Тема 4.7 Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Пояснение к работе:
В результате изучения темы Вы должны:
использовать прилагательные в положительной, сравнительной и превосходной степени в устной и письменной речи
работать самостоятельно со справочной литературой
переводить предложения и словосочетания с помощью словаря
правила образования сравнительной и превосходной степени английского прилагательного
Требования к оформлению работы
Работа выполняется в тетради для самостоятельных работ. Вы должны выполнить все предложенные в методическом пособии задания. Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задания необходимо усвоить раздел курса английского языка «Степени сравнения прилагательных» (см. Грамматический справочник)
Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную степень прилагательного (наречия).
Winter is (cold) season of the year.
Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg.
Which is (long) day of the year.
The Alps are (high) mountains in Europe.
Even (long) day has an end.
It is one (important) questions of our conference.
Your English is (good) now.
Who knows him (good) than you.
We have (little) interest in this work than you.
Health is (good) than wealth.
Упражнение 2. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных.
Large, tall, long, popular, comfortable, good, slowly, wide, high, bad, low, pleasant, active, short, far
Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) London university is one of the oldest universities in Europe.
2) The farthest end of the district wasn’t attractive at all.
3) This flat is too small for me. I need bigger flat.
4) Since she has been in Britain, her English has got better.
5) It is becoming more difficult to enter the university.
6) As the day went on, the weather got worse.
7) It is one of the worst mistakes.
8) He is the most generous person.
9) This book is more interesting than that one.
10) This car is more comfortable than that one.
Тема 4.8 Internal components of the car
Пояснение к работе:
В результате изучения темы Вы должны:
устно составлять диалог на заданные темы
составлять е-mail на иностранном языке по проблемам доставки автозапчастей
пользоваться словарем
самостоятельно работать со справочной литературой
профессиональную лексику по теме
новую информацию по теме
Требования к оформлению работы
Работа выполняется в тетради для самостоятельных работ. Вы должны выполнять все предложенные в методическом пособии задания.
Упражнение1. Прочитайте, переведите диалог. Вставьте пропущенные фразы.
Instructor: OK, so you’re sitting in the car. What do you do now?
Leamer: Well, I start the car. No, wait! I check behinde me first before I drive away.
Instructor: You’ve forgotten something.
Leamer: Of course, I faster my 1________ first.
Instructor: Even before you fasten your seat btlt there are things you need to do. First of all, are you sitting comfortable?
Leamer: Not really. The seat is a bit too far from the 2__________ .
Instructor: So you need to adjust the seat, right? Use the two levers there to adjust the position and the hight. You can also adjust the steering wheel. So now you’re sitting comfortably. What should you check now?
Leamer: That the 3______ mirrior is in the right position. And the side morror.
Instructor: Quite right. What next?
Leamer: Well, if it’s dark, I need to switch on the 4________ .
Instructor: Good. Finally, before you put the key into the 5________, what should you do?
Leamer: Now I fasten my seat belt.
Упражнение 2. Вы работаете в компании производящей детали автомобиля. В ыполучили e-mail от французкого клиента. Дополните e-mail словами из таблицы.
apprepriate * attachment * forward
possible * sending * unfortunately * writing

Упражнение 4. Многие производители машин имеют свои веб сайты. Это позволяет покупателям оборудовать свои автомобили до того как они его купят. Просмотрите конфигурации и напишите названия заголовков (а-f)в нужные колонки (1-6).
a) Audio/ Communication
b) Safety / Technology
c) Exterior equipment
d) Seats
e) Interior equipment
f) Wheels / Tyres
1)electric adjustable and heater door mirror with memory
2)remote control central locking
3)electric side and lift glass sunroof
4)towing equipment
1)electronic tyro pressure monitoring
2)8Jx17’seven spoke design alloy wheels with 236/56 R17 tyros
1)electronic climate control with individual driver and front passenger controls
2)garage door opener
3)rear window blind, electrically operated
1) electric front seats – 14 way adjustable with memory
for front seats
2)leather upholstery
3) heated front and rear seats
4)sports seats
1)anti-theft alarm with tow-away protection
2) cruise control
3)xenon headlights
4)adaptive air suspension
1)DVD-based navigation system
2)hands-free dual band GSM car telephone 3)voice control system
Тема 5.9 The modal verbs
Пояснение к работе:
В результате изучения темы Вы должны:
использовать модальные глаголы в устной и письменной речи
использовать вместо модальных глаголов их заменители там, где это необходимо
работать самостоятельно со справочной литературой
переводить предложения и словосочетания с помощью словаря
значение модальных глаголов и случаи их использования
заменители модальных глаголов
Требования к оформлению работы
Работа выполняется в тетради для самостоятельных работ. Вы должны выполнить все предложенные в методическом пособии задания. Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задания необходимо усвоить раздел курса английского языка «Модальные глаголы и их заменители» (см. Грамматический справочник)
Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и их заменители.
I can work in this office well.
He is able to translate these sentences very well.
She can repeat all long and short sounds.
We are allowed to watch TV in the kitchen.
You may walk in this green park.
The teacher should ask different questions.
The pupils are able to answer the difficult questions.
You may change the flowers in the vase.
The boy may help them.
You must do the necessary task.
The pupils should clean the dirty blackboard.
My mother is to receive the letter.
My sister has to wash the plates.
The children may play in the garden.
Their sons can play football very well.
We must receive and serve our guests very well.
That waiter can’t speak English.
You must come in time.
May I take this textbook?
Must they come early every day?
Payment must be made by check.
This work must be done today.
You are not allowed to smoke here.
May I go with you? No, you may not.
Can you draw pictures with a pen? – Yes, I can.
Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык
На уроке не следует разговаривать.
Можно взять твою книгу?
Здесь нельзя громко петь.
Я должна буду посмотреть этот фильм.
Ему нужно было сходить в библиотеку.
Мой брат сможет завтра забрать подарок.
Мы можем покататься на коньках до вечера.
Он должен заботиться о бабушке.
Упражнение 3. Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол.
He doesn’t feel well, _______ you call a doctor?
______ I help you?
______ you wash up, please?
______we go cycling? No, let’s go swimming.
You ______ shout, I can hear you.
You ______ come to the party if you don’t want to.
You _____ brush your teeth after meals.
Her child is hungry and she ______ make a sandwich for him.
Where ______ we go on holiday this year?
A fish ____ swim but it _______ fly.
Тема 5.10 Principle of Operation of the Four-Stroke Petrol Engine
Пояснение к работе:
В результате изучения темы Вы должны:
читать и переводить тексты и диалоги профессиональной направленности
пользоваться словарем, справочной литературой
самостоятельно работать
составлять диалоги
профессиональную лексику по теме
Требования к оформлению работы
Работа выполняется в тетради для самостоятельных работ. Вы должны выполнять все предложенные в методическом пособии задания.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст.
Principle of Operation of the Four-Stroke Petrol Engine
The internal combustion engine is called so because fuel is burned directly inside the engine itself. Most automobile engines work on a 4-stroke cycle. A cycle is one complete sequence of 4 strokes of the piston in the cylinder. The operating cycle of the four-stroke petrol engine includes: inlet stroke (intake valve opens), compression stroke (both valves closed), power stroke (both valves closed), exhaust stroke (exhaust valve is opened).
To describe the complete cycle, let's assume that the piston is at the top of the stroke (top dead center) and the inlet and the exhaust valves are closed. When the piston moves down the inlet valve opens to intake a charge of fuel into the cylinder. This is called the inlet (intake) stroke. On reaching the lowest position (bottom dead center) the piston begins to move upward into the closed upper part on the cylinder, (he inlet valve is closed and the mixture is compressed by the rising piston. This is called the compression stroke. As the piston again reaches the top dead center the spark plugs ignite the mixture, both valves being closed during its combustion. As a result of burning mixtures the both valves being closed during its combustion. As a result of burning mixtures the gases expand and great pressure makes the piston move back down the cylinder. This stroke is called the power stroke. When the piston reaches the bottom of its stroke, the exhaust valve is opened, pressure is released, and the piston again rises. It lets the burnt gas flow through the exhaust valve into the atmosphere. This is called the exhaust stroke which completes the cycle. So the piston moves in the cylinder down (intake stroke), up (compression stroke), down (power stroke), up (exhaust stroke).
The heat released by the fuel is transformed into work so that the reciprocating movement of the pistons is converted into rotary movement of a crankshaft by means of connecting rods.

1 - intake 2 - compression 3 - power 4 - exhaust
Рис. 1. Principle of Operation of the Four-Stroke Petrol Engine
Упражнение 2. Дайте ответы на вопросы.
1. Why is the engine called the internal combustion engine?
2. What stroke is called the inlet one?
3. What is a compression stroke?
4. What takes place in the cylinder on power stroke?
5. What takes place on the exhaust stroke?
6. By means of what is the reciprocating movement of the pistons converted into rotary movement of a crankshaft?
Упражнение 3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1.After graduating from the college I shall become a technician. 7
2.I shall deal with manufacturing cars. 7
3.The production of the automobile comprises five phases, such as: designing, working out the technology of manufacturing processes, laboratory tests, road tests, mass production. 7
Упражнение 1. Образуйте множественное число. 11
a tooth, a foot, a man, a women, a postman 11
Components of the Automobile 13
Principle of Operation of the Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 28
Tracing a Fault 30
b) the exhaust valve is opened and the residual gas flows through the exhaust valve into the atmosphere.
5.On the exhaust stroke
a) the spark plugs ignite the mixture, both valves are closed during its combustion;
b) the exhaust valve is opened and the residual gas flows through the exhaust valve into the atmosphere.
6. It is done
a) by means of pistons;
b) by means of the connecting rods.
Упражнение 4. Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный по смыслу вариант окончания.
1.The internal combustion engine is called so because fuel is burned…
a) outside the engine;
b) inside the engine.
2.On the inlet stroke
a) the intake valve opens;
b) the intake valve is closed;
c) the intake and the exhaust valves are closed.
1.After graduating from the college I shall become a technician. 7
2.I shall deal with manufacturing cars. 7
3.The production of the automobile comprises five phases, such as: designing, working out the technology of manufacturing processes, laboratory tests, road tests, mass production. 7
Упражнение 1. Образуйте множественное число. 11
a tooth, a foot, a man, a women, a postman 11
Components of the Automobile 13
Principle of Operation of the Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 28
Tracing a Fault 30
b) the intake valve is closed;
c) the intake and the exhaust valves are closed.
Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите диалоги.
Tracing a Fault
Nick: Peter, I know you are a good driver. I would like you to have a look at my car.
Peter: What's wrong with your car?
N.: I don't know.
P.: Let me have a look. When did you have your plugs checked?
N.: Three days ago. I thought I had run out of fuel but the tank is half full.
P.: The carburettor is in order but the engine is misfiring. I guess the battery has run down. It needs recharging.
N.: Too bad.
P.: Don't get upset about it. It won't take you long to have your battery recharged.
N.: Do you really think so?
P.: I am sure of it. I advise you to have the engine greased.
N.: I'll follow your advice. Thank you, Peter.
P.: Don't mention it, Nick. I'm very sorry I couldn't help you.
N.: Well, you helped me to find the fault. Thanks a lot. Good-bye.
P.: See you later.
At the Repairing Shop
Client: Good afternoon! Can you help me? There is something wrong with the engine.
Master: Hi! What is wrong with it?
С.: I don't know. It wouldn't start. Maybe the pistons and valves are in disorder.
M.: Let's have a look! Well, they are quite right.
C.: And what about the crankshaft, or electric spark plugs. I know absolutely nothing about the operating cycle of the engine.
М.:Just a moment. Don't worry! We shall check up all units and how they work together.
Some time later
M.: My God! There is no petrol in the tank. How can you move drive?
C.: Really? Oh, I have forgotten to fill in the tank! I beg your pardon to trouble you!
M.: No trouble, at all. You are welcome!