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Read and translate Text D using a dictionary: Text D Garden Accessories Gardening may be performed at a professional level or as a hobby. There is a wide range of accessories available in the market for both the professional gardener and the amateur to exercise their creativity. These accessories can help decorate all the different areas of gardens such as walk ways and raised beds, and any other area. Location, size, budget are all characteristics to be considered when choosing accessories to improve a garden's deco. Accessories are made of different materials such as copper, stone, wood, bamboo, metal, stainless steel, clay, stained glass, concrete, iron, and the weather where the garden is located will determine which material works best to ensure accessories last long. A garden's decoration with the appropriate accessories also adds personality and beauty, and depending on the situation, the decoration chosen will provide functionality to the garden. Paths for instance are functional for the maintenance of the garden, and can be somehow decorated using different materials such as pine needles, wood chips, fieldstone, or bricks. Also, backdrops include walls, fences, and hedges which are intended to provide privacy. Moreover, they hide unsightly areas and also emphasize desired views. Trellis, arbors, and arches add height. Trellises are used for climbing flowers and vines or to create a vertical garden of small fruits and vegetables while arbors and arches can be places on walkways or entry ways. This kind of structure provides additional depth to the landscape. For those who enjoy their garden at any time, there are also night accessories which include candle lanterns, oil lamps, patio torches, and illuminations. Feeders, hummingbird feeders and birdbaths are all good options to invite birds to visit one's garden and also make good ornaments. Large accessories such as benches, water fountains, stone features, urns, and statues should be used sparingly or they will cause a cluttered appearance. Fountains come in a variety of styles ranging from traditional to modern. Not only do they work as part of the deco but they also have a calming effect. Some of them are made of fiberglass which makes them lightweight and weather resistant. There are also solar-powered fountains with a remote solar panel that can be placed in the sun while the fountain is located in the shadow. Other accessories to be taken into account are garden gongs, gazing balls, garden bugs, garden stakes, pot hangers, spinners, pinwheels which help enhance different deco styles. Socializing Getting Around the City I. Listen, read and memorize:
Обратите внимание! Глагол to go имеет значение «идти, ходить» и «ехать, ездить», т.е. он может обозначать движение как пешком, так и на транспорте, тогда как глагол to walk («идти, ходить») обозначает только движение пешком. Например: Go! – Иди! Езжай! Don’t run, walk! – Не беги, а иди! Значение русских наречий вот и вон обычно передается по-английски сочетанием слов here (здесь) и there (там) с глаголом to be: наречию вот соответствует сочетание Here is… (Here are), а наречию вон соответствует сочетание There is… (There are). Например: Here is your book. – Вот ваша книга. There is John. – Вон Джон. Here are your glasses. – Вот ваши очки. There are his brothers. – Вон его братья. Впрочем, иногда наречие вот переводится на английский язык сочетанием не с here, а с there: Например: – And where is the trolleybus stop? Is it far? – No, it’s not far. There it is. II. Listen, memorize and act out:
SUPPLEMENTARY READING Text 1 8 Steps to Healthier Trees (975) 1. Using a hose or a water bath, remove all soil from the roots. Work out clumps of soil from between the roots using your fingers. Let root balls soak for several hours if they are too dry to work. 2. Prune excessively long and defective roots. From this point on, roots must be kept submerged or wrapped in wet cloth. 3. Dig a shallow hole only as deep as the root system and at least twice as wide. In the center, form a soil mound to support the root crown. 4. Arrange the roots radially over the mound and backfill with the same soil that came out of the hole. Do not use any type of soil amendment. 5. Water well, using the water from Step 1, which will contain nutrients and microbes. Add more soil as holes develop, and gently firm the soil. 6. Mulch all disturbed soil with 4 inches of coarse organic mulch, keeping it a few inches away from the trunk. 7. Water your tree well during the first year of establishment. You have removed a good portion of the root system and its ability to take up water, and nutrients will be temporarily impaired. 8. Keep it simple and natural: Do not prune the top of the tree or add expensive but pointless transplant supplements. Text 2 7 Steps to the Perfectly Planted Tree (3389) A tree well planted will live for decades, even centuries. Fail to plant it properly and your investment in years of care results in disappointment. Most of these problems can be avoided altogether if you select the right species, plant it properly and perform routine maintenance. Step 1 – Choose a vetted species Every city in America has a list of approved street trees. These have been carefully selected for beauty, size, longevity, rooting characteristics, litter potential, structural integrity, climatic suitability, and resistance to any major pests or diseases. Choosing an unvetted tree is much like investing in a company without first seeing an earnings report. Step 2 – Location A few feet in one direction or another can be enough to turn a great tree into a problem that requires its removal. Before planting your tree, take time to study the proposed location and how the tree canopy will influence everything around it after reaching full size. A suitable location also includes growth and environmental factors such as adequate sunlight, sufficient root zone and drainage. Never plant a tree unless you know its ultimate height and diameter at maturity. Step 3 – Hole Size Most landscape trees are sold in nursery containers that range from 5 to 15 gallon pots. The tree's root ball is the mass of soil and roots that sits within the container. The hole you dig must have a diameter large enough to accommodate the entire root ball with ease. A rough rule is to dig a hole twice the diameter of the root ball. Never shave a root ball to make it smaller so it fits into a planting hole; dig a bigger hole. Step 4 – Hole Depth Note the surface of the soil relative to the base of the trunk while the tree is still in its container. When the root ball sits in the hole you dig, that surface must be perfectly level with the surface of the surrounding natural soil. Use this as your guide to how deep to dig your hole. The root ball cannot stick up higher nor drop down lower than this elevation. To help you set the tree at the perfect elevation, use a broom handle as a leveling guide. Simply set the root ball into the hole, then place the leveling guide so it spans the hole at its center. If there's a gap under the leveling guide your root ball is too low. Remove the root ball, add soil, then replace and gauge it again for accuracy. Step 5 – Backfill There will be a pile of soil excavated from the hole. Where soil is not ideal, it’s wise to mix compost into the excavated pile to make the backfill more like the potting soil already around the roots. Lightening heavy soil helps the tree root out into new soil more quickly than it might if there was only clay in this area. Replace the soil around the root ball in layers a few inches deep. Compact each layer with the handle-end of your shovel, tamping it down as you go to eliminate any air pockets. With a larger hole you can use your boot the same way. If you live where soil PH tends to be on the acidic side, add some phosphorous to the backfill to make nitrogen more readily available to the new roots. Step 6 – Make a Well To give your tree a good start, be sure there's plenty of water delivered to the root ball and the backfill. Create a well around the base of the tree to concentrate water directly over the root ball. Step 7 – Watering Watering the tree after planting is essential to preventing the root ball from drying out, which can be very difficult to re-wet once the tree is in the ground. This is why watering-in requires thorough saturation of the root ball and the backfill. Use the garden hose to fill the well you created around the base of the tree. After this water percolates down into the soil, fill the well a second time. If you encounter very hot, dry or windy weather in the days after you plant the tree, repeat this step every day or two so that there is plenty of moisture available to the roots. After you water in the well, check the elevation of the root ball. Sometimes it will settle after you water it in, causing the base of the trunk to sit too low where it's vulnerable to crown rot. |
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