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TEXT С The Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been an educational pioneer since its founding. It virtually created the modern profession of chemical engineering and was the first technological institution to recognize and provide for economics as an important element in the education of the engineer. The Institute was the first to establish courses in aeronautical engineering, architectural engineering, chemical engineering, food technology, industrial biology, marine engineering, and naval architecture. The Institute is at present taking the leadership in upgrading and modernizing the education of engineers. Its Electrical Engineering Department has led the way by a drastic overhaul of its curriculum which embodies a more fundamental approach to electrical engineering. This spirit is now finding rapid acceptance through the School of Engineering. At present the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has the most comprehensive and varied research programme in the physical sciences and technology to be found in any one place in the world. It has at present under way 900 separate research projects. There is scarcely any aspect of American science and technology that is not touched - and advanced - by its creative activity.
TEXT E Imperial College, London The Imperial College of Science and Technology is one of the oldest and most important scientific institutes in England. It now forms part of the University of London, and fulfills the dual purpose of teaching students and fostering research in science and technology. Imperial College began as the Royal College of Science in the middle of the nineteenth century, when it was realized that teaching and pursuing science and its applications was necessary to fully carry out the industrial revolution and keep Britain in the forepost of technological advance. Many famous scientists were associated with the early days of the College, for example Huxley and Wells. Prince Albert, the royal patron, also closely followed scientific work at the College. With the addition of the City and Guilds Institute and the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College acquired large engineering facilities in addition to those for pure scientific research. Today the main departments are: Physics (of which Professor Blockett is well known). Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Aeronautics, Mining Technology, Chemistry and Mathematics. A large new department is the Biochemical Department, headed by Professor Chain. Imperial College is fortunate in having several new buildings with many excellent laboratories, and more are being built. A Computer Section develops the facilities of the College's two computers for the use of all departments. The College also has facilities outside London in a biological field station and a mining research station. At the present time about 2000 students are studying at Imperial College for their first degree. There are also about 1000 research students, working for higher degrees and participating in the research work at the College. A large proportion of them are overseas students from many different countries. There is much excellent research work undertaken at Imperial College in a wide range of subjects. Now research groups include one working on traffic problems, an operational research group, and a history of science department. Imperial College is still growing in size and numbers, and as an almost independent institution it rivals many other colleges of London University put together. It is possible that it will be associated with other institutes nearby, the Royal Schools of Art and Music, to develop into a separate University. In this way it is hoped to continue to train specialized scientists and engineers in a more varied cultural atmosphere than a university is supposed to embody. Ex. 1. Give Russian equivalents to the sentences below paying special attention to the parts in italics. 1. The Imperial of Science and Technology forms part of the University of London. 2. It fulfills the dual purposes of teaching students and fostering research in science and technology. 3. It was necessary to fully carry out the industrial revolution and keep Britain in the forepost of technological advance. 4. Imperial College acquired large engineering facilities in addition to those for pure scientific research. 5. A Computer Section develops the facilities of the College's two computers for the use of all departments. 6. There are about 1000 research students, working for higher degrees and participating in the research work of the college. 7. Much excellent research work is undertaken at Imperial College in a wide range of subjects. 8. Imperial College is still growing in size and numbers. 9. Imperial College rivals many other colleges of London University put together. 10. In this way it is hoped to continue to train specialized scientists and engineers. Ex. 2 Find out all you can say about the Imperial College by asking questions. Follow the model. Make up a short talk. MODEL: 1. Is the Imperial College of Science and Technology an English scientific institution? 2.1 think (As far as I know) the Imperial College is the oldest and most important scientific institute in England. 1. What are the dual purposes of the Imperial College? 2. What famous scientists were associated with the Imperial College? 3. What are the main departments of the Imperial College at present? 4. How many students and research students are studying at the Imperial College at the present time? 5.What new research groups have been formed at the Imperial College? 6. What is the main goal (task, purpose) of the 1С.? Ex. 3.Insert prepositions. A 1. Imperial College is fostering research ... science and technology. 2. It was founded as the Royal College ... the middle ... the nineteenth century. 3. The aim ... its foundation was to keep Britain... the forepost... technological advance. 4. Many famous scientists were associated... the College. 5. There are large engineering facilities... addition... those... pure scientific research. 6. One... the departments is headed... Professor Chain. 7. The College is fortunate... having several new buildings... many laboratories. 8. The College has facilities ... London ... a biological field station. 9.... the present time many research students are working... higher degree ... Imperial College. 10. Much research work is undertaken... Imperial College... a wide range... subjects. 11. The College is growing ... size and numbers. 12. Very soon it will develop... a separate University. В 13. What well-known scientists are associated... your Institute? 14. This Institute is fostering research... physics. 15. The Institute of Semiconductors was founded... the middle... the twentieth century... Academician Joffe. 16. Our Institute is... the forepost... physical science. 17. The Laboratory- Biochemistry is headed... Professor N 18. The post graduates... our Institute are now studying ... higher degrees. 19. I do a lot of reading... my examination in English. 20. We hope to train specialized... many ways. Ex. 4. Answer the following questions. A 1. What kind of institution is the Imperial College of Science and Technology? 2. What are the purposes of the College? 3. In what field does it foster research? 4.When did the College begin as the Royal College of Science? 5. Why was teaching and pursuing science so necessary at that time? 6.What helped to keep Britain in the forepost of technological advance? 7. Who was associated with the early days of the College? 8. What are the main departments of Imperial College? 9. What facilities did the College acquire? 10. Are there any new buildings being built for the College? 11. Is the College related to the University of London? 12. What was realized in the middle of the nineteenth century? 13. What historical events of great importance took place in the middle of the nineteenth century? 14. Whatdepartment is run by Professor Chain? В 15. What can you tell us about your Institute? 16. What is your opinion of the research carried on at your Institute? 17. What do you think is the main purpose of this research? 18. What are the facilities for research at your Institute? 19. Has it any facilities outside the town? 20. How many research students are there at your laboratory? 21. Is your Institute growing in size and numbers? 22. Are there any new research units (teams) at your Institute and what are they working on? 23. What well-known scientists work at your Institute? TEXT F Carnegie Institution of Washington A little over sixty years ago, on January 28, 1902 Andrew Carnegie founded what was to become a new kind of institution for America: the first it was devoted to fundamental research over wide fronts of science, in the most completely basic aspect. The Carnegie Institution of Washington was established specifically to encourage, in the broadest and most liberal manner, investigation, research, and discovery and the application of knowledge to the improvements of mankind. The scientists in the Department of the Institution have no commitment except to carry on research; they are not required to teach; they choose their own fields of investigation. Carnegie Institution scientists in the last sixty years have made far- ranging major contributions to knowledge in almost every field of science. They have been pioneers in opening new areas. At present, Carnegie Institution's interests are mainly in there broad fields: 1) the form, contents and dynamics of the universe; 2) the structure and evolution of the earth; and 3) the frontiers of biology. Work in these pioneering areas is being carried on in six research centers operated by the Institution and by individual scientists and research teams. The six research centers are: The Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories which are operated jointly by the Carnegie Institution and California Institute of Technology. These observatories have two of the world's largest telescopes, and are currently engaged in programs on the physical nature and evolution of celestial bodies, and on the structure and dimensions of the Universe. The Geophysical Laboratory which conducts broad physiochemical studies on the structure, formation and evolution of the Earth's crust to learn more about the physical and biological history, composition and internal make up of our planet. The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Research at this Department covers a wide range of subjects, including the magnetic and electrical fields of the earth, radio astronomy, geophysics of the earth's crust and mantle, isotope geology, nuclear physics and biosynthesis, touching also on basic genetics. The Department of Embryology. There are investigated the processes by means of which egg cells develop into individual. The Department of Biology at Stanford, California. This Department studies photosynthesis, by which plants manufacture organic matter. The Genetic Research Unit at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Studies undertaken by this Unit consider the mechanisms by which life processes are directed in the living cell. In addition to its own full-time staff, the Carnegie Institution annually invites selected scientists of international reputation to spend time at its research centers, making use of the specialized instruments and facilities of the Institution. The results of the Institution's research are freely and promptly presented to the world through scientific journals and scientific meetings, lectures and symposia. In all, the Institution has published more than 800 titles, some consisting of several volumes. Ex. 1. Give Russian equivalents to the sentences below payingspecial attention to the parts in italics. 1. On January 28,1902 Andrew Carnegie founded |
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