3. Have you been to …
Have you seen Andrew recently ?
No, I haven’t . He is away / Yes , I have . He is working hard, revising for the exams.
4. Have you heard about Peter ?
What’s the matter ? / What happened ? / I think he is all right . He is going abroad one of these days.
5. I am not very well today
Have you got caught cold ? / have you got temperature ? / Can I help you ?/ You’d better go home and take some medicine / Are you off color?/ You must have run down
Is there any mineral water in the …
I’m afraid there isn’t any. I’ve just had the last bottle./ I’m sorry , but there isn’t any. / I hope there is. I bought it today.
Are you good at computers ? / A user or more ? /
I’m afraid not, but I’m working hard at the moment. I hope to become a good user of it soon /
Do you mind if I / open the window / smoke … /
That would be fine / I’ll be much obliged / No, thank you / Please , don’t / Don’t bother , I’ll manage it. / Not at all at the moment . / I wouldn’t mind
Could you tell me the time , please ?
I’m sorry , I don’t know. I don’t have a watch. / Oh , yes. It’s exactly … / It is nearly …
Are you sure your watch is right ?
Yes , certainly / I’m not sure. My watch is slow ( fast ) / I forgot to wind
the clock / watch .
Could you tell me the way to … ?
Go straight on / Follow the signs / It’s a long way from here / It’s quite a distance from here / You are going in the opposite direction / take the second turning on your left / Certainly , with pleasure / Could you give me a lift ?
Could you pass me the book / the salt .../
Most willingly / Here you are. / That goes without saying / Certainly… I’m looking forward to pass you it.
When does the train / arrive ?
When did the plane arrive / take off ?
at 11 p.m.
Thanks a lot.
You are always welcome / That was a pleasure / No trouble at all / I’m glad you liked it / I’m the one who ought.
Your new hairdo / haircut / bag / skirt , etc. looks nice
Do you really like it? / Thank you for the compliment / You are
flattering me / Thank you for telling me about it. / I like it myself.
What does your best friend do ?
He works in the bank.
16. Where do you usually go on holiday ?
I go surfing , skiing / I go camping in the mountains / I go on a cruise / I go for a boat trip on the lake.
/ What about this year ? /
You could take my umbrella .
No , thank you. I’ve got my own / The rain has stopped / I’ll be very thankful to you / Could I ? It would be very kind of you.
Do you think I should buy this hat / go for a boat trip / ?
I don’t know. It’s up to you to decide. / Don’t risk it / Think twice before you go.
I can’t wait any longer - let’s …
You may go then / let’s take a taxi / let’s phone Mike / let’s hurry
I can’t find my pen anywhere .
You must have lost it / take my one / It’s no great loss to you / It serves you right / That isn’t typical for you ?
Why didn’t you come yesterday ?
Sorry … I was invited to the party / I’m awfully sorry , but it passed (went) out from my mind. / I didn’t feel well / I was very busy / I was completely run down ( worn out ) /
21. Mary is 22 today .
Really ? My congratulations to her / Is she having a birthday party tonight ?
She has failed at the exams .
Bad luck. What went wrong ? / Oh, I see. Well , all I can say is better luck
next time .
What has happened to Mary ?
She has failed at the exams. / She has lost her job. / She got married not long ago.
24. Are you hungry / thirsty / cold / tired …/ ?
Yes , I’d like something to drink / to eat / I’m hungry as a hunter / It’s very hot in here / I’m not feeling well today / would you mind closing the door, please ? / Yes , I’ve completely worn out.
25. John says he can’t come
It’s so typical of him / The same old story / That’s all we need / I wish he could / I’m sick and tired of it.
I bought a ticket for you.
That’s great . I’ll go and get dressed at once / It’s very kind (nice) of you / It’s very considerate of you.
Wonderful , it’s Friday at last !
Have a nice weekend / What are your plans ? / Have a nice time / A very enjoyable weekend to you .
Do you know where the nearest bank is ?
( as in p. 8 )
They said they could lend us some money.
It would be wonderful. / I appreciate your concern for me / It’s very considerate of them / it does them credit / Good idea
31. You will have to help Ted with his job.
That goes without saying. As you say / I don’t mind / What are you driving at ? / Not me / What’s the rush ? / All in good time / I hate to / I’m looking forward to …
Do you know that
Napoleon was afraid of the cats ? / one hundred years ago people travelled by train ? / didn’t watch TV ? / didn’t travel by plane ? / made telephone calls ? / listened to records ?/ didn’t write with ball - point pens ?/
It’s incredible ! / Really ? I don’t believe .
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Глаголы to be, to have в Present, Past, Future Simple. Оборот there + be. Модальные глаголы
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Учебное пособие Волгоград 2005 удк 93: 008: (470+571) (07) ббк 63 (2) я 73
Черемушникова И. Н. (темы n 4, 5), доц. Каден А. Г. (тема n 2, 19), ст преп. Петров А. В.(темы n 1, 10), преп. Чернышева И. В. (тема...