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TEST EX. 1 Complete the following story by supplying the correct forms of the verbs. Mr. Smith … 1)(to go)on a business trip to London and three of his friends asked him if he …2) (not to mind) …3) (to buy) umbrellas for them. Mr. Smith …4) (to check in) at the hotel, …5) (to leave) his luggage and …6)(to decide)to go to the shop. For nearly a fortnight it …7)(to pour) in London, and on that day the weather was nasty too: it…8)(to rain) hard, a strong wind…9)(to blow), and there was no hope that the sun …ever ….10)(to appear). So Mr. Smith …11)(to fetch) his umbrella and ….. 12)(to put on) his raincoat, because yt was afraid … 13)(to get) wet through. To Mr. Smith’s disappointment all the umbrellas …. 14)(to be sold out) the day before, but the owner of the shop said they …. 15)(to have supply) for a long time and he …16)(to be sure) … 17)(to get) some umbrellas in the afternoon. At the time Mr. Smith …18)(to leave) the shop it no longer …19)(to rain), the sun …already …20)(to shine) brightly, and one could hardly believe that some ten minutes before it…21)(to rain) cats and dogs. Mr. Smith …22)(to leave) his umbrella behind, but the weather was so fine that the even … 23)(not to remember) about it. He got on the bus that…24)(to be) …..25)(to take) him to the hotel, but when he was … 26)(to get off) the bus, by mistake he …27)(to take) his neighbour’s umbrella and suddenly he heard the man…28)(to say): “Sorry, sir, I…29)(to believe) this is my umbrella.” “I’m sorry, sir,” said Mr. Smith. He …30)(to feel) ashamed- the people …31)(may) …32)(to think) he was a thief- and he …33)(to hurry) out of the bus. He …. 34)(to come) to the hotel, …35)(to have) dinner, and in the evening he…36)(to go) to the shop. …37)(to buy) umbrellas. He …. 38)(to buy) three umbrellas, and the owner …39)(to return) him the umbrella he …. 40)(to leave) behind, and when he … 41)(to return) with the four umbrellas in his hands, he …42)(to meet) the man whose umbrella he…43)(to take) by mistake when he …44)(to leave) the bus. The man smiled at him and said: “You …45)(to have) a lucky day, eh?” EX. 2. Make up five questions on the story above. Test on VOCABULARY Task 1Which crimes are being described in the following situations? Fill the gaps with the words from the list. Rioting, arson, mugging, vandalism, kidnapping, shoplifting, robbery, hacking, burglary, domestic violence, stalking, murder, drug-trafficking, blackmail, pickpocketing, hijacking, looting, theft, hooliganism, fraud 1. People broke into our house and stole our video camera……………………... 2. Youths attacked her in the street and ran off with her handbag………………. 3. The pilot was forced to take the plane to Tashkent…………………………… 4. She killed him by poisoning his coffee……………………………………….. 5. Why do middle-class women steal food from supermarkets…………………. 6. Having made no profit that year, he set fire to his own factory………………. 7. Crowds of protestors broke shop windows and stole goods. ………………… 8. They ran around smashing things and fighting other drunken youths. ………. 9. He threatened to tell the newspapers unless he got a thousand pounds……… 10. Someone has stolen my purse from my desk……………………………….. 11. The clerk handed over the money when they threatened to shoot him …….. 12. The business used deception to obtain money. …………………………….. 13. They were accused of deliberately smashing the phone box……………….. 14. The boy would be harmed unless his parents paid the money………………. 15. The woman was often seen with bruises on her face……………………....... 16. His wallet was stolen from his back pocket…………………………………. 17. Trained dogs found the packages stuffed into the seats of the lorry………… 18. The film star had been followed by the same man for months……………… 19. They accessed the information from the government computer system……. 20. Hundreds of police in helmets broke up the angry crowds…………………. Task 2 Complete the blanks with the correct form of the word given at he end of each sentence. An Innocent Man Last night, Joe Bloggs was arrested on (1)………of robbery. SUSPECT The police had no (2)….. that he had committed the crime PROVE And Joe denied the….. saying he had a good alibi. CHARGE When he was put on (4)…, the police called several witnesses TRY To the stand but Joe’s (5) ….. defended the client well LAW And tried to prove that Joe hadn’t done anything (6)……… LEGAL However, the jury found Joe (7) ….. and he was sentenced to GUILT Six months in prison. As Joe had never committed a (8) CRIMINAL Before this was a heavy (9)….. . Most people were PUNISH Convinced of Joe’s (10) ….. and his lawyer appealed INNOCENT against the verdict. Ex. 4 Retell the text Lawyer SOLICITOR 1. Solicitor is a type of practicing lawyer in Britain who gives advice, does the necessary work when property is bought and sold, and defends people, especially in the lawyer courts of law. In general, a barrister undertakes no work except through a solicitor, who prepares and delivers the client’s instructions to a barrister. Solicitors confer with clients, draft documents, conduct negotiations, prepare cases for trial, and retain barristers from advice on special matters or fir advocacy before the higher courts. They have a right to act in all courts as agents for litigation or representatives of their clients, but they may appear as advocates only in the lower courts. If one wants to make a will, the best man to advise him is a solicitor. If one gets into trouble with the police one can ask a solicitor to help prepare his defence. 2. The official organization of solicitors is the Law Society, a voluntary group, incorporated by Parliament. The Law Society has extensive authority in setting and enforcing standards for solicitors. The Law Society maintains a client-compensation fund to reduce and relieve losses sustained from dishonesty by solicitors. The education required of a solicitor includes a law school course. Furthermore, to qualify as a solicitor one is to join a practicing solicitor as a “clerk” and to work for him (apprenticeship) for a period of five years (three years for university graduates) in order to pass the Law society exams. Solicitors must be British Commonwealth citizens, although there is no such requirement for the barrister. [the Commonwealth is an organization of about 50 countries that were once part of the British Empire]. VOCABULARY
Ex.1. Comprehension Check 1. What are solicitor’s duties?
Ex. 2. Agree or disagree with the following sentences. 1) Solicitor misadvises. 2) Solicitor does the unnecessary work when property is bought and sold. 3) Solicitor defends people in higher courts of law. 4) A barrister undertakes work except through a solicitor. 5). Solicitor prepares and delivers the client’s instructions to a judge. 6) Solicitors hold a consultation with clients. 7) Solicitors compose documents. 8) Solicitors carry on negotiations. 9) Solicitors prepare cases for lawsuits. 10) Barristers retain solicitors for advice on special matters. 11) Solicitors retain barristers for advocacy before the lower courts. 12) Solicitors act in all courts as the agents for litigation. 13) Solicitors don’t act in all courts as representatives of their clients. 14) Solicitors may appear as advocates only in the higher courts. 15) If one wants to make a will the best man to advise him is a barrister. 16) If one gets into trouble with the police one can ask a barrister to help prepare his defence. Ex. 3. Restore the word order in the following sentences. 1) Solicitor advice gives. 2) Solicitor the necessary work when property is bought and sold does. 3) Solicitor people in the lower courts of law defence. 4) A barrister no work except through a solicitor undertakes. 5) Solicitor and delivers the client’s instructions to a barrister prepares. 6) Solicitor with the client confer. 7) Solicitors documents draft. 8) Solicitors negotiations conduct. 9) Solicitors cases for trial prepare. 10) Solicitors barristers for advocacy before the higher courts retain. 11) Solicitors barristers for advice on special matters retain. 12) Solicitors a right to act in all courts as representatives of their clients have. 13) If one makes a will the best man to advise him is a solicitor wants. 14) If one into trouble with the police one can ask a solicitor to help his defence gets. Ex. 4. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English. Стряпчий, советовать, доверенное лицо, собственность, тяжба, адвокат, покупать, регистрировать, обширный, учреждение, брать на себя обязанность, совещаться, составлять документ, вести переговоры, защищать, подготовить дело к слушанию в суде, нанимать адвоката, защита, вышестоящий суд, процесс, юридический факультет, ученичество, доставлять инструкции, составить завещание, попасть в беду, давать плохой совет. Ex. 5. Сomplete the following statements. 1) Solicitors give… 2) Solicitors do… 3) Solicitors defend… 4) Solicitors prepare and deliver… 5) Solicitors confer… 6) Solicitors draft… 7) Solicitors conduct… 8) Solicitors prepare cases… 9) Solicitors retain… 10) Solicitors have a right to act… 11) Solicitors may appear as… 12) If one wants to make a will… 13) If one gets into trouble with the police… 14) The official organization of solicitors is… 15) The Law society has… 16) The Law Society maintains… 17) The education required of a solicitor includes… 18) To qualify as a solicitor one is … 19) Solicitors must be... Ex. 6. Choose one topic to speak about solicitor: a) his functions; b) his Law Society. LAWYER Lawyer is one trained and licensed to prepare, manage , and either prosecute or defend a court action as an agent for another and who also gives advice on legal matters that may or may not require court action. The lawyer applies the law to specific cases. He investigates the facts and the evidence by conferring with his client and reviewing documents, and he prepares and files the pleadings in court. At the trial he produces evidence, interrogates witnesses, and argues questions of law and fact. If he does not win the case, he may seek a new trial or relief in an appellate court. In many instances, the lawyer can bring about the settlement of a case without that thorough negotiation. In addition, the law gives individuals the power to arrange and determine their legal rights in many matters in various ways, as through contracts, or corporate bylaws, and the lawyer aids in many of these arrangements. During the 20th century the rapidly developing field of work for lawyers has been the representation of clients before administrative committees and courts and before legislative committees. A lawyer has several loyalties in his work. They include that to his client, to the administration of justice, to the community, to his associates in practice, and to himself. When these loyalties conflict, the standards of the profession are intended to effect a reconciliation. Legal practice varies from country to country. In England lawyers are divided into barristers, who plead in the higher courts, and solicitors, who do office work and plead in the lawyer courts. In the United States attorneys specialize in limited areas of law though many are involved in general practice. In addition to these professional groups there are nonprofessional legal counselors who give advice on various legal problems and are often employed by business firms. In almost all civil-law countries there are notaries, who have exclusive rights to deal with such office work as marriage settlements and wills. Ex,1. Comprehension Check
Ex.2. Complete the following statements. 1. Lawyer is one trained and licensed to prepare… 2. He investigates the facts and the evidence by … 3. At the court he introduces evidence… 4. If he doesn’t win the case, he may … 5. The lawyer can bring about the settlement of a case … 6. The lawyer has several loyalties in his work, such as… 7. In England lawyers are divided into … 8. In the United States attorneys often specialize in … 9. Nonprofessional legal counselors give advice on … Ex. 3. Choose one topic to speak about lawyer:
Ex. 4 Retell the text Lawyer BARRISTER 1. Barrister is one of the two types of practicing lawyers in England< the other being a solicitor. In general, barristers engage in advocacy (trial work) and solicitors in office work. Barristers are experts in the interpretation of the Law. Barristers are called in to advise on really difficult points. Only barristers (not solicitors) may appear as advocates before the High Court. High Court is a court of Law in Great Britain that is at higher level than ordinary courts and that can be asked to change the decisions of a lower court. 2. Barristers are rather untouchable figures. If you need one, you never see him without your solicitor being with him. To be a barrister it is necessary to be a member of one of the four Inns of Court in London. Inns of Court are four institutions of high antiquity that have historically been responsible for legal education. Inns of Court include Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln’s Inn, and Gray’s Inn. A prospective barrister must pass some examinations established for the inns by the Council of Legal Education and must read law and serve his apprenticeship with a practicing barrister for not less than a year. A barrister is required to accept any case for a proper professional fee, regardless of his personal feelings. Barristers cannot carry on any other profession or business. |
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