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Образцы текстов для перевода и реферирования 1 Monetary policy is one of the tools that a national Government uses to influence its economy. Using its monetary authority to control the supply and availability of money, a government attempts to influence the overall level of economic activity in line with its political objectives. Usually this goal is “macroeconomic stability” – low unemployment, low inflation, economic growth, and a balance of external payments. Monetary policy is usually administered by a Government appointed “Central Bank”, the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States. 2 Central banks have not always existed. In early economy, government supplied currency by minting precious metals with their stamp. No matter what the creditworthiness of the government was, the worth of the currency depended on the value of its underlying precious metal. A coin was worth its gold or silver content, as it could always be melted down to this. Significance of economic clout of the country was largely to its holdings of gold and silver in the national treasury. Monarchs, despots and even democrats tried to skirt this inviolate law, by mixing in other substances to make more coins out of the same amount of gold or silver. They were inevitably found out by the traders, lenders and others whose interests depended on the worth of that currency. This is the reason that movies show pirates and thieves stealing Spanish coins to ascertain the value of their booty and loot. 3 The U.S. money supply comprises such currencies as—dollar bills and coins issued by the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury—and various kinds of deposits held by the public at commercial banks and other depository institutions such as savings and credit unions. On June 30, 1990, the money supply, including the total sum of currency and checking account deposits, totaled $809 billion. Including some types of savings deposits, the money supply totaled $3,272 billion. An even broader measure totaled $4,066 billion. These indications correspond to three definitions of money that the Federal Reserve uses: M1, a narrow measure of money’s function as a medium of exchange; M2, a broader measure that also reflects money’s function as a store of value; and M3, a still broader measure that covers items that many regard as close substitutes for money. 4 The definition of money has varied. For centuries physical commodities, most often silver or gold, served as money. Later, when paper money and checkable deposits were introduced, they were convertible into commodity money. The abandonment of convertibility of money into a commodity since August 15, 1971, when President Nixon discontinued converting U.S. dollars into gold, has made the U.S. and other countries’ monies into fiat money—money that national monetary authorities have the power to issue without legal constraints. 5 The central bank has been described as “the lender of last resort,” which means that the central bank is responsible for providing its economy with funds when commercial banks cannot cover a supply shortage. In other words, the central bank prevents the country’s banking system from failing. However, the primary goal of central banks is to provide their countries’ currencies with price stability by controlling inflation. A central bank also acts as the regulatory authority of a country monetary policy and is the sole provider and printer of notes and coins. Time has proved that the central bank can best function in these branches by remaining independent from government fiscal policy and uninfluenced by political concerns of any regime. The central bank should also be completely divested of any commercial banking interests. Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Ростовский государственный экономический университет (РИНХ)» Кафедра иностранных языков для гуманитарных специальностей Тесты письменные по дисциплине Иностранный (английский) язык 1.Банк тестов по модулям Модуль 1
1. What … these days? (you ,to do) 2. How many plays ….. Shakespeare? (to write) 3. Are you hungry? ….something to eat? (you, to want) 4. Who is that man? Why …… at us? (he, to look) 5. I don’t know where Amy is. ….. (you, to see) her? 6. The Chinese …. (to invent) printing. 7. I don’t know Carol’s husband. I ………. (never, to meet, him). 8. Water… at 100◦C. (to boil) 3. Insert the correct modal verbs with the correct form of the Infinitive (may, should, must, can). Some of the forms can be negative. 1. I can’t find my umbrella. (I/leave/it/in the restaurant last night) ________________________________________________________________ 2. Fiona did the opposite of what I’ve asked her to do. (she/ understand/ what I said) ________________________________________________________________ 3. The jacket you bought is of very good quality. (it/be/expensive) ________________________________________________________________ 4. I’m feeling sick. I ate too much. (I/eat/so much) ________________________________________________________________ 5. That man on the motorbike isn’t wearing a helmet. That’s dangerous. (he/wear/ a helmet) ________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you think she saw you? - No she was too far away. (she/see/me) ________________________________________________________________ 7. The lights were red but the car didn’t stop (the driver/ see/ the red light) ________________________________________________________________ 8. I wonder why she didn’t say hello. Perhaps she didn’t see me. That’s possible. (she/see/you) ________________________________________________________________ 4. Give synonyms to the following words: 1. path – 2. period – 3. change – 4. goal – 5. Choose a suitable word from the list to complete the text. There are two words you do not need: travel, journey, voyage, trip, flight, drive, tour, ride It was very foggy and our (1)_____ from France had arrived two hours late. We finally got out of the airport at 10 in the evening. We had arranged to go on a guided (2)_________ of the city at night but we realized that we were going to miss it, as it is at least a half an hour’s (3)________ from the airport to the centre of London. We had also booked a day- (4)______ to Westminster Abbey the next morning but, after our long (5)___________ , we knew it was going to be difficult to get up early! We both love (6) _________ around the world. Модуль 2 1. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits the gap: 1. In ______________1.(profess) such as the law and engineering women are still noticeable by their absence. 2. ______________2.(employ) still discriminate against female ________________3. (employ) in a number of ways even if their ______________4.(qualify) are the same as those of men. 3. The manager of our firm speaks English __________ 5.(fluent). 4. Every __________6. (apply) should be _________ 7.(interview) before signing the labor contract. 2. Complete these sentences with a little/little/few/a few. 1. We didn’t have any money but Tom had …. 2. He doesn’t speak much English. Only ……. words. 3. Would you like some more cake? Yes, please, but only …… 4. The cinema was almost empty. There were very …. people there. 5. There is a shortage of water because there has been very …. rain recently. 6. I have …. busy tomorrow so I could fit in an appointment then. 7. There are …. people remember that 60s rock band any more. 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 1. 'Have you had any strange dreams?' my brother said. asked My brother___ had any strange dreams. 2. 'Try and remember your dream,' said the doctor to Sue. asked The doctor ________ and remember her dream. 3. I'd rather go to the cinema than stay in. instead Let's go to the cinema _______ in. 4. The invention was an overnight success because it was extremely useful. so The invention _______ it became an overnight success. 5. Because of his hard work, he made a success of his business. so He worked ________ he made a success of his business. 6. 'Let's go out for a Chinese meal,' said the twins. suggested The twins ________ for a Chinese meal. 7. The pilot discovered that the plane's fuel tanks were empty. run The pilot discovered that the plane ______ fuel. 8. “Why don't we go over the emergency fire procedure again” said the supervisor. running The supervisor ______ the emergency fire procedure again. 4. Tick the correct answer. 1. It is very late ant it’s high time…….. a) we go b) we went c) we must go 2. She says she’d prefer ……..tomorrow. a) you come b) it if you came c)it and you coming 3. I am starving. Surely it’s time …………lunch. a) for b) for having c) eat 5. Fill in the spaces with an appropriate word. 1. The two agents met each other exactly ………time as agreed. 2. How on earth am I going to be ……time in this boring place? 3. Patiently! It ……. time for fruit trees to grow. 4. Don’t think you can change your mind: you are …….your time. 5. We ……….the whole weekend decorating the living room. Модуль 3 1. Put to be or to have 1. My watch ... ten minutes fast. 2. He ... ready to begin his report. 3. They ... not present at the lecture. 4. We ... at home last night. 5. There...a lot of yellow and red leaves on the ground in the park. 6. We ...no meeting last week. 7. They ... dinner at home. 8. We ... a long talk with the dean yesterday. 9. Who ... a meeting of the radio circle the day before yesterday? 10. It ... impossible for him to finish the work in time. 11. Who ... fond of soccer? 12. We...going to review the old grammar material. 2. Translate from Russian in to English. 1. На улице было много народу. 2. Кто отсутствовал в прошлый раз? 3.Она не опоздала на урок вчера. 4.Мы позавтракали вчера дома. 5.Она собиралась повторить слова десятого урока. 6. У кого была контрольная работа позавчера? 7. После занятий они отдыхали. 8. У них был короткий перерыв. 9. Детей кормили (to have a meal) три раза в день. 10. Вчера мы собирались обсуждать ваш доклад. Модуль 4 Exercise1. Put into the right form 1. She (to look) at the picture. 2. We (to work) at our designs. 3. He (not to sit) here, he (to sit) there. 4. They (to answer) your question. 5. I (to speak) English now. 6. He (to tell) us a nice story. 7. The students (to write) a letter to their friends. 8. John (to ask) you a question. 9. We (to do) our exercises. 10. They (to send) a letter to their parents. 2. Translate into English: 1. Мы читаем английскую газету. 2. Они работают над своими проектами. 3. Ребенок открывает окно. 4. Мы слушаем учителя. 5.Моя мать сидит у окна. 6.Мой сын стоит у доски. 7.Она посылает письмо дочери. 8.Рабочий рассказывает студентам о своей жизни и работе. 9.Мы повторяем грамматику (grammar material). Модуль 5 1. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs. 1. Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently. a) can’t b) couldn’t have c) hasn’t been able to 2. I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls. a) could b) am able to c) can 3. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill. a) couldn’t, could b) can, was able c) can, couldn’t 4. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp. a) were to b) had to c) could 5. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today. a) can’t b) have to c) needn’t 6. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining. a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) can’t 7. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time. a) must b) should c) need to 8. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now. a) can b) has to c) must 9. You … smoke so much. a) would b) can’t c) shouldn’t 10. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry. a) must b) needn’t c) should 2. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Вы должны бросить курить. 2. Вечеринка была замечательная. Вам следовало прийти. 3. Ты можешь решить эту проблему. 4. Тебе следует навестить своего больного друга. 5. Тебе следовало навестить своего больного друга, но ты не навестил. 6. Не хотите еще чая? 7. Я вынужден был сделать это. 8. Я не знаю, почему мы спешили. Нам не нужно было спешить. 9. Я бы хотел пойти с тобой. 10. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь. 11. Ольге нужно уделить больше внимания занятиям по английскому языку. 12. Я не уверен, но возможно он неправ. 13. Ему разрешили взять машину своего отца в прошлую пятницу. 14. Я могу считать до 50 на испанском. |
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Рабочая программа учебной дисциплины Обоснование. Место дисциплины... Цели и задачи освоения дисциплины. Требования к уровню освоения содержания дисциплины |
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Аннотация к рабочей программе учебной дисциплины Место дисциплины в структуре основной профессиональной образовательной программы (опоп) |
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2. место дисциплины в структуре образовательной программы Цель изучения дисциплины: формирование у обучающихся способностей и готовности к межкультурному общению |
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Задачами дисциплины являются Место дисциплины в структуре ооп впо (основной образовательной программы высшего профессионального образования) 5 |
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2. место дисциплины в структуре образовательной программы Цель изучения дисциплины: выработка навыков применения современных эконометрических методов анализа данных в конкретных предметных... |
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Методические указания для студентов Место дисциплины в структуре основной образовательной программы |
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Программа учебной дисциплины является частью основной профессиональной... Фгос профессии нпо 20. 01. 01. Пожарный Место дисциплины в структуре основной профессиональной образовательной программы: Общепрофессиональные... |
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Рабочая программа ординатуры по дисциплине (по выбору) «Колопроктология» Цели и задачи дисциплины, ее место в структуре образовательной программы |
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Рабочая программа ординатуры по дисциплине (по выбору) «Хирургические инфекции» Цели и задачи дисциплины, ее место в структуре образовательной программы |
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V. оценочные средства 14 Вопросы к экзамену 14 Место дисциплины в структуре ооп впо (основной образовательной программы высшего профессионального образования) 5 |
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Место дисциплины в структуре образовательной программы ... |
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Место дисциплины в структуре основной образовательной программы высшего образования Целью изучения данной дисциплины является расширение и углубление знаний студентов, необходимых им для дальнейшей профессиональной... |
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