come up with suggestions; find out your partner’s attitudes and take them into account; come to an agreement. Грамматика и лексика Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4 – B10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4 – B10. Mystery of Wales B4 The story of the Welsh people is one of determined resistance to invaders – the Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Normans and finally the English. After the falls of the Roman Empire in 410 AD, the barbarian Anglo-Saxons _____________Britain. INVADE B5 Legendary kings and princes, like King Arthur, won important victories against the Saxons, but gradually these original 'Britons' _____________ west, into the hills and mountains of Wales. PUSH B6 Welsh princes fought hard against the English, but Wales was finally conquered. Despite the conquest, Wales _____________ its unique culture and strong national identity, particularly through its language. MAINTAIN B7 Since the 1960s, though, there has been a revival of the Welsh language. Welsh is also an official language, it _____________ in schools and there is a Welsh language TV channel. TEACH B8 A tradition of poetry and _____________ began in the castles of the Welsh princes in the middle ages and continues today. SING B9 Wales is a musical nation and choirs are important. Nowadays, when the national rugby team _____________ in Cardiff, 80,000 voices can be heard singing the Welsh hymn 'Bread of Heaven'. PLAY B10 The flag of Wales, with its red dragon, is one of _____________in the world. It was brought to Britain by the Romans. OLD Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22 – А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A22 – A28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Education in Australia In Australia most children A22 ______ primary school from the age of five. Only two per cent of children of primary school age are A23 ______ at home. Some children who go to school also take up extra activities such as learning to play a musical instrument or dancing, and they go to private classes for these and for school A24 ______ they find difficult or particularly interesting, such as languages, mathematics or computing. Ninety-five per cent of the population go on to secondary school, but a much smaller percentage pass the final year of secondary school examinations and complete a university degree. At the moment university A25 ______ and graduates make A26 ______ less than a third of the total population. Australian universities are modern and well-equipped. Most teaching is by a combination of lectures, tutorials and A27 ______ classes. The humanities courses like History and Philosophy, usually involve a lot of extra A28 ______ in the library. To become a primary or secondary school teacher, it is usually necessary to study at a university for three years or more. A22 1) frequent 2) assist 3) go 4) attend A23 1) brought up 2) educated 3) trained 4) taught A24 1) matters 2) courses 3) subjects 4) topics A25 1) pupils 2) trainees 3) apprentices 4) students A26 1) up 2) on 3) out 4) at A27 1) possible 2) practical 3) habitual 4) applied A28 1) lectures 2) reading 3) training 4) tutorials Письмо Для ответов на задания С1, С2 используйте Бланк ответов № 2. При выполнении заданий С1 и С2 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в Бланке ответов № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. При заполнении Бланка ответов № 2 вы указываете сначала номер задания С1, С2, а потом пишете свой ответ. Если одной стороны Бланка недостаточно, вы можете использовать другую сторону Бланка. C1 You have 20 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Paul who writes: Write a letter to Paul. In your letter - tell him about where you are planning to go on holiday and why - ask 3 questions about Alice and her summer job. Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. C2 You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on the following statement. Some people think that the best rest in the world is going abroad; others argue that there is no place like home. What is your opinion? Give pros and cons for resting abroad. Write 200 – 250 words. Use the following plan: - make an introduction (state the problem) - give arguments for and against - express your personal opinion and give reasons for it - draw a conclusion Аудирование Базовый уровень Вы услышите небольшой рассказ. Запишите недостающую информацию в вопросах В1-В7 в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания в отведенное для этого место в таблице. Вы услышите запись дважды. Like any other capital, Washington always has a lot of tourists. People from other countries and all parts of the United States come to Washington (which stands on the river Potomac) every day. They want to see the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, the White House and the Capitol. They want to see their capital and the monuments to those who struggled in the past to make an English colony a free country. In 1791 George Washington, the first American president, chose the place for a capital city. He thought it was a good place because the Potomac River was a deep enough for ships to come to the city. Washington is not a typical American city. It has no skyscrapers and nobody will build a house higher than the Capitol. It is a nice thing not to have stone jungles in the city. There are a lot of large public gardens, parks where you can sit in the sun, and wide streets like Pennsylvania Avenue. The tourists think that the life of the capital is not very active. But during lunch-time there are very many runners in the city. They are office-workers who take care of their health. After sitting at a desk for several hours they prefer to run slowly a few kilometers. В 1 Like any other capital, Washington always has….. В 2 They want to see … and the monuments to those who struggled in the past to make an English colony a …. В 3 In …. George Washington, the first American president, chose the place for a capital city В 4 Washington is not a …. В 5 nobody will build a house higher than … В 6 The tourists think that the life of the capital is … В 7 They are office-workers who take care of… B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Повышенный уровень Прослушайте 7 небольших текстов. Установите соответствия между заголовками A-H и текстами 1-7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. Вы услышите запись дважды. 1 Some of the ceremonies in London date back to medieval times. One of the strange ones is The Boar's Head Gift. The Butcher's Company pre¬sents the Mayor with a boar's head on a silver plate every year, as a payment for lands granted in the 14th century. 2 The famous red telephone boxes were designed by architect Giles Gilbert Scott in the 1920s. The colour red was chosen to make them easy to spot. Sadly, these images of England are now disappear¬ing. After the privatization of the Post Office Telephone, British Telecom began to replace them with a new model. 3 It was British comic Lenny Henry who came up with the idea. "Why not have fun and help peo¬ple at the same time?" he thought. Other comics liked the idea and in 1985 a special organization — Comic Relief — was set up. Since it first started, Comic Relief has raised over £300 million by involving the public and celebri¬ties in fun events. 4 As you have probably guessed, the symbol of Red Nose Day is the clown nose. Each year a different red nose is sold. Since 1985 there have been all kinds of noses: boring plain ones, the ones that looked like faces, then the ones that squeaked, then the ones that changed colour when they got hot, then the ones that stuck their tongues out when squeezed... And this year's noses had fuzzy red hair which you could style as you pleased (it came with its own gel!). 5 According to a survey conducted by a television company last year, Britain is a nation of tea-lov¬ing soap opera fans who value privacy, love their pets, grumble about the weather and very proud of their sense of humour. |
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