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Concepts of communication / Концепции коммуникации«Communication is the key» is a quote that is often repeated. In every single relationship communication is essential. Especially among parents and children. Communication between parent and child has always been important. Today, however, there is an even greater focus, especially in light of all the things children face at school and in everyday life. Without a parent knowing what is going on in the life and mind of their child, it is hard to really understand what they are going through. Communication is the starting point of understanding. Children learn communication from their parents. Communication is not something that can be studied; it is something that people have to learn by doing. As a parent, good communication needs to be emphasized as they are talking and listening to the child. A child can tell when a parent is not really listening to them, and this can create a big problem in the relationship. Children who feel misunderstood or feel like they aren’t being listened to will start to hold their feelings inside. This is the exact opposite of what good communication should be. Good communication is not merely talking; it is being with someone and relating that nothing else is more important at that time. So many times parents are doing three or four tasks while their child is trying to communicate something to them. They may not even look up from the recipe or newspaper they are trying to read, as the child is desperately trying to get their attention. This displays a lack of interest in the child or what they are trying to convey to the parent. Lack of interest is one thing that will keep families from communicating. When someone doesn’t feel worthy enough of attention, they will stop sharing all together. When children stop sharing with their parents, they go to places and people that will show them attention. This can lead to trouble. The child may look for other avenues of acceptance, which could be negative influences. This could easily be avoided if only the parent had shown an interest in the child’s life. Part of effective communication with your children is being aware of their whereabouts. Listening is something that more parents need to work on. When a child approaches their parent, they are probably wanting to talk about or ask something important to them. Even if the topic isn’t important to the parent or is something that is debatable between them, the child wants to be heard. Then when the child is done sharing and asks for input, the parent can tell them how they feel. Nothing is more aggravating than a parent who always wants to tell the child how they should do things without even listening to what the child wants. So parents need to be sure to listen. Two-way interaction promotes confidence and security, and a secure child is one who will open up and communicate. To gain respect from children, parents must also give in. Be firm in your household rules, but also give validity to their feelings. Encourage open and honest communication by holding family meetings where everyone has an equal chance of expressing himself. In these meetings, let the children know that they are allowed to voice their opinions without anyone criticizing them. This will open the door to open communication and make the child feel more comfortable by expressing their opinions. Communication is necessary for everything we do in life and we learn it while we are children. The communication skills learned by children from their families will stick with them throughout their lives. in order to have a society of good communicators, it needs to start in the home. Parents need to start communicating with their children and need to show them how to communicate with others. This is a skill that will be valued all throughout life and is something that shouldn’t be ignored. The skill of communication will be valued in every relationship throughout life. It is a necessity. Microburst / МикропорывThere are many safety factors that pilots have to take into consideration while completing a safe flight. Everything has to be taken into mind when planning a flight. From weight and balance to preflight inspections. One safety factor that is impossible to have control over is weather. There are many aspects of weather that can affect an aircraft, in this report I will specifically talk about the microburst. Microbursts are powerful downdrafts associated with thunderstorms. We have been able to identify microbursts through many studies regarding wind shear and meteorology research. Wind shear is basically a rapid change in wind velocity and direction that happen because of many factors in weather conditions. Such conditions include frontal activity, temperature inversions, and thunderstorms amongst other factors. Wherever there is convective activity such as thunderstorms there is the possibility of a microburst. Microbursts are associated with downdrafts. These are typically only a few hundred to a few thousand feet across. When the downdraft reaches the ground, it spreads out horizontally and may form a vortex around the downdraft. Unfortunately microbursts can occur without the presence of precipitation being present making the detection of this almost impossible. This is one of the major reasons why there have been so many incidents involving aircrafts and microbursts. There are now many different kinds of service stations that help identify microbursts though. The aircraft accident rate due to microbursts in association with classic severe local storms is practically nonexistent for commercial aviation, since the system is apparently well designed to protect passenger jets against these. Although most accidents are found to be pilot error due to hazardous attitudes such as ‘macho’ there aren’t many training emphasis on fighting a microburst because most of the time the microburst wins. From the most famous cases of aircraft accidents associated with microbursts is Delta 191. This flight left from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International to Los Angeles International Airport in California through Dallas International Airport. The crash happened while the plane was on approach into Dallas. At 1500 the first officer reported seeing lightning ahead yet they continued with the approach. At 800 feet the aircraft accelerated so the crew member reduced power to compensate, then came the adverse effect of the microburst slowing the aircraft down. To compensate for this they added power but the downbursts were to strong and Delta 191 ended up crashing on the ground. In conclusion the one factor pilots must always take into consideration and fear is weather. This phenomenon is still something that humans haven’t been able to completely understand and predict. |
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