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GEORGE STEPHENSON (1781-1848), English engineer and inventor of the railroad locomotive. Stephenson was the son of a mechanic. The boy went to work at an early age and without formal schooling. His genius with steam engines, however, presently won him the post of chief mechanic. Stephenson’s first wife died, leaving him with a young son, Robert, whom he sent to a Newcastle school to learn mathematics; every night when the boy came home, father and son went over the homework together, both learning. In 1813 George Stephenson visited a neighbouring colliery to examine a “steam boiler on wheels” constructed by John Blenkinsop to haul coal out of the mines. Stephenson built several locomotives. On Sept. 27, 1825, railroad transportation was born when the first public passenger train ran from Darlington to Stockton, carrying 450 persons at 15 miles (24 km) per hour. Liverpool and Manchester interests called him in to build a 40-mile (64-kilometre) railroad line to connect the two cities. When the Liverpool-Manchester line was nearing completion in 1829, a competition was held for locomotives; Stephenson’s new engine, the Rocket, which he built with his son, Robert, won with a speed of 36 miles (58 km) per hour. Eight locomotives were used when the Liverpool-Manchester line opened on Sept. 15, 1830, and all of them had been built in Stephenson’s Newcastle works. From this time on, railroad building spread rapidly throughout Britain, Europe, and North America, and George Stephenson continued as the chief guide of the revolutionary transportation medium, solving problems of roadway construction, bridge design, and locomotive and rolling-stock manufacture. He built many other railways, and he acted as consultant on many railroad projects at home and abroad. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT CARS About 20 plants of the Concern Transmash manufacture a wide range of passenger and freight cars for track gauge of 1520, 1435 and 750 mm. Passenger car can be for locomotive traction, electric trains, diesel-trains, underground railway cars. The car bodies are of all-metal load-carrying design and are made of carbon low alloy or stainless steel. The cars have reliable heat insulation, are equipped with heating and ventilation systems, fluorescent lighting; on customer’s orders they can be outfitted with air conditioning devices. Fire-proof and non-flammable materials are used in the interior finish. Special fire-alarm and fire-extinguishing systems are provided. All the equipment is designed for normal operation at the ambient air temperature of +50C and provides comfortable temperature conditions for the transportation of passengers. Freight cars are built of the following types: box cars, open cars, flat cars, bin-type cars, dump cars, transporter cars, refrigerator cars, industrial cars. Load-carrying structures are made of low-alloy steels of higher strength and corrosion resistance. All the cars have a standard freight body with wheelset on roller bearings. The cars are equipped with automatic brake apparatus and automatic coupling devices. The design of the freight cars for track gauge of 1520mm permits making –up of heavy freight trains with gross weight up to 10000t for running in any climatic zones up to 120km/h with axle load up to 25t. All the types of the passenger and freight cars comply with the necessary requirements for the car strength and reliability and correspond to the modern technical level by their technical and economic parameters. PASSENGER DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE ТЭП80 ![]() Main-line single-unit diesel locomotive with an A.C./D.C. electrical transmission is designed for hauling passenger trains.
DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE ТЭП70 ![]() Main-line single-unit diesel locomotive with an A.C./D.C. electrical transmission is designed for hauling passenger trains.
FREIGHT DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES SIESEL LOCOMOTIVE 2ТЭ136 ![]() Main-line double-unit diesel locomotive with an A.C./D.C. electrical transmission is designed for hauling freight trains on lines with reinforced permanent ways.
НАПИСАТЬ ИСТОРИЮ ,ТК ТЕПЛОВОЗ НЕ РАБОТАЕТ VEHICLES, CONTAINERS AND WAGONS The first major use of reinforced plastics construction by British railway was probably the purchase of six 5-ton containers moulded in one-piece sandwich construction. It is necessary that in yards where space is restricted, empty containers of this type are stacked three high. In America, experimental rail tank wagons have been manufactured for conveyance of chemicals. In some European countries also, a rail tank wagon of reinforced plastics has been in service since December 1960 for the transport of wine, fruit juices. It is interesting to record that this tank wagon, after being in service about a year, was involved in a collision, while fully loaded, and overturned. Repairs were reported to be completed within one day, and the wagon has now been in daily use for several years. This incident demonstrates one of the properties of G.R.P. which will become increasingly important as it is used in vehicles to a great extent; because of its low modulus of elasticity the material can absorb a large amount of energy without permanent deformation or damage. Where the shock of a collision is exceptionally severe, however, and fracture energy plays a part, then the total damage is likely to be greater than in a steel vehicle. moulded in one-piece sandwich construction – слоистые конструкции, выполненные в виде одного целого fracture energy – энергия, поглощаемая при разрушении Answer the questions:
APPLICATION OF PLASTICS IN ROLLING STOCK It is not the intention to deal with the chemistry of plastics, but some preliminary generalizations on the types of plastics being used are essential to emphasize the particular properties of plastics as they directly affect rolling stock engines. It must be appreciated that the properties of plastics cover a wider range than is covered by a group of traditional materials such as wood, non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Plastics have properties of particular value in rolling-stock construction. Some of the more significant of these are: resistance to corrosive atmospheres, lightness, high strength, ease of manufacture and repair, thermal, sound and electrical insulation. A four-car train has recently been designed. In appearance, the new vehicles do not differ greatly from other vehicles but in fat only a small proportion of the traditional construction is incorporated. The body-shell is composed of longitudinal sections, each consisting of a sandwich construction with outer skins of aluminium, and a polyurethane foam core. The method of manufacture is to adhere glass fibers to the inner faces of the aliminuim sheets, hold these in a mould and pour in a liquid polyurethane resin mixture. The body shell is that light in weight, strong, rigid and thermally and acoustically insulated. The manufactures estimate this method of construction to give a body shell 50 per cent lighter. Additional uses for plastics in these particular vehicles include luggage rack frames, window frames and interior paneling. Sandwich constructions – слоистые конструкции Polyurethane foam core – сердцевина, состоящая из полиуретановой пены Liquid polyurethane resin – жидкая полиуретановая смола Thermal and acoustic insulation – термическая и звуковая изоляция Luggage rack frames – рамка для багажных сеток Answer the questions:
LIGHTING, HEATING AND VENTILATION Lighting, heating efficient ventilation and possibly complete control of the internal atmosphere of railway carriages form part, of the comfort offered to passengers. The importance of each of these factors varies from one case to another but taken as a whole, they determine the standard of comfort. Lighting, heating and ventilation must be taken into account when the rolling stock is being designed to define the requirements for electric and air conditioning equipment as well as for the heating installation. All this is governed b the type of rolling stock, the way the carriages are divided into compartments and finally the use to be made of the rolling stock in question. Power for lighting in carriages being described here is provided from a bogie-mounted axle-driven alternator. Fluorescent lighting is used generally in all the vehicles. Illumination in the compartments of corridor vehicles is by fluorescent tubes of the warm-white type in the centre of the ceiling, with one spotlight in the luggage racks above each passenger seat. All fluorescent tubes are fed through a suitable transistorized inverter. Although not fully air-conditioned a substantial improvement on the existing standard carriage has been achieved, by using a combined heating and pressure ventilation unit mounted on the underframe of each vehicle. This unit contains oil-impregnated filters, steam heater and a fan. The filtered and heated air from the unit is passed through specially insulated ducting and fed to the interior of the various compartments through outlets at floor level maintaining a comfortable temperature throughout the carriage. The heating system is controlled by two thermostats. One fitted in a compartment at floor level ensures an initial temperature setting for the vehicle, and the other, a ring one, controls a reversible electric motor. Bogie-mounted axle-driven alternator – смонтированный на тележке генератор переменного тока Heating and pressure ventilating unit – отопительный блок с принудительной вентиляцией Oil-impregnated filters – масляные фильтры Insulated ducting – изолированный воздуховод Ring one (thermostat) – кольцевой термостат Answer the questions:
SEATING, ENTRANCE DOORS AND LOBBIES The eight carriages provide 126 first- and 272 second-class seats, the seats in first-class compartments being adjustable. Design of the seat in both classes is based on research carried out by operational experts. The aim was to produce a seat design having good characteristics for 90% of the population and satisfy seat-density arrangements. Special attention has been paid to the contour and springing of the seat and seat back to obtain maximum comfort for the passengers. The seats are double sprung, with well-upholstered seat back and head rest. The seat back and head rest are finished with moquettes to match the interior woodwork finish. A variety of finishing timbers is being used for various portions of this section, with framing timbers to match. There is one mirror above each seat back and the metal fittings are finished in bronze. The moulded seat shells used in second class saloons have to provide space under the seats and between them. Between each pair of seats, in the compartments are small pull-up tables and litter bins, the latter being within reach of every passenger. In addition some seats in second class saloons have magazine holders, some also have built-in ash-trays. The compartments and corridor are fitted with large observation windows having a low sill height. Wide, reinforced glass fibre doors have large windows which provide uninterrupted vision from the compartment through the corridor bodyside window, which is directly opposite the doors, the corridor partition consists of laminated plywood panels. The compartment sliding doors are fitted with cable controlled blinds which enable the latter to be adjusted to any height. The wider entrance and enlarged lobby enable passengers carrying luggage to enter or leave the train with a minimum of delay and congestion. Two stepboard lights are provided. The automatically switch on as the door is opened, and off when closed. Having paid much attention to detail the designers did their best to make the entrance lobbies to be one of the most effective improvements. The corridor connections have also received attention. Having been made lighter and shorter than the existing standard Pullman gangway, they are more effectively sealed against dirt, noise and draughts and in addition being greatly enlarged the lobbies are easier to walk over when the train is in motion. Operational experts – эксперты- эксплуатационники Seat-density arrangements – размещения сидений Moulded seat shells – литые каркасы сидений Pull-up tables – откидные столы Litter bins – ящики для мусора Built-in ash-trays – встроенные пепельницы Reinforced glass fibre doors – двери из армированного стекловолокна Stepboard light – лампа для освещения подножки Answer the questions:
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