The content
«VUZPROMEXPO-2015» will introduce a number of innovative insights originating
from both Russian universities and industries Error: Reference source not found
Aircraft engines and power plants Error: Reference source not found
A. E. Remizov, O. O. Karelin. Analysis of swirl flow expansion process in relation to problems of GTE transitive channels projection Error: Reference source not found
V. V. Vyatkov, A. E. Remizov, M. P. Sedov. Basic ways of aircraft engines gas turbines aerodynamic
perfecting Error: Reference source not found
Sh. A. Piralishvili, I. M. Vereschagin. Nonstationary effects in a swirl burner device and their impact on combustion chamber working process Error: Reference source not found
I. V. Nadezhdin, A. A. Molchanov. Dynamics of mechatronic recuperative drives of automated assembly systems loaders Error: Reference source not found
V. I. Bogdanov, A. K. Dormidontov. Perspective analysis of possibilities to improve a classical pulsejet
engine dimensional and thrust characteristics Error: Reference source not found
R. A. Azimov, A. V. Pakhomenkov. Modern methods for service life of aircraft GTE main parts exposed
to low-cycle load evaluation Error: Reference source not found
A. A. Emets. Simulation of fluid drops allocation at swirl-type burners pulverization in the enclosed
air-gas space Error: Reference source not found
Y. V. Polezhaev, V. I. Bogdanov, V. D. Geshele. Ejectorless gas mass supplementation as a means of pulse
jet engines impulse increase and opportunities of its implementation Error: Reference source not found
A. S. Mikhailov, Sh. A. Piralishvili, E. G. Stepanov. Thermophysics of peat-air mix combustion in a
swirl flow Error: Reference source not found
A. N. Lisitsin, A. V. Badernikov, M. V. Lebedev. Experimental researches on two-phase flow in GTE rotor supports sumps Error: Reference source not found
L. V. Abramov, A. V. Baklanov, A. M. Bahmetyev, I. A. Bylov, A. V. Morev. Monitoring system of
nuclear power plants reliability and safety Error: Reference source not found
A. I. Lysenko. Actual problems of training and retaining of engineering and technical personnel at OAO «NPO «Saturn» Error: Reference source not found
S. M. Skirta, S. M. Piotukh, Sh. A. Piralishvili. Analysis of flaws origins at operation of gas turbine engines GTD-110 Error: Reference source not found
Materials and engines manufacturing technology Error: Reference source not found
V. F. Bez’yazychny, A. N. Sutyagin, S. A. Pichuzhkin. GTE compressors blades manufacturing efficiency enhancement by the means of blade master-models master program automatic update Error: Reference source not found
D. M. Medvedev, V. A. Handozhko. Single-stage technological provision for machines details and their junctions ground faces contact rigidity Error: Reference source not found
T. D. Kozhina, A. V. Kurochkin. Research tests on blades electrochemical working with oscillate EDM-electrodes singularities Error: Reference source not found
D. I. Volkov, A. V. Tolkachev. Technique of parametres determination for dynamic interaction of an abrasive granule and blade airfoil in circular vibro-polishing machines Error: Reference source not found
A. V. Golubentsev, A. A. Shatulsky. Improvement of ChS88 (ЧС88) alloy made GTE rotor bladings thermal processing mode Error: Reference source not found
V. F. Bez'yazychny, A. N. Ryabov, A. N. Sutyagin, A. V. Tolkachev. Technique of research on GTE
blades surface layer residual stresses after bead-blasting hardening Error: Reference source not found
V. V. Nepomiluev, E. V. Oleinikova. Methodology of assembly process robustness provision based on
details individual selection method Error: Reference source not found
Y. A. Vavilin, O. A. Gorlenko. Enhancement of engineering production quality on the basis of safety
parametres provision Error: Reference source not found
S. A. Uryadov. Details fatigue strength at various manufacturing technologies Error: Reference source not found
V. F. Bez'yazychny, R. N. Fomenko. Methods of GTE blades preliminary tests Error: Reference source not found
A. N. Sutyagin. Development of an algorithm for processing and technological modes methods selection
aimed at ensuring of surface layer quality equilibrium parameters Error: Reference source not found
N. V. Osadchy, V. T. Shepel. Estimation of honeycomb filler mechanical properties with finite element
method employment Error: Reference source not found
V. V. Romanov, A. S. Mikhailov, E. A. Ryabysh, Van Syjuan. Development of software for kinematic
chips breaking at turning Error: Reference source not found
V. F. Bez’yazychny, M. V. Timofeev, M. V. Baskov. Research on cutting instrument nanostructural
covers influence on machines details surface layer quality parameters at turning operation considering impact
of volume heat sources and treated material hardening Error: Reference source not found
Information science, adp equipment and automation Error: Reference source not found
Y. N. Kriviv, I. V. Lukyanov, E.S. Pissarchuk, N. P. Chernetsky. Adjusting towers-based suit for multifunctional radars activity check Error: Reference source not found
S. A. Golubin, V. M. Komarov, A. N. Lomanov, V. S. Nikitin, E. I. Semenov. Experimental research on performances of optical ministicks with common emitter Error: Reference source not found
A. V. Pechatkin, A. T. Kizimov, A. N. Smirnov. Alternation of approach to employment of correlated and uncorrelated nominals tolerances of electric and radio components in behavioral models of electronic instrumentation in processes of the automized hardware design Error: Reference source not found
O. S. Bolshakov, V. G. Sharov, A. V. Petrov. Model of distributed programs for embedded systems Error: Reference source not found
A. T. Kizimov, A. V. Pechatkin, A. N. Smirnov. Radio-electronic device output parameters given accuracy provision on the basis of components tolerances statistical calculation Error: Reference source not found
I. A. Burtsev, V. A. Vishnyakov. Algorithm of video camera orientation calculation with regard
to a shade on the earth surface image Error: Reference source not found
A. V. Pechatkin, A. A. Smurov. Research on problems of multiple-unit regular geometrically invariant
cluster structures synthesis Error: Reference source not found
A. V. Pechatkin, A. A. Smurov. Estimation of performance function of multiple-unit regular geometrically invariant cluster structures in cellular communication systems and sensor radio networks Error: Reference source not found
Science and engineering shared problems Error: Reference source not found
E. G. Stepanov, D. V. Kachalov, S. V. Vassilyev, G. R. Kotelnikov. Study of alkali metals ferrites
synthesis, composition and structure by means of thermogravimetric and X-ray analysis and Moessbauer spectroscopy Error: Reference source not found
O. P. Yablonsky, N. V. Goryacheva. Perfecting of quality systems management information support Error: Reference source not found
Sh. A. Piralishvili, V. Ts. Vanchikov, N. A. Kalyaeva. Convective version of mass transfer in capillary
conduits Error: Reference source not found
Humanitarian, social and economic sciences Error: Reference source not found
A. N. Troshin, T. Н. Nikolenko, E. A. Ryvaeva. Research on methods of enterprise value estimation
through the example of JSC «Ufa Engine Industrial Association» Error: Reference source not found
A. A. Karvonen. Regulation as one of basic elements of law enforcement tactics logical structure Error: Reference source not found
N. T. Kosyashnikov, S. A. Ershov, A. V. Burikov. Physical training as a way of psychological qualities education for high school students Error: Reference source not found
A. S. Drepelev. Regarding a signpost of materiality in a helper to a crime concept definition Error: Reference source not found
E. A. Mikhailova, S. N. Koschakova. Provision of the state and municipal services in electronic form
business processes analysis (by the example of a multifunctional centre) Error: Reference source not found
L. G. Sidorov. Scientific management in labour relationships sphere in ХХ century: theory and practice Error: Reference source not found
I. V. Ivanova. Machine-building complex: system of quality and competitiveness of human capital
establishment Error: Reference source not found
V. A. Morozov, S. V. Asekritova. Electronic maquette of a local airport modular terminal: project
development Error: Reference source not found
Y. P. Shevelev, S. V. Asekritova, V. A. Tokarev. Teaching of discipline «Perspective geometry.
Engineering and computer graphics» practice Error: Reference source not found
№ 1 (32)
Зав. РИО М. А. Салкова
Редакторы: Н. В. Мирзоян, Л. В. Калинина
Компьютерная верстка: Е. В. Шлеина, Л. В. Калинина
Переводчик А. В. Антонов
Подписано в печать 26.05.2015 г.
Формат 6084 1/8. Уч.-изд. л. 37,44. Тираж 150. Заказ 83.
Рыбинский государственный авиационный технический университет имени П. А. Соловьева (РГАТУ имени П. А. Соловьева)
Адрес редакции: 152934, г. Рыбинск, ул. Пушкина, 53
Отпечатано в множительной лаборатории РГАТУ имени П. А. Соловьева
152934, г. Рыбинск, ул. Пушкина, 53 