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partial inversion) and their shift into the front, opening position in the sentence. The structure of questions as we know is characterized by the grammatically inverted word order. If direct word order is re-established in questions, we can speak of secondary inversion (i.e. inversion of inversion). The inverted questions (i.e. questions with direct word order beyond conveying the tone and manner of the speaker also due to the changed structure) acquire the connotation meaning of the questioner's awareness of the possible nature of the expected answer. (2) Rhetorical question, which is the statement in the form of a question, also presupposes the possible (though not demanded) answer: the positive form of the rhetoric, question predicts the negative answer, the negative form - the positive answer. (3) Apokoinu construction, characteristic of irregular oral speech, presents a blend of two clauses into one, which is achieved at the expense of the omission of the connecting word and the double syntactical function acquired by the unit occupying the linking position between both former clauses: thus, "I'm the first one saw her," presents the blend of the complex sentence "I'm the first one who saw her." Due to its contraction into the apokoinu construction syntactical functions of "the first one"— predicative of the first clause, and "who"— subject of the second one — are both attributed to "the first one" which becomes the syntactical centre of the newly coined sentence. The main stylistic function of apokoinu constructions is to emphasize the irregular, careless or uneducated character of the speech of personages. (4) In ellipsis, which is the omission of one of the main members of a sentence, we must differentiate the one used in the author's narration to change its tempo and condense its structure from the one used in personages' speech to reflect the oral norms and create the effect of naturalness and authenticity of the dialogue. (5) Through detachment secondary members of the sentence acquire independent stress and intonation which leads to their emphatic intensification. The effect is the strongest if detached members are isolated from the rest of the sentence by full stops. (6) Sudden break in the narration, or aposiopesis, is a norm of excited oral speech. As a SD it is used to indicate emotions paralyzing the character's speech or his deliberate stop in the utterance to conceal its meaning. Certain phrases, often repeated with the intonation of the nonfinished sentence, become trite aposiopeses. They indicate that the speaker's idea of the possible continuation of utterance exists in a very general, non-detailed, vague form. ("Well, I never!" reads approximately "Well, I never expected it"; "I never thought of it", etc.) (7) Suspense, holding the reader or the listener in tense anticipation, is often realized through the separation of predicate from subject or from predicative, by the deliberate introduction between them of a phrase, clause or sentence (frequently parenthetic). (8) The function and impact of repetition depends upon the position occupied by the repeated unit. Thus,
We should not forget also morphological repetition when (mainly to achieve humorous effect) a morpheme is repeated. (9) Repetition, involving the whole structure of the sentence is called parallelism and is differentiated into complete parallelism, presenting identical structures of two or more successive clauses or sentences, and partial parallelism, in which the repeated sentence-pattern may vary. (10) Chiasmus is also called reversed parallelism, for into its pattern two sentences are included, of which the second necessarily repeats the structure of the first, or in reversed manner, so that the general formula of chiasmus may be fixed as follows: SPO, OPS. (11) Polysyndeton is also a kind of repetition — here conjunctions or connecting words are repeated. The repetition of "and", e. g., mainly creates the atmosphere of bustling activity; the repetition of "or" serves either to stress equal importance of enumerated factors or to emphasize the validity of the indicated phenomenon regardless of its varying denominations by various parties concerned, etc. (12) Asyndeton, like polysyndeton, is a type of syntactical connection but unlike polysyndeton, offers no conjunctions or connecting words for this purpose. Hence difference in functions: asyndeton is used mostly to indicate tense, energetic, organized activities or to show succession of minute, immediately following each other actions. Opening the story (the passage, the chapter), asyndeton helps to give a laconic and at the same time detailed introduction into the action proper. EXERCISES EX. 1. Analyze the following cases of complete and partial inversion. State the difference between inversion in interrogative and affirmative sentences: 1. Out came the chaise—in went the horses—on sprul ie boys—in got the travellers. (D.) 2. Up came the file and down sat the editor, with Mr. Pickwick at his side. (D 3. Women are not made for attack. Wait they must. (J.C.) 4. And she saw that Gopher Prairie was merely an enlargement of all the hamlets which they had been passing only to the eyes of a Kennicott was it exceptional. (S.L.) 5. Calm and quiet below me in the sun and shadow lay the old house. (D.) 6. How have I implored and begged that man to inquire into captain’s family connections; how have I urged and entreated him to take some decisive step. (D.) 7. Gay and merry was the time; and right gay and merry were at least four of the numerous hearts that were gladdened by its coming. (D.) EX. 2. Discuss the nature and functions of the following rhetorical questions:
2. Why do we need refreshment, my friends? Because we are but mortal, because we are but sinful, because we are but of the earth, because we are not of the air? Can we fly, my friends? We cannot. Why can we not fly? Is it because we are calculated to walk? (D.) 3. What courage can withstand the everduring and all besetting terrors of a woman's tongue? (W. J.) 4. But what words shall describe the Mississippi, great father of the rivers, who (praise be to Heaven) has no young children like him?(D.) 5. How should a highborn lady be known from a sun-burnt milk-maid, save that spears are broken for the one, and only hazepoles shattered for the other? (W. Sc.) 6. Who will be open where there is no sympathy, or has call to speak to those who never can understand? (Th.) 7. Wouldn't we all do better not trying to understand accepting the fact that no human being will ever understand another, not a wife a husband, a lover a mistress, nor a parent a child? (Gr. Gr.) EX. 3. Indicate the type of complex sentences contracted in the following apokoinu constructions. Suggest conjunctions and connecting words which might have joined former clauses: 1. I'm the first one saw her. (T.C.) 2. It was I was a father to you. (S. B.) 3. He's the one makes the noise at night. (H.) 4. He would show these bums who it was kept them fed. (J.) 5. It was Sponge told Bruce who was in the car. (Sh.A.) 6. I didn't transfer. I was transferred. It was Houston did it because I spoke my piece. (J.) 7. There's no one enjoys good food more than he does. (S.M.) 8. You'd be surprised at the times we do get our man - sometimes after several years. It's patience does it—patience and never letting up. (Ch.) 9. It was then he took the plunge. (S. B.) 10. I love Nevada. Why, they don't even have mealtimes here. I never met so many people didn't own a watch. (A. M.) 11. There was a door led into the kitchen. (Sh.A.) 12. There was no breeze came through the door. (H.) 13. Everyone found him attractive. It was his temper let him down. (Ch.) 14. It was then he met Stella. (S. M.) 15. There was a whisper in my family that it was love drove him out, and not love of the wife he married. (St.) EX. 4. Discuss the nature of the following elliptical and one-member sentences: 1. Fast asleep—no passion in the face, no avarice, no anxiety, no wild desire; all gentle, tranquil, and at peace. (D) 2. I’ll go, Doli! I'll go!" This from Bead, large eyes larger than usual behind his horn-rimmed glasses. (J.) 3. ...the girl was washing the glasses. The establishment boasted four; we do not record the circumstance as at all derogatory to Mrs. Raddle. (D.) 4. There was only a little round window at the Bitter Orange company. No waiting-room—nobody at all except a girl who came to the window when Miss Moss knocked, and said: "Well?" (K. M.) 5. Pain and discomfort—that was all the future held. And meanwhile ugliness, sickness, fatigue. (A. H.) 6. A poor boy... No father, no mother, no any one. 7. I am afraid you think I'm conservative. I am. So much to conserve. All this treasure of American ideals. Sturdiness and democracy and opportunity. Maybe not at Palm Beach. But, thank heaven, we’re free from such social distinctions in Gopher Prairie. (S. L.) 8. Not that I give a hoot about jewelry. Diamonds, yes. But it’s tacky to wear diamonds before you're forty; and even then it's risky. They only look right on the really old girls. Maria Ouspenskaya. Wrinkles and bones, white hair and diamonds. (T. C.) 9. Inspector Badgworthy in his office. Time, 8.30 a.m. A tall, portly man, Inspector Badgworthy, with a heavy regulation tread. Inclined to breathe hard in moments of professional strain. In attendance Constable Johnson, very new to Force, with a downy unfledged look about him, like a human chicken. (Ch.) 10. We have never been readers in our family. It don't pay. Stuff. Idleness. Folly. No, no! (D.) 11. A black February day. Clouds hewn of ponderous timber weighing down on the earth; an irresolute dropping of snow specks upon the trampled wastes. Gloom but no veiling of angularity. The lines of roofs and sidewalks sharp and inescapable. The second day of Kennicott's absence . . . (S. L.) 12. A dark gentleman... A very bad manner. In the last degree constrained, reserved, diffident, troubled. (D.) 13. And we got down at the bridge. White cloudy sky, with mother-of-pearl veins. Pearl rays shooting through, green and blue-white. River roughed by a breeze. White as a new file in the distance. Fishwhite streak on the smooth pin-silver upstream. Shooting new pins. (J. C.) 14. "What sort of a place is Dufton exactly?" "A lot of mills. And a chemical factory. And a Grammar school and a memorial and a river that runs different colours each day. And a cinema and fourteen pubs. That's really all one can say about it." (J. Br.) 15. "Good-night. Mr. Povey. I hope you'll be able to sleep." Constance's voice! "It will probably come on again." Mr. Povey's voice pessimistic! Then the shutting of doors. It was almost dark. (A.B.) 16."Them big-assed folks is dumb!" Emphatic judgement. "Dumb ain't no word for 'em! They just like us, but they too damned mean to admit it!" Hilarious agreement. "They scared to death of us. They know if they give us half a chance, we'd beat 'em!" Uttered with sage confidence ... "Fish, you so quiet and wise." A memorized smile. "I didn't want to mess up my plans with no trouble with white folks." A spontaneous lie... "Gee, Fish, you lucky." Crooned admiration. "Aw, that's nothing." Hinting at undisclosed marvels. (Wr.) EX. 5. State the functions of the following ellipses. Indicate most frequently omitted members of the sentence: 1. And if his feelings about the war got known, he'd be nicely in the soup. Arrested, perhaps—got rid of, somehow. (A.) 2. He is understood to be in want of witnesses, for the Inquest tomorrow.. Is immediately referred to innumerable people who can tell nothing whatever. Is made more imbecile by being constantly informed that Mrs. Green's son "was a law-writer hisself..." (D.) 3. What happiness was ours that day, what joy, what rest, what hope, what gratitude, what bliss! (D.) 4. "I have noticed something about it in the papers. Heard you mention it once or twice, now I come to think of it." (B. Sh.) 5. "Where mama?" "She home," his father breathed. (Wr.) 6. "What you think, Fish?" Zeke asked with an aloof smile. "Zeke, you a dog and I kind of believe you," Fishbelly said. (Wr.) 7. "She one of you family or something?" "Who, the one downstairs? No, she's called Mrs. Davies (K.A.) EX. 6. Classify the following isolated members according to their syntactical function. Discuss the punctuation used to isolate the detached members and their distribution in the sentence: 1. Each of them carried a notebook, in which whenever the great man spoke, he desperately scribbled. Straight from the horse’s mouth. (A.H.) 2. She narrowed her eyes a trifle at me and said I looked exactly like Celia Briganza’s boy. Around the mouth. (S.) 3. And life would move slowly and excitingly. With much laughter and much shouting and talking and much drinking and much fighting. (P. A.) 4."How do you like the Army?" Mrs. Silsburn asked. Abruptly, conversationally. (S.) 5. He is alert to his fingertips. Little muffs, silver garters, fringed gloves draw his attention; he observes with a keen quick glance, not unkindly, and full rather of amusement than of censure. (V. W.) 6. Despiere had been nearly killed, ingloriously, in a jeep accident. (I. Sh.) 7. A hawk, serene, flows in the narrowing circles above. (A.M.) 8. The people are awful this year. You should see what sits next to us in the dining room. At the next table. They look as if they drove down in a truck. (S.) 9. I have to beg you for money. Daily! (S. L.) 10. And he stirred it with his pen — in vain. (K.M.) 11. And Fleur — charming in her jade-green wrapper — tucked a corner of her lip behind a tooth, and went back to her room to finish dressing. (G.) EX. 7. Comment on the syntactical distribution of the following cases of aposiopesis and on the causes which necessitated them. Suggest the implied meaning of trite aposiopesis: 1. He would have to stay. Whatever might happen, that was the only possible way to salvation — to stay, to trust Emily, to make himself believe that with the help of the children... (P. Q.) 2. Paritt: Well, they'll get a chance now to show — (Hastily) I don't mean — But let's forget that. (O.'N.) 3. She must leave—or—or, better yet—maybe drown herself—make away with herself in some way—or—" (Dr.) 4. "Shuttleworth, I—I want to speak to you in—in strictest confidence—to ask your advice. Yet—yet it is upon such a serious matter that I hesitate—fearing—" (W. Q.) 5. Paritt: I told her, "You've always acted the free woman, you've never let any thing stop you from—" (He checks himself—goes on hurriedly.) That made her sore. (O.N.) 6. And it was so unlikely that any one would trouble to look there—until—until—well. (Dr.) 7. "It is the moment one opens one's eyes that is horrible at sea. These days! Oh, these days! I wonder how anybody can... " (J. C.) 8. What about the gold bracelet she'd been wearing that afternoon, the bracelet he'd never seen before and which she'd slipped off her wrist the moment she realized he was in the room? Had Steve given her that? And if he had...(P. Q.) 9. Oh, that's what you are doing. Well, I never. (K A.) 10."But, John, you know I'm not going to a doctor. I’ve told you." "You're going—or else." (P. Q.) 11. ... shouting out that he'd come back that his mother had better have the money ready for him. Or else! That is what he said: "Or else!" It was a threat. (Ch.) 12. "I still don't quite like the face, it's just a trifle too full, but—" I swung myself on the stool. (L.) 13. "So you won't come at all?!" I don't yet know. It all depends." (P.) 14. "Will you ever change your mind?" "It depends, you know." (T. C.) EX. 8. Analyze the manner in which the following cases of suspense are organized: 1. All this Mrs. Snagsby, as an injured woman and the friend of Mrs. Chadband, and the follower of Mr. Chadband, and the mourner of the late Mr. Tulkinghorn, is here to certify. (D.) 2. I have been accused of bad taste. This has disturbed me, not so much for my own sake (since I am used to the slights and arrows of outrageous fortune) as for the sake of criticism in general. (S.M.) 3. No one seemed to take proper pride in his work: from plumbers who were simply thieves to, say, newspapermen (he seemed to think them a specially intellectual class) who never by any chance gave a correct version of the simplest affair. (J. C.) 4. ". . .The day on which I take the happiest and best; step of my life—the day on which I shall be a man more exulting and more enviable than any other man in the world—the day on which I gave Bleak House its little mistress—shall be next month, then," said my guardian. (D.) 5. "If you had any part—I don't say what—in this attack," pursued the boy, "or if you know anything about it—I don't say how much—or if you know who did it—I go no closer—you did an injury to me that's never to be forgiven" (D.) 6. Corruption could not spread with so much success, though reduced into a system, and though some ministers, with equal impudence and folly, avowed it by themselves and their advocates, to be the principal expedient by which they governed; if a long and almost unobserved progression of causes and effects did not prepare the conjuncture. (Bol.) EX. 9. Classify the following cases of repetition according to the position occupied by the repeated unit. State their functions: 1. Heroes all. Natural leaders. Morrows always been leaders, always been gentlemen. Oh, take a drink once in a while but always like Morrows. Always know how to make heroic gestures—except me—how to knock their wives up with good Morrow sons – how to make money without looking like they even give a damn. Oh the Morrows and the Morrows and the Morrows and the Morrows, to the last syllable of recorded time...(T.H.) 2. "This is a rotten country," said Cyril. "Oh, I don't know, you know, don't you know!" I said. (P.G.W.) 3. ... the photograph of Lotta Lindbeck he tore into small bits across and across and across. (E. F.) 4. I wanted to knock over the table and hit him until my arm had no more strength in it, then give him the boot, give him the boot, give him the boot—I drew a deep breath . . . (J. Br.) 5. There followed six months in Chicago, in which he painted not one picture that was satisfactory to him, that was not messed into nothingness by changes and changes and changes. (Dr.) 6. There seemed to be no escape, no prospect of freedom. "If I had a thousand pounds", thought Miss Fulkes, "a thousand pounds. A thousand pounds." The words were magical. "A thousand pounds." (A.H.) 7. One may see by their footprints that they have not walked arm in arm; and that they have not walked in a straight track, and that they have walked in a moody humor. (D.) 8. It were better that he knew nothing. Better for common sense, better for him, better for me. (D.) 9. He sat, still and silent, until his future landlord accepted his proposals and brought writing materials to complete the business. He sat, still and silent, while the landlord wrote. (D.) 10. Supposing his head had been held under water for a while. Supposing the first blow had been truer. Supposing he had been shot. Supposing he had been strangled. Supposing this way, that way, the other way. Supposing anything but getting unchained from the one idea for that was inexorably impossible. (D.) 11. The whitewashed room was pure white as of old, the methodical book-keeping was in peaceful progress as of old, and some distant howler was hanging against a cell door as of old. (D.) 12. I wake up and I'm alone, and I walk round Warley and I’m alone, and I talk with people and I'm alone and I look at his face when I'm home and it’s dead...(J. Br.) 13. He ran away from the battle. He was an ordinary human being that didn't want to kill or be killed, so he ran away from the battle. (St.H.) 14....they took coach and drove westward. Not only westward, but drove into that particular westward division, which Bella had seen last when she turned her turned her face from Mr. Boffin's door. Not only drove into that particular division, but drove at last into that very street. Not only drove into that very street, but stopped at last at that very house. (D.) 15. Failure meant poverty, poverty meant squalor, squalor led, in the final stages, to the smells and stagnation of B. Inn Alley. (D. du M.) 16. If he had acted guilty...they would have had him. But he had carried it off. He had carried it off, and it was the private who had come out as the guilty party. (J.) 17. Mr. Winkle is gone. He must be found, Sam—found: and brought back to me. (D.) 18. ...all was old and yellow with decay. And decay was the smell and being of that room. (B. D.) 19. You know—how brilliant he is, what he should be doing. And it hurts me. It hurts me every day of my life. (W. D.) 20. If you have anything to say, say it, say it. (D.) EX. 10. Classify the following cases of morphological repetition according to the place of the repeated morpheme and the function of repetition: 1. She unchained, unbolted, and unlocked the door. (A. B.) 2. "You, Sir," said Snawley, addressing the terrified Smike, "are an unnatural, ungrateful, unloveable boy." (D.) 3. Young Blight made a great show of fetching from his desk a long thin manuscript volume with a brown paper cover, and running his finger down the day's appointments, murmuring, "Mr. Aggs, Mr. Baggs, Mr. Daggs, Mr. Faggs, Mr. Gaggs, Mr. Boffin. Yes, Sir, quite right. You are a little before your time, sir. . ." Young Blight made another great show of changing the volume, taking up a pen, sucking it, dipping it, and running over previous entries before he wrote, as,"Mr. Alley, Mr. Bailey, Mr. Galley, Mr. Dalley, Mr. Falley, Mr. Galley, Mr. Halley, Mr. Kalley, Mr. Malley. And Mr. Boffin." (D.) 4. ...it's all the chatting and the feeding and the old squiring and the toing and froing that runs away with the time. (K.A.) 5. Laughing, crying, cheering, chaffing, singing, David Rossi's people brought him home in triumph. (H.C.) 6. There was then...a calling over of names, and great work of singeing, sealing, stamping, inking, and sanding, with exceedingly blurred, gritty and undecipherable results. (D.) 7. The procession then re-formed; the chairmen resumed their stations: and the march was re-commenced. (D.) 8. Force of police arriving, he recognized in them the conspirators, and laid about him hoarsely, fiercely, staringly, convulsively, foamingly. (D.) 9. The doctor's friend was in the positive degree of hoarseness, red-facedness, all-fours, tobacco, dirt and brandy; the doctor in the comparative—hoarser, puffier, more red-faced, more all-foury, tobaccoer, dirtier and brandier. 10."She says—you know her way—she says, 'You're chickenest-hearted, feeblest, faintest man I ever see." 11. He had always been looked up to as a high authority on all matters of amusement and dexterity, whether offensive, defensive or inoffensive. (D.) 12. The guides called to the mules, the mules pricked up their drooping heads, the travellers' tongues were loosened in a sudden burst of slipping, climbing, jingling, clinking and talking, they arrived at the convent. (D.) 13. ...the gloomy Cathedral of Our Lady . . . without the walls, encompassing Paris with dancing, love-making, wine-drinking, tobacco-smoking, tomb-visiting, billiard, card- and domino-playing, quack-doctoring... (D.) EX. 11. Classify the following parallel constructions into complete and partial parallelism: 1. It was Mr. Squeers's custom to make a sort of regarding the relations and friends he had seen, the news he had heard, the letters he had brought down, the bills which had been paid, the accounts which had beer unpaid, and so forth. (D.) 2. It is the fate of most men who mingle with the work and attain even in the prime of life, to make many real friends, and lose them in the course of nature, it is the fate of all authors or chroniclers to create imaginary friends, and lose then in the course of art. (D.) 3. You know I am very grateful to him; don't you? You know I feel a true respect for him...don't you? (D.) 4. ...their anxiety is so keen, their vigilance is so great, their excited joy grows so intense as the signs of life strengthen, that how can she resist it! (D.) 5. "If you are sorrowful, let me know why, and be sorrowful too; if you waste away and are paler and weak every day, let me be your nurse and try to comfort you. If you are poor, let us be poor together; but let me be with you." (D.) 6. What is it? Who is it? When was it? Where was it? How was it? (D.) 7. The coach was waiting, the horses were fresh, the roads were good, and the driver was willing. (D.) 8. The Reverend Frank Milvey's abode was a very modest abode, because his income was a very modest income. (D.) 9. ...they all stood, high and dry, safe and sound, hale and hearty, upon the steps of the Blue Lion. (D.) 10. The expression of his face, the movement of his shoulders, the turn of his spine, the gesture of his hands, probably even the twiddle of his toes, all indicated a half-humorous apology. (S.M.) 11. The one was all the other failed to be. Protective, not demanding; dependable, not weak; low-voiced, never strident. . . (D.du M.) 12. The sky was dark and gloomy, the air damp and raw, the streets wet and sloppy. (D.) 13. Oh! be that ideal still! That great inheritance throw not away—that tower of ivory do not destroy! (O.W.) 14. Nostrils wide, scenting the morning air for the taint of game, his senses picked up something alien in the atmosphere. Naked body, taut and alert, his dark eyes searched the distance. (K.P.) EX. 12. State what other syntactical stylistic means are used alongside with the following cases of parallelism: 1. He was a sallow man—all cobblers are; and had a strong bristly beard—all cobblers have. (D.) 2. You missed a friend, you know; or you missed a foe, you know; or you wouldn't come here, you know. (D.) 3. Through all the misery that followed this union; through all the cold neglect and undeserved reproach; through all the poverty he brought upon her; through all the struggles of their daily life . . . she toiled on. (D.) 4. It's only an adopted child. One I have told her of. One I an going to give the name to. (D.) 5. Secretly, after nightfall, he visited the home of the Prime Minister. He examined it from top to bottom. He measured all the doors and windows. He took up the flooring. He inspected the plumbing, he examined the furniture. He found nothing. (L.) 6. "Aha!" he cried. "Where now, Brass? Where now? Sally with you, too? Sweet Sally! And Dick? Pleasant Dick! Kit? Honest Kit!" (D.) 7. Passage after passage did he explore; room after room did he peep into...(D.) 8. Talent Mr. Micawber has. Capital Mr. Micawber has not. (D.) EX. 13. Discuss the following cases of chiasmus: 1. I know the world and the world knows me. (D.) 2. Mr. Boffin looked full at the man, and the man looked at Mr. Boffin. (D.) 3.There are so many sons who won't have anything to do with their fathers, and so many fathers who won't speak to their sons. (O. W.) 4. I looked at the gun, and the gun looked at me. (R. Ch.) 5. His dislike of her grew because he was ashamed of it...Resentment bred shame, and shame in its turn bred more resentment. (A.H.) 6. For the former her adoration was ecstatic and therefore blind; her admiration for the latter, although equally devoted, was less uncritical. (V.) 7. Well! Richard said that he would work his fingers to the bone for Ada, and Ada said that she would work her fingers to the bone for Richard. (D.) EX. 14. State the functions of the following examples of polysyndeton. Pay attention to the repeated conjunction and the number of repetitions: 1. And the coach, and the coachman, and the horses, rattled, and jangled, and whipped, and cursed, and swore, and tumbled on together, till they came to Golden Square. (D.) 2. And they wore their best and more colourful clothes. Red shirts and green shirts and yellow shirts and pink shirts. (P.A.) 3. Bella soaped his face and rubbed his face, and soaped his hands and rubbed his hands, and splashed him, and rinsed him and towelled him, until he was as red as beet-root. (D.) 4. Then from the town pour Wops and Chinamen and Polaks, men and women in trousers and rubber coats and oilcloth aprons. They come running to clean and cut and plack and cook and can the fish. The whole street rumbles and groans and screams and rattles while the silver rivers of fish pour in out of the boats and the boats rise higher and higher in the water until they are empty. The canneries rumble and rattle and squeak until the last fish is cleaned and cut and cooked and canned and then the whistles scream again and the dripping smelly tired Wops and Chinamen and Polaks, men and women straggle out and droop their ways up the hill into the town and Cannery Row becomes itself again—quiet and magical. (St.) 5. Mr. Richard, or his beautiful cousin, or both, could sign something, or make over something, or give some sort of undertaking, or pledge, or bond? (D.) 6. First the front, then the back, then the sides, then the superscription, then the seal, were objects of Newman's admiration. (D.) EX. 15. Analyze the following cases of asyndeton, indicating their functions and paying attention to the quality of units, connected asyndetically: 1. The mail coach doors were on their hinges, the lining was replaced, the iron-work was as good as new, the paint was restored, the lamps were alight; cushions and great coats were on every coach box, porters were thrusting parcels into every boot, guards were stowing away letter bags, hostlers were dashing pails of water against the renovated wheels; numbers of men were rushing about..., portmanteaus were handed up, horses were put to, and in short it was perfectly clear that every mail there was to be off directly. (D.) 2. Double on their steps, though they may, weave in and out of the myriad corners of the city’s streets, return, go forward, back, from side to side, here, there, anywhere, dodge, twist, wind, the central chamber where Death sits is reached inexorably at the end. (Fr. N.) 3. He yawned, went out to look at the thermometer, slammed the door, patted her head, unbuttoned his waistcoat, yawned, wound the clock, went to look at the furnace, yawned, and clumped upstairs to bed, casually scratching his thick woolen undershirt. (S.L.) 4. Through his brain, slowly, sifted the things they had done together. Walking together. Dancing together. Sitting silent together. Watching people together. (P.A.) |
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Учебное пособие по грамматике английского языка для студентов 1-го... |
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Проблемная технология на уроках английского языка в 9 классе Автор: Закирова Татьяна Валерьевна Маоу «сош №7 с углубленным изучением английского языка» г. Перми, учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории |
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Учебное пособие Казань 2005 удк 65. 01 (075. 8) Ббк 65. 29 Б 69 Бурганова... В текст пособия введены программа дисциплины «Теория управления», материалы по организации самостоятельной работы студентов, включая... |
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1. предмет договора Открытое акционерное общество «Газпром газораспределение Великий Новгород» (оао “Газпром газораспределение Великий Новгород”) именуемое... |
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Издательство «международные отношения» Москва 1977 4 и (Англ.) А 76 Рецензент Пособие знакомит читателя с характерными особенностями английского языка и типичными случаями расхождений с русским языком. В нем... |
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Издательство «международные отношения» Москва 1977 4 и (Англ.) А 76 Рецензент Пособие знакомит читателя с характерными особенностями английского языка и типичными случаями расхождений с русским языком. В нем... |
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Рабочая программа дисциплины (модуля) м 3 «Письменный перевод и трансформация... «Основы теории английского языка», «Теория перевода», «Практический курс английского языка», «Практикум по культуре речевого общения... |
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Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов первого... Введение. Своеобразие английского языка. Его роль в современном мире как языка международного и межкультурного общения |
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Учебно-методическое пособие великий новгород Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования |
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Краткий курс грамматики английского языка учебно-методическое пособие... Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов очного и заочного отделений неязыковых факультетов. Доступное изложение грамматического... |
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Д. А. Швецов неотложные состояния в практике семейного врача В 26 Вебер В. Р., Швецова Т. П., Швецов Д. А. Неотложные состояния в практике семейного врача: Учебное пособие. – Великий Новгород:... |
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Ткрытое акционерное общество энергетики и электрификации «новгородэнерго»... Великий Новгород, ул. Большая Санкт-Петербургская, д. 3) проводит конкурентную процедуру, открытый запрос цен по выбору поставщика... |
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В. И. Богатова Программа курса «Практикум по говорению и грамматике английского языка» У школьников все чаще появляется необходимость использовать иностранный язык как инструмент общения. Следовательно, учителя иностранного... |
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