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Тема 2. Примеры экзаменационных работ для самостоятельного анализа В этом разделе даны задания, которые можно оценить самостоятельно, используя в качестве справочного материала таблицу критериев оценивания, и дополнительную схему оценивания (приложение 1). 33 I. Первый блок экзаменационных материалов для самостоятельного оценивания представляет собой письма-ответы учащихся на тестовое задание, которое было представлено в теме 1.
Письма для самостоятельного оценивания Текст 4 (личное письмо учащегося с сохранением языкового оформления) 16/4 Panpherova Moscow 13 December 2014 Dear Ben, I chosen English and History for my exams because I like History, this must for my future profession, English must because this subject very important in our peace. I think oral exam lighter than written. I will employ coach or writting tests in internet. Sorry, I am going for a walk with my dog. With love, Tanya. Текст 5 (личное письмо учащегося с сохранением языкового оформления) Moscow, Russia 06.12.2014 Dear Ben, Thank you for the letter. How are you? What's new? i at school will have examinations. i have over the literature and history. i very busy, because i read books and i learn tickets. i have not enough free time on rest. i am tired because of examinations. i have chosen for this purpose biology and history. i handed over oral subjects because it is necessary to learn them only on your place. I would take on Library of the book and prepared for examination in textbooks or read in the internet. So, i finish the letter. Well, i'd better get going. Good-bye Ben Pavel 33
Текст 6 (личное письмо учащегося с сохранением языкового оформления) 85/5/80 Leninskiy avenue Moscow 13 December 2014 Dear John, I like your hobby. Summer is the best time for reading/ You have enough time, nobody interrupts you, you don't have have to worry about your homework. Teenagers read less than their parents did because teenagers have new technologies: TVs and computers, PSPs and gameboys, etc... But not all teenagers read a little. I know many people that love reading but not what we are studying at school. I like reading fantastics and novels. I like imagine our “another” life with wonders. That's why I'm reading fantastics. In my free time I'm doing different things. One day I'm playing on the computer, another day I'm watching TV. Sometimes I'm taking a walk with my friends or my dog, sometimes I'm trying to solve Rubic's cube. Write back soon. With love, Irina Текст 7 (личное письмо учащегося с сохранением языкового оформления) Himki Russia 07.12.2014 My Dear John, Hello. I am glad to hear you. How are the things going on? Did some thing new happen in your life. Having received your letter, I want to answer it immediately. But I was working a lot during the last two weeks. Teenagers read less then their parents because it aren't interested in it. My most favourite book – Dorian Gray (Oscar Uaild). I like to walk in the free time. What your most favourite book? Why are you like to read? Are you satisfied with all this? What are your plants for this summer? Maybe we will be able to meet one day? With impatience I look forward to hearing. Your very sincere friend Victoria Текст 8 (личное письмо учащегося с сохранением языкового оформления) Moscow Russia 08.12.2014 Dear John, Thanks for your letter. I'm sorry that I haven't written for a long time. You say that you like read, I also like read and I think that it doesn't sounds strange nowadays. You are right that teenagers read less than their parents did, because teenagers have others interests such as TV, internet, games, they like go for awalk. In my free time I read, I like different books. So I have to go. See you later. Liza Текст 9 (личное письмо учащегося с сохранением языкового оформления) Moscow, Russia 06.12.2014 Dear John, Thank you very much for your letter. Sorry for not writing for a long time. I very much respect you that your hobby is reading books. In now days its very rare/ Usually teenager's spend time at the computer. It's big problem teenagers in the world. More teenagers never read book, because bad developed speech. Fairly I'am don't like read books. But I like to read such great writers Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Gogol. Their books very interesting. Usually spend I'am free time in the street and at the computer. In the street I like for a walk with my friends or play football. At home I like watching TV and play with my sister. Anyway, that's all for now! Write and tell me your news! Maxim. Текст 10 (личное письмо учащегося с сохранением языкового оформления) Moscow, Russia 06.12.2014 Dear John, Thank you very much for your letter. Sorry for not writing for a long time. How are you doing? As in school? Recently, in literature class, we talked about that. modern students are very little read, develop their communication. Now, reading books is a rarity. We agreed that the wine around the art technology children sit on theinternet all day and did not have eneugh time to do homework. But personally, I very much like to read. Recently I read “Dead Souls”, “Thunderstorm” and the novel “Evgene Onegin”. These books made me a very big impression. I advise you to read them. Sorry I have to go, my mum is waiting for me. Dima Текст 11 (личное письмо учащегося с сохранением языкового оформления) Moscow Russia December 12th Dear John, Hi! It was great to hear from you again. In your letter you ask me about my studies in my free time, about my favourite books for reading. So, I can tell you that in my free time I like to walk with my friends, play with my dog. I like to read many different books, but my favourite book is “Homeless Dogs”. This book was written by Christopher Adamas. And you? Do you like reading? Do you write me about your favourite author and his book? Can you give me this book? Best wishes, Ulyana Текст 12 (личное письмо учащегося с сохранением языкового оформления) Moscow Russia December 2014 Dear John, Hello! I was so happy to get your letter! I like summer too. In summer i riding on the bike, swimming in the river. Teenagers are not very interesting in read because they are ussualy plays in computer. I like reading books about historic events, fantastic planets. In my free time i collecting postcards. It's very interesting. I have 150 postcards. What kind of books do you like reading? How many books you read at the summer? I need to help my mother. See you soon, Tim 33
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