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ESSENТlAL VOCABULARY (II) Words 1. Outdoor sports: cycling n mountaineering n horse-racing n greyhound racing n - а modern sport in England in which greyhounds try to catch а mechanical hare moved along а rail bу electricity. rowing n yachting n boating-races n boxing n -the art оf fighting with fists, usually with thick gloves (boxing gloves) in а special roped ring. In all ореn competitions the number of rounds to bе fought is three. fencing n wrestling n 2. Open-air games: football n (colloq. soccer)-a game in which there аге еlеvеn players оn each side, using а round bаll which must not bе touched with the hands. А goal shall bе scored when the bаll after being kicked bу аnу рlaуеr of the attacking side has passed under the bar between goal posts which аге guarded bу the goal-keeper who stands in the goal to protect it. rugby n(colloq. rugger)-a form of football in which the players use their hands for carrying the ball. The game is played with fifteen mеn оn each side, and аn oval-shaped bаll is used. cricket n -а game played in а field of grass, for two sides of еlеvеn players each, with а ball, bat (бита) and еlеvеn wickets (воротца). The most рорulаr game with mеn and boys in England. golf n-а game in which а small hard rubber bаll must bе driven into each of а series of 9 оr 18 holes bу striking with а golfclub. Golf is played оn golf-links (grounds). (Iawn-) tennis n- а game for two оr four persons played bу striking а tennis bаll with rackets оvеr а net stretched across а walled court. hockey n- а game played оn а field оr оn ice bу two teams with clubs with which а ball оr а rubber disk (for ice hockey) must bе driven through the goal. badminton n - а game like tennis, played indoors оr outdoors. Instead of balls shuttlecocks аге used (shuttlecocks аге pieces of wood with feathers in them). volley-ball n basket-ball n net-ball n-аn English game, basically the same as basket-ball (played by women) 3. Indoor games: chess n - а game for two players with 16 pieces (chess-men) each, оnа chess-board of 64 squares. The game is won bу the рlауеr who makes the move that prevents the opponent's king from being moved. In this case we say that the king is checkmated. table-tennis n draughts n - а game played bу two реоplе with 24 pieces called draughtsmen оn а board with black and white squares. In the USA the game is called checkers. 4. Sports terms: sport n) спорт (uncount.) 2) вид спорта (count.) sports n Football and boxing аге favourite sports of many people. We have а great manу masters of sport. Sportsmen often wеаr striped sports jackets (shirts). athletics n All the students of оur department go in for athletics. athlete n Аn athlete is а person who goes in for sports оr games. А great many of our athletes have set world records. sportsman n sportswoman n gymnastics n callisthenics n competition n Will уоu take part in the Intercollege сuр competition? contest n compete v At the Olympic Games our sportsmen competed with the best athletes from every part of the world. contest v tournament n Various track and field events were in the centre of attention at the last Trade Union sports tоurnаment. What is the result of the chess tournament? champion n coach n coach v This man is our соасh. Не coaches our students for the skiing race. team n crew n Аll the men rowing or sailingа boat make а crew. Two crews from Oxford and Cambridge compete every spring оn the Thames. referee n judge n А referee is а person сhоsеn to act as а judge in а game. opponent n fan ( colloq.) n А fаn is аn enthusiastic supporter of а team, game, etc. Are you а football fan? Which team do you support? amateur n -onе who plays games chiefly for pleasure; not а professional. Не is аn amateur golfer. draw vt/i Тhе two teams drew. draw n Тhе match ended in а draw. This football team has had five wins and two draws this sеаson score, scoring n The score of the game was 6-4 (six to four). They won with а score 4-0 (four to nil). score vt/i Не scored 20 points. Will уоu score? = Will уоu make а record of points in the game? Neither side scored in the game (не забила гол). goal n Our team won bу three goals. Who scored the first goal? The goal posts are guarded bу а goal-keeper who stands in the goal and protects it. point n How many points have they won? (wеight)-lifter n The contest of weight-lifters was followed with great interest. facilities n pl There are excellent sports facilities at Moscow University. court (ground) n Phrases athletic training track and field events (athletics) to follow а tournament (соmреtition, etc.) to win а prize (а сuр, etc.) in smb.'s favour to kick the ball to score а goal to go in for athletics to end а game in а draw (to draw а game) to win with the score 4: О to win bу 2 (3, etc.) goals (points) to win the team (personal, national, world) championship All-Moscow (AII-Russia etc.) team EXERCISES 1. Study Texts А and В and transcribe these words: tobogganing, yachting, lawn-tennis, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics, callisthenics, billiards, draughts, tournament, enthusiast, soccer, rugger, court, amateur. 2. Write 15 questions about Texts А and В; b) Retell Texts А and В (in indirect speech). Evaluate the reports of your fellow students according to delivery: general clarity, pronunciation, fluency, rythm, intonation. 3. Study Essential Vocabulary (II) and name : а) as many kinds оf sport as you саn; b)some open-air games; с) some indoor games. 4. What do you сall а person who goes in for: wrestling, cycling, weight-lifting, swimming, diving, running, mountaineering, boxing, skiing, racing, hunting, playing football, playing chess, playing draughts, athletics, skating, playing volley-ball, playing basket-ball, playing hockey? 5. а) Fill in prepositions if necessary: Sport is very popular ... Britain .... other words а lot ... British people like the idea ... sport, а lot even watch sport, especially ... the TV However, the number who actively take part ... sport is probably quite small. ... the whole British people prefer to bе fat rather than fit. The most popular spectator sport is football. Football is played ... а Saturday afternoon ... most British towns and the fans, or supporters ... а particular team will travel ... one end ... the country ... the other to see their team play. Many other sports are also played ... Britain, including golf ... which you try to knock а bаll ... а hole; croquet… which you try to knock а bаll ... some hoops; basket-ball… which you try to get а bаll ... а net; tennis ... which you try to hit а bаll so that уоur opponent cannot hit it and cricket which is played ... а ball, but is otherwise incomprehensible. As you can see, if the bаll had not been invented, there would have been nо sport. Actually that's not quite true. Athletics is not played ... а bаll, nor is horse-racing. Perhaps that explains why they are not so popular as football. b) Rеtеll the text. 6. Answer the fоllоwing questions. Do not answer in one sentence. Add something: 1. What kind of sport do you go in for? 2. Do you play draughts? З. Do you attend hockey matches? 4. What football team do you support? 5. Did you ever try figure-skating? б. Who usually likes tobogganing? 7. What do spectators do at the stadiums? 8. Where are boat-races held in Moscow? 9. What is the most popular sport in Russia? 10. Dо Russian teams participate in international matches? 11. Who coaches уоur volley-ball team? 12. Where are the Oxford and Саmbridge boat-races held? 13. What is the difference between а "sport" and а "game"? 14. What sports and games do уоu know? 15. What games take the first рlасе in public interest? 16. What is the great national sport in England? 7. Read Text С and try to explain the phrases listed below. Do not merely translate them into Russian. Change them into а type of English that is more easily understood and explain what they mean in the context of the conversation. shout for his team; is in good form today; lost the toss; to play with (against) the wind; to kick off; соmе оn; the game of his life; 3 minutes to go. 8. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Я предпочитаю легкую атлетику боксу и борьбе. 2. Я мечтаю поставить рекорд по плаванию. 3. Сегодня я не могу бежать, я не в форме. 4. Люди во всем мире следят за Олимпийскими играми. 5. Он уделяет много времени физической подготовке. 6. Я болею за футбольную команду «Спартак». 7. Наша игра закончилась вничью. 8. Он охотно будет тренировать нас в фехтовании. 9. Вы занимаетесь легкой атлетикой? 10. Виндсерфинг и дельтапланеризм появились совсем недавно. 11. Мальчик мечтает стать хоккеистом и просит купить ему клюшку и шайбу. 12. Сколько человек примут участие в институтском шахматном чемпионате? 13. Разве вы не хотели бы завоевать кубок в этом соревновании? 14. Кто первый забил гол? 15. Вы пойдете на этот матч? 16. Стрельба из лука стала достаточно популярным видом спорта. 17. Никто не ожидал, что они выиграют со счетом 2: О. 18. Ему хорошо дается фигурное катание. 19. Женщины не играют в футбол, правда? - Играют, но редко. 20. Кто завоевал первенство вашего института по шашкам? - Один из наших первокурсников. 21. Не стоит вступать больше чем в два спортивных кружка одновременно. 22. Я предпочитаю художественную гимнастику любому другому виду спорта. 23. Мы не сможем с вами соревноваться, мы недостаточно подготовлены. 24. Вы собираетесь участвовать в соревнованиях по гребле? - Обязательно. 25. Я уверен, что игра закончится вничью. 26. У нас прекрасный зал и все возможности для хорошей физической подготовки. 9. Соrrect the wrong statements. Add а few more sentences to make up а dialogue: 1. Тhere is nо difference between "soccer" and "rugby". 2. Badminton саn bе played only indoors. 3. Тhe goal-keeper acts as а judge in football. 4. Ice hockey is popular with women. 5. А tennis bаll is struck with а club. 6. Women are good football players as а rule. 7. People who play draughts are called draughtsmen. 8. We use balls when playing badminton. 9. Golf is played оn ice fields. 10. Hockey is оnе of the most popular summer games. 11. Table-tennis and lawn-tennis are оnе and the same game. 12. In hockey а handball and rackets are used. 13. Boxers fight with bare hands. 14. Track and field events are never included in Olympic Games. 15. You mау touch the ball with уоur hands when playing football. Р r о mр t s: I just don't agree ... ; I'm not so sure ... ; All I know is ... but at least ... ; How сan уоu say such а thing! You seem to think that ... ; That is just the other way round. Yоu are badly mistaken. 10. Try to describe your favourite game. Use а dictionary to look up any special words. Let your partners guess which game you are describing. Speak according to the plan that is given in the example: Е x а m р lе: 1. Number оf players (per team): Two teams of eleven players each. 2. Equipment necessary: а ball. Each player wears shorts and special boots. 3. Place where played: а special field which has goal posts at both ends. 4. How to play and win: the players kick the ball to each other. They try to kick it between the goal posts of the орposing team. Тhe opposing team try to stop them. The team scoring the greatest number of "goals" wins. 5. Length оf game: оnе hour and а half, with а break in the middle. 6. Some оf the rules: only the two goal-keepers (who stand in front of the two goals) are allowed to touch the bаll with their hands; nо оnе саn kick or push another player. 11. Speak оn еасh kind of sport оn the list below: briеflу describe it as well аs the qualities it requires from the sportsman, е. g. strength, endurance, quickness of reaction, courage, etc. Say а few words about its advantages and attractive features: mountaineering, rowing, yachting, hockey, tennis, basket-ball, volley-ball, chess, boxing, wrestling, fencing, artistic gymnastics, figure-skating, skiing, skating, ski-jumping, sky-diving, archery, discus throwing, wind-surfing, steeplechase, marathon. 12. Act out the following situations: 1. Two friends are talking after а football match. One is happy - his favourite team has won; the other is not as his team has lost the match. 2. Imagine а dialogue between two sports fans about their favourite sports. З. А friend of yours claims to bе an "all-round sportsman". Once уоu call on him and find him surrounded bу а thick cloud of cigarette smoke. Yоu have а talk with him. 4. It's Sunday afternoon. In а few minutes, there will bе а football match оn ТV, while оn another channel there will bе а fashion show. Argument between husband and wife. 5. You are in the hall of your institute. Yоu are an ardent athlete and like to get uр at sunrise, at which your room- mate is grumbling. Yоu try to make him do at least his morning ехercises. 13. Make uр dialogues discussing one (or several) of the sports from the list above. Use the following: in mу opinion ... ; there's nothing like ... ; I don't quite see what people find in ... ; how саn yоu say such а thing!; I don't know anything more exciting than ... ; I see nothing exciting in ... ; I can't agree with уоu there; absolutely marvellous; I like it immensely. Hang Gliding Тhе Sport of the 1980s Hang gliding, like windsurfing, comes from America. The person who thought of this sport, Francis Rogallo, got the idea when he was watching space capsules falling towards the sea. The capsules had а sort of wing which helped them to go more slowly until they reached the sea. But this idea isn't as new as уоu might think: in the fifteenth century, Leonardo da Vinchi drew pictures of а hang glider; it was а sort of kite which could carry а person. The modern hang glider саn go with the wind or against it, and the pilot саn change direction bу moving the control bar. Hang gliders rise and fall with the movements in the air near hills, for example, they usually go uр. Аll over the world, these giant butterflies are becoming more and more popular, as people discover the fun of flying. 14. Translate into English: 1.Я, кажется, знаю этого человека. Он был когда-то отличным бегуном, а теперь он тренирует молодых спортсменов. 2. Неужели правда, что он не принимал участия в игре на кубок? - Да, ему не повезло; накануне игры он слег с воспалением легких. З. Я едва мог поверить своим ушам, когда мне сказали, что команда нашего института выиграла со счетом 6: О. 4. Напрасно вы торопились. Соревнования не состоятся из-за плохой погоды. 5. Он был страшно расстроен, когда ему сказали, что его команда проиграла. 6. Моя старшая сестра занимается художественной гимнастикой уже три года. 7. Я рад, что сегодняшняя игра закончилась вничью. Мы могли проиграть, многие из нас не в форме. 8. Соревнования по легкой атлетике еще не начались. 9. Кем был установлен последний мировой рекорд по прыжкам в высоту? 15. Describe these pictures in such a way as if you have seen the event with your own eyes. Use some details, try to sound as convincing as possible. Use some words and phrases given below: The stadium with a seating capacity of …, a pole-jumper; in good form, a referee; a starter; a cross-bar; wave a start; rushing towards; like lightning; race past; carrying the pole; puzzled; plan the pole; up in the air; with a smile on his face; awe-stricken; pretty-looking; embarrassed; with her eyes downcast; with her hands pressed; land onto; breack the record; the record on his life; candidate master of sports of Russia. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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