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Тема: Комбайн Цели:
Материальное обеспечение: (оборудование, справочная литература и т.д.)
Студент должен знать: Лексика и информация по теме, специальные вопросы, наречия и выражения места и направления, исчисляемые неисчисляемые существительные, неопределенные местоимения, степени сравнения прилагательных, Студент должен уметь: переводить текст со словарем и составлять вопрос Порядок выполнения работы: Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните инфинитив - одной чертой, причастие - двумя чертами, герундий - волнистой линией. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1)The amount of fertilizer to be used on a farm is determined by soil tests and the amount of money a business can pay for it. - Количество удобрения, которое следует использовать на сельхозугодиях зависит от результатов тестов почвы и суммы денег, которую предприниматель может на него потратить. 2)To simplify the figures used for many agricultural parameters’ indication, abbreviations are used. 3)Combine harvesters are working the yields of wheat and corn, and cooperatives will be applying them on a regular basic as today. 4)Gettingtheneeded water onto the field is only part of the problem to be faced by the farmer: then he is disposing the sewage water, and that is troublesome too. Modern Field Machinery A wide range of tractors and implements in America are available from local farm machinery dealers. Most of the larger machines and equipment sold are manufactured in the USA, while many of the smaller tractors - particularly diesel ones - are imported from abroad, mostly from Western Europe. Современна уборочная техника. Широкий ассортимент тракторов и запчастей в Америке можно приобрести у местных дилеров сельскохозяйственной техники. Большая часть продаваемых крупногабаритных машин и запчастей производится в Америке, в то время как основная часть малогабаритных тракторов, в основном дизельных, импортируются из-за рубежа, преимущественно из Западной Европы. КРИТЕРИИ ОЦЕНИВАНИЯ ПРАКТИЧЕСКИХ ЗАНЯТИЙ
Практическое занятие Тема: Трактор Цели:
Материальное обеспечение: (оборудование, справочная литература и т.д.)
Студент должен знать: Лексика и информация по теме, специальные вопросы, наречия и выражения места и направления, исчисляемые неисчисляемые существительные, неопределенные местоимения, степени сравнения прилагательных, Студент должен уметь: переводить текст со словарем и составлять вопрос Порядоквыполненияработы:
TRACTORS A tractor is a type of vehicle that is particularly constructed to efficiently deliver a tractive effort at a slow speed. The word tractor was taken from a Latin word that means “to pull”. Tractors are special vehicles which are aimed to provide the hauling of trailers and other types of machinery which are used for agricultural and construction purposes. Farm tractors first made their appearance in the nineteenth century. The earliest ones were steam-powered portable engines. These were followed by oil-burning and then gasoline-powered tractors. The steam powered engines were in use until the onset of the 20th century, when they were replaced by more reliable internal combustion engines. A farm tractor is a distinctive, multi-purpose farm vehicle. It is perhaps the most essential of all farm machinery. Farm tractors are used to carry out different agricultural tasks: pulling or pushing machines and trailers for tilling, plowing, harrowing, planting, disking, transporting and providing power supply and other tasks. A variety of specialty farm tractors have been developed for particular uses. Farm tractors may be divided into two groups: wheeled and track-laying. Wheeled tractors may be subdivided into standard and row-crop types. Standard wheeled tractors are used for general work and do not have the special features associated with row-crop tractors. Row-crop tractors can be used for all ordinary purposes, but in addition they are specially designed for working on root and other row crops. The tractor can pass down rows of corn, tomatoes or other crops without crushing the plants. Track-laying tractors or crawlers have the great advantage that they can be used for heavy loads on almost any class of land. They are considerably more economical in fuel than are wheel machines, but their greater initial cost and their maintenance particularly that of the tracks, may outweigh this advantage. The crawler is, however, the more efficient type of tractor and, moreover, can go on the land earlier after rain and so can work a greater number of days per year. Modern farm tractors may have eight-wheel drive unit, caterpillar tracks, or articulated or non-articulated tracks, electrical or computer controls and are capable of multitude of different functions. Many modern farm tractors are fitted with GPS devices, auto-steer systems and other automated features. Modernized tractors may also have cabs accessorized with heated seats, automatic temperature controls, and dashboard computers. Tractors offer a lot of use and convenience for many people. Tractors are also usually associated with farm machines and general farm use. However, there is a common misconception that they can only be found on farms. In addition to pulling implements like plows and cultivators a tractor may be used for bush-cleaning, ditch filling and land-leveling. Small tractors from one to ten horse power with single or twin cylinder petrol engines may be used for garden and orchard work. Tractors are the workhorses of modern agriculture. These powerful and iconic machines, thanks to their legendary versatility, play many roles on today’s farms. Let’s take a look at some of the main components of today’s tractors. The engine is the heart and soul of any tractor. When they were first invented, tractors used steam engines, which were notoriously unreliable, not to mention dangerous. Since the 20th century, however, tractors have used internal combustion engines that run on a variety of fuels, from kerosene to ethanol and gasoline. Most modern tractors today run on diesel and biodiesel. These powerful engines typically range in size from 18 to 575 horsepower, giving them all of the incredible power they need to tackle any job on today’s farms. Tractor service in the agriculture industry has increased dramatically over the past century thanks to their legendary ruggedness and durability. Because of their simple yet hardy design, many older tractors that feature manual transmissions are still in use. Unfortunately, these older transmissions are typically unsynchronized, meaning the tractor must be stopped before shifting gears, which can be very inconvenient. Modern tractors on the other hand use synchronized or continuously variable transmissions (CVT), which not only allows for better fuel efficiency but also allows the CVT to shift through an unlimited number of effective gear ratios. Today’s tractors don’t always follow the classic design, with two large rear wheels and two smaller front wheels. Over time, different configurations have been developed to suit the environment in which they are used. For example, in locations with wet or heavy soils, tractors typically use tracks (such as those found on a “Caterpillar” or tank) because of their superior traction. Other modern tractors feature four wheel drive, either with the classic configuration (two large, two small) or with four large wheels. Tractor engines put out an enormous amount of power, but in order to be useful that power must be harnessed. That’s where tractor hitches come in. They take the form of draw bars, fixed mounts or three-point hitches and quick hitches that allow power to be transferred from the engine to implements that are typically pulled behind or beside the tractor, and may include attachments such as plows, seeders, tillers, mowers and many others.
He wants the new machinery to be used. Он хочет использовать новую технику. The new machinery (it) is known to be of good quality. Известно, что новая техника (она) хорошего качества.
Different machinery to plow, many kinds of plows to improve the physical conditions of the soil, harrows to stir the soil, cultivation machinery to consoled ate the soil, spreaders to apply manure, sprayers to apply fertilizers in liquid form, mowers to make hay, beet harvesters to harvest beets, tractors to pull many kinds of implements, wheeled tractors to do general farm work бирать урожай без потерь; преобразовывать силу в движение; проникать очень глубоко; проход техники; специальные условия; кормовые культуры; приспособления для посадки; иметь преимущество; почвы, страдающие от недостатка питательных веществ.
1. Wheeled tractors are used __ general farm work. 2. Crawlers have the great advantage that they can be available__ heavy loads ___any class of land. 3. Agricultural implements and machines may be divided __4 main groups. 4. Applying fertilizers is necessary where soils are deficient__ plant food elements. 5. Cultivation machinery is used to break __ the soil before or after a crop is sown.
1. Today a wide _______of machinery can be used on a farm. 2. Agricultural _______ and machines can be divided into four main groups. 3. A _______ is an implement used to level the ground and crush the clods. 4. There are several types of cultivators _______ for special crops and conditions. 5. Planting equipment is any _______device introduced to place seeds or plant parts. 6. _______ are harvested by different kinds of harvesting equipment. The secondary tillage equipment usedby the farmer includes harrows, rollers etc. 2) We used cultivation machinery to break down the soil before a crop is sown. 3) The device is to placeseeds in the soil. 4) Agricultural implements and machines occupy an important place on the modern farm. 5) My friend works at the Minsk tractor works. 6) The layers of soil have become compacted. 7) Heavy machinery compacted the soil greatly. Today the farmer has many agricultural implements to… . 2) The machine is a device… . 3) Ploughs are divided into… . 4) The principal parts of a plow are… . 5) Cultivators are designed for … . 6) To make hay … . 7) To harvest beet … . 8) To pull many kinds of implements … . 9) To do general farm work … . There is a wide range of machines to plant. 2) Agricultural implements may be divided into several groups. 3) To prepare the soil for harvesting is the aim of tillage. 4) A harrow is designed to eliminate weeds. 5) After a crop is sown, fertilizing equipment is used. 6) Planting equipment is used to place seeds in the soil. 7) When soils are deficient in plant food elements, many types of fertilizers are applied. 8) There are diggers to harvest all types of seed crops. 9) A beet harvester is the most important machine on the farm. 10) Wheeled tractors are available for heavy loads. Известно, что удобрения вносятся в почву в различных формах. 2) Сообщается, что ученые скоро разработают новые виды орудий для первичной обработки почвы. 3) Похоже, что использование этой модели колесного трактора заинтересует фермеров. 4) Считается, что гусеничные тракторы имеют главное преимущество: их можно использовать на любом типе почв. The internal combustion engine; first the petrol engine, and later diesel engines; became the main source of power for the next generation of tractors. These engines also contributed to the development of the self-propelled, combined harvester and thresher, or combine. Instead of cutting the grain stalks and transporting them to a stationary threshing machine, these combines cut, threshed, and separated the grain while moving continuously through the field. Combines might have taken the harvesting job away from tractors, but tractors still do the majority of work on a modern farm. They are used to pull implements—machines that till the ground, plant seed, and perform other tasks. Tillage implements prepare the soil for planting by loosening the soil and killing weeds or competing plants. The best-known is the plough. The most common type of seeder is called a planter. After planting, other implements can be used to cultivate weeds from between rows, or to spread fertilizer and pesticides. Hay balers can be used to tightly package grass into a storable form for the winter months. Modern irrigation relies on machinery. Engines, pumps and other specialized gear provide water quickly and in high volumes to large areas of land. Similar types of equipment can be used to deliver fertilizers and pesticides. A forage harvester is a farm implement that harvests forage plants to make silage. Silage is grass, corn or other plant that has been chopped into small pieces, and compacted together in a storage silo, silage bunker, or in silage bags. The silage is then fermented to provide feed for livestock. Haylage is a similar process to silage but using grass which has dried. Forage harvesters can be implements attached to a tractor, or they can be self-propelled units. In either configuration, they have either a drum (cutterhead) or a flywheel with a number of knives fixed to it that chops and blows the silage out a chute of the harvester into a wagon that is either connected to the harvester or to another vehicle driving alongside. Some larger machines also have paddle accelerators to increase material speed and improve unloading characteristics. Once a wagon is filled up, the wagon can be detached and taken back to a silo for unloading, and another wagon can be attached. Because corn and grass require different types of cutting equipment, there are different heads for each type of silage, and these heads can be connected and disconnected from the harvester. Grass silage is usually cut prior to harvesting to allow it to wilt, before being harvested from swathes with a collection header (windrow pickup). Maize and whole crop silage are cut directly by the header, using reciprocating knives, disc mowers or large saw-like blades КРИТЕРИИ ОЦЕНИВАНИЯ ПРАКТИЧЕСКИХ ЗАНЯТИЙ
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