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ВАРИАНТ 6 I. Дайте развернутый письменный ответ на вопросы: 1.Как употребляется глагол to be в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени? 2. Какие типы вопросов вы знаете? Как они образуются? II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов с окончанием -ed. 1. A water-powered engine is an ordinary wheel with blades fixed to it and the current of a river turns it. 2. The new reclining seats with built-up TV-sets are installed in the modern streamlined carriages. 3. His unexpected arrival upset all my plans. 4. Rudolf Diesel designed an engine, which was one of the remarkable engineering achievements of the 20th century. 5. When first proposed, the project of constructing the Channel Tunnel seemed impracticable. III. Перепишите и переведите текст. MISTAKEN IDENTITY (after M. Twain) Several years ago I arrived in New York, where I was to change trains. There were crowds of people on the platform, and they were all trying to get into the long train, which was already packed. I asked the young man in the booking office if I could have a sleeping-berth and he answered “No”. I went off and asked another local official if I could have some poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping car, but he interrupted me angrily saying: “No, you can’t, every corner is full. Now do not bother me any more!” He turned his back and walked off. I felt so hurt that I said to my companion: “If these people knew who I was, they… .” But my companion stopped me there, - “Don’t talk such nonsense,” he said, “if they knew who you were, do you think it would help you to get a vacant seat in a train which has no vacant seats in it?” This did not improve my mood at all but then I noticed that the porter of a sleeping car was looking at me. I saw the expression of his face suddenly change. He whispered to the conductor, pointing to me and I realized I was being talked about. Then the conductor came forward, his face all politeness. “Can I be of any service to you?” he asked. “Do you want a place in a sleeping car?’ “Yes,” I said. “I will be very grateful to you.” The conductor continued: “We have nothing left except the big family compartment with two berths and a couple of arm-chairs in it. It is entirely at your disposal. Here, Tom, take these suitcases aboard!” Then he touched his hat and moved along. The porter made us comfortable in the compartment and then he said, bowing and smiling: “Is there anything you want, sir? You can have just anything you want.” “Good. This lamp is hung too high above the berth. Can I have a better lamp fixed just at the head of my bed below the luggage rack, so that I can read comfortably?” I asked. “Yes, sir. The lamp you want is just fixed in the next compartment. I will get it from there and fix it here. It will burn all night. Sir, you can ask for anything you want, the whole railroad will be turned inside out to please you.” And he disappeared. I smiled at my companion and said: “Well, what do you say now? Did their attitude change the moment they understood I was Mark Twain?” My companion did not answer. As I was saying this, the porter’s smiling face appeared in the door way and this speech followed: “Oh, sir, I recognized you the minute I set my eyes on you.” “Is that so, my boy?’ I said, handing him a good tip. “Who am I?” “Mr. McClellan, Mayor of New York,” he said and disappeared again. ВАРИАНТ 7 I. Дайте развернутый письменный ответ на вопросы: 1. Как употребляется оборот to be going to в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени? 2 Что такое местоимение? 3.Какие виды местоимений в английском языке вы знаете? II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов с окончанием –ing. 1. Detecting an object in front of a car in the dark is the purpose of the “night vision system”. 2. Having come to the terminal David bought the ticket and seeing that he had enough time left before boarding the train, went to look at the new theatre built near the station. 3. Remote control is a system for controlling machinery from a distance by radio signals. 4. The railway tunnel linking Great Britain and France was officially opened for traffic on May 7, 1994. 5. Fences and other devices are built for protecting the tracks against snow and for keeping the livestock away from the railway. III. Перепишите и переведите текст. OLD COUNTRY ADVICE TO THE AMERICAN TRAVELLER (after W. Saroyan) One day my uncle Melik was going to travel to New York. Before he got on the train his uncle Garro paid him a visit and told him about the dangers of travel. “When you get on the train,” the old man said, “choose your seat carefully, sit down and do not look about.” “Yes, sir,” my uncle said. “Several moments after the train begins to move,” the old man continued, “two men wearing uniforms will come to your compartment and ask you for your ticket. Ignore them. They will be imposters*.” “Yes, sir,” my uncle said. “Before you have traveled twenty miles, a young man will come to you and offer you a cigarette. Tell him you do not smoke. The cigarette will be doped.” “Yes, sir,” my uncle said. “On your way to the dining-car a very beautiful young woman will run into you**. She will be very attractive, and your natural wish will be to become friends with her. Don’t do this; the woman will be an adventuress.” “A what?” my uncle asked. “An adventuress,” the old man shouted. “If the beautiful woman sits at your table in the diner***, do not look into her eyes. If she speaks, pretend to be deaf.” “Yes, sir,” my uncle said. “On your way back to your seat from the diner,” the old man said, “you will pass through the smoker****. There you will find a game of cards in progress. The players will be three young men. One of them will invite you to join the game. Tell them you don’t speak English.” “Yes, sir,” my uncle said. “One thing more,” the old man said. “When you go to bed at night, take your money out of your pocket and put it in your shoe. Put your shoe under the pillow, keep your head on the pillow all night and don’t sleep. I have traveled. I know what I am talking about.” The old man went away and the next day my uncle Melik got on the train and went to New York. The two men in uniforms were not imposters, the young man with the doped cigarette did not appear, the beautiful young woman did not sit at his table in the diner, and there was no card game in progress in the smoker. My uncle put his money in the shoe, put his shoe under the pillow, put his head on the pillow, and did not sleep all night the first night, but the second night he decided to sleep. The second day he himself offered another young man a cigarette, which the other young man accepted. In the diner my uncle went to sit at a table with a young lady. He stared a card game in the smoker, and long before the train got to New York my uncle knew everybody aboard the train and everybody knew him. The journey was a very pleasant one. When my uncle came back from New York, his uncle Garro visited him again. “I see you are looking all right,” he said. “Did you follow my instructions?” “Yes, sir,” my uncle said. Notes: *imposter – обманщик, самозванец **to run into smb. – сталкиваться с кем-либо ***diner = dining car – вагон-ресторан ****smoker = smoking car – вагон для курящих ВАРИАНТ 8 I. Дайте развернутый письменный ответ на вопросы: 1. Что такое предлог? Перечислите основные виды предлогов в английском языке. 2 Как употребляются предлоги места и времени, направления и движения? II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов с окончанием -ed. 1. Some of the arch bridges constructed by the Romans 2,000 years ago are still being used. 2. The electric power is transmitted from the powerhouse to the trains either by means of a third rail or by means of an overhead system of wires. 3. When packed in strong cases, the goods arrived in good condition. 4. New track machines purchased from Great Britain by Mozambique will be used for upgrading the Limpopo line in that country. 5. After the war the government granted great sums of money to renew the equipment and the roadbed of all the railways. III. Перепишите и переведите текст. IN THE COACH YARD (after A. Saxton) In the spring of that year, Pledger McAdams returned to his old job as car repairman in the coach yard of the Great Midland Railway. Through the long afternoons, he and his partner worked down in the wheel pit, fixing the axles and wheels of the damaged cars. Their young assistant gave them tools looking down and trying to follow the work. Pledger was glad to return to his trade again after three years. He was singing to pass the time, and as he worked, he looked forward to supper hour to eat the cake and sandwiches his wife had given him. When the eight o’clock whistle blew, Pledger went out of the pit, stretching and yawning. He and his assistant poured water on their hands, trying to wash the grease off. Pledger’s partner walked off into the coach yard, and returned after a few minutes with a bottle of coffee. They sat down on the bench outside the wheel pit house* to eat their sandwiches. In front of them, the workers’ gang was making up the midnight express. The coach cleaners scrubbed the sides of the cars with their long-handled brushes, while the Pullman commissary men** pushed along trucks loaded with bedding and food. From the rear of the train, Pledger saw the little car knocker*** going along the train, tapping the wheels with his hammer and flashing his lantern at the coupling connections. When the car knocker reached the head end of coaches the diesel locomotive arrived, and the car knocker eased it**** towards the train with motions of his lantern until the coupling knuckles***** clanged together. Then, setting his lantern on the ground, he crawled between the engine and the cars to hook up the air hose****** and safety chains*******. In the cab window, Pledger saw the engine driver leaning on his elbow smoking a pipe, while the night yard foreman stood around beside the engine, waving his arms and yelling. The car knocker came out from between the cars, blew out his lantern, and walked over to the bench by the wheel-pit house, where Pledger was waiting for him. Notes: *wheel pit house – ремонтная мастерская **Pullman commissary man – экипировщик спальных вагонов ***car knocker – осмотрщик вагонов ****to ease smth to smth – осторожно подвести что-либо к чему-либо *****coupling knuckle – коготь автосцепки ******air hose – рукав (шланг) для сжатого воздуха *******safety chain – предохранительная (запасная) цепь ВАРИАНТ 9 I. Дайте развернутый письменный ответ на вопросы: 1.Как образуются дроби, проценты, степени в английском языке? 2. Перечислите основные математические действия на английском языке. 3. Какие способы словообразований вы знаете? II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов c окончанием -ing. 1. Engineers are trying to find the ways of reducing the cost of electrifying railways. 2. The Moscow railway junction, the largest terminal in our country, is equipped with up-to-date devices providing coordinated operation of all the services. 3. A fax machine is used for sending and receiving copies of original documents via a phone line. 4. When using continuous welded rails, we provide a smoother running of trains. 5. The car was moving very fast and a traffic cop stopped it for speeding. III. Перепишите и переведите текст. BEWARE OF SUBWAYS (after G. Mikes) New Yorkers have built a huge intricate subway system with the sole aim that you should not know how to get from one place to any other place. Last year I came to New York for the first time. I decided to use the subway instead of driving a car because so many people used cars that traffic was unbearably slow, and there were often jams on the roads. At Pennsylvania Station I boarded a subway train marked: 49th Street. It was exactly what I wanted. I started reading my newspaper and did not notice that at the next stop, at 42nd Street, all passengers got out, leaving me alone, in the whole train. The train started moving again but stopped in the tunnel and stayed there for about forty minutes. The conductor walked through the carriage 3 or 4 times, saw me but said nothing. On his next appearance I asked: “When do we reach 49th Street?” He laughed “49th Street? But we aren’t going to 49th Street.” “Excuse me, sir, but I saw a board on this train saying that it was going to 49th Street and it gave me the foolish idea that it might be going to 49th Street.” The conductor became indignant: “Everybody knows that you have to change trains at 42nd Street”, and he turned away from me with contempt in his heart. On another occasion, I asked the subway official* at the station called 8th Avenue how to get to Columbus Center. “Get on the train here,” he smiled “and get off at Columbus Center”. I took the train, reached the 50th Street and as Columbus Center is at 59th Street, I thought everything was going well. But then some irregularities occurred. We reached the station called 7th Avenue, then 5th Avenue. Then we did not stop for 15 minutes and finally reached 23rd Street. There I got out and told my story to an official. He laughed and explained to me that I should take an A train instead of F train or an E train instead of an A train. “But how could I know that?” I asked in despair. “Everybody knows that,” he retorted with a superior smile on his lips. Notes: *subway official – работник метрополитена. ВАРИАНТ 10 I. Дайте развернутый письменный ответ на вопросы: 1. Что такое модальный глагол? 2. Перечислите основные модальные глаголы и дайте им краткую характеристику. 3. Какие эквиваленты существуют у модальных глаголов? II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов с окончанием -ed. 1. Before each flight, pilots ask for the information about the weather expected during the planned route. 2. Automatic block systems and centralized traffic control are widely used on the railways. 3. When mass-produced, the electric automobile will help solve ecological problems of big cities. 4. James Watt invented the first stationary steam engine in 1763 and installed it in a machine pumping out the water at a large mine. 5. Kerosene is a fuel used in jet engines. III. Перепишите и переведите текст. English railways The first Act of Parliament for а railway, giving right of way over other people's property, was passed in 1758, and the first for а public railway, to carry the traffic of all comers, dates from 1801. The Stockton and Dailington Railway, opened on 27 September 1825, was the first public steam railway in the world, although it had only one locomotive and relied on horse traction for the most part, with stationary steam engines for working inclined planes. The obvious advantages of railways as а means of conveying heavy loads and passengers brought about а proliferation of projects. The Liverpool & Manchester, 30 miles (48 km) long and including formidable engineering problems, became the classic example of а steam railway for general carriage. It opened on 15 September 1830 in the presence of the Duke of Wellington, who had been Prime Minister until earlier in the year. On opening day, the train stopped for water and the passengers alighted on to the opposite track; another locomotive came along and William Huskisson, an МР and а great advocate of the railway, was killed. Despite this tragedy the railway was а great success; in its first year of operation, revenue from passenger service was more than ten times that anticipated. Over 2500 miles of railway had been authorized in Britain and nearly 1500 completed by 1840. Britain presented the world with а complete system for the construction and operation of railways. Solutions were found to civil engineering problems, motive power designs and the details of rolling stock. The natural result of these achievements was the calling in of British engineers to provide railways in France, where as а consequence left-hand running is still in force over many lines. |
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