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Total: _______________ points Mark: ___________________ Тест 4. Ключи 1.
1 point 2. 1. conditions, 2. right, 3. urge, 4. tolerance, 5. discrimination, 6. employment, 7. generations, 8. multiracial, 9. community 9 points 3. 1. The government made an unprecedented step by banning any publications about political problems of the country. 2. I have never understood the term “racial purity”. Explain it to me, please. 3. I resisted the new rules till the bitter end, but nothing helped. 4. In many countries of the world black and white people have equal rights. 5. In large western cities there are special districts where racial and ethnic minorities live. Consequently we can say that a multicultural society is formed in these cities. 6 points 4.
14 points (2 for each complete answer) Критерии оценивания. Тест 4 Total 30 points «2» = 0–10 «3» = 11–19 «4» = 20–27 «5» = 27–30 Тест 5 (Module Five: Unit 3) Name __________________ Form _________ Date ______________ 1. Complete the table with the necessary information.
2. Complete the sentences with the right words. 1. My mother can not understand why I need a laptop. She thinks that it’s not a life’s ____ for me now. 2. My teenage daughter is very naughty and stubborn. She is a real ____ for me! 3. Mary’s monthly ____ is very big, so she can afford to eat out every evening without cooking at home. 4. – Where is Michael? – He’s out ____ ____ for me. 5. I remember the times when I went to a video ____ to borrow some films to watch. Now I download films from the Internet. 6. Mark ____ his credit payment and he will be fined if he doesn’t make it within a month. 7. The expedition had a hard time when the food ____s ran out, but fortunately there were a lot of mushrooms and berries in the wood and they didn’t die of hunger. 8. Some of our company’s funds are ____ for educational seminars and programmes. 3. Write the English meanings for these slang words.
Total: _______________ points Mark: ___________________ Тест 5. Ключи 1.
16 points (2 points for each correct answer) 2. 1. necessities, 2. burden, 3. allowance, 4. running errands, 5. rental, 6. withheld, 7. supplies, 8. earmarked. 8 points 3.
22 points (2 points for each correct word) Критерии оценивания. Тест 5 Total 46 points «2» = 0–12 «3» = 13–25 «4» = 26–40 «5» = 41–46 Тест 6 (Module Six: Unit 1) Name __________________ Form _________ Date ______________ 1. Answer these questions briefly.
2. Express these words and word combinations in English. Государственные средства, доход, завалить экзамен, обязательный, профессиональные дисциплины, эффективный/квалифицированный, переход (из начальной школы в среднюю), разделять учащихся по их способностям, финансовая поддержка. 3. Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the box in the right form. higher, further education, secondary, polytechnic, apply, entrance, grant, selective, post-graduate, research Generally education in Britain after 16 is divided into further and 1. ___________ education. Having taken the GCSE examination students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland can stay at school or study in a 2. _____________________ college. Students over the age of 16 can also take courses in such colleges either part-time or in the evenings. Courses are organised by nearly 580 institutions of further education. In Britain, there are a number of ways to continue education after leaving 3. ___________ school at 16 or 18. Most post-school education is provided at universities, 4. ___________, colleges of further or higher education, adult education centres or various specialised colleges. Institutions of higher education are responsible for giving high-quality education. Degree-level courses are offered by universities and other institutions of higher education. Entrance to such courses depends on the results of General Certificate of Education (GCSE) and Advanced Level (A level), and an interview. Students do not directly 5. ___________ to the university they wish to attend, but through the Universities’ Central Council on Admissions (UCCA). Oxford and Cambridge Universities take part in UCCA but also have a system of 6. ___________ examinations and interviews by individual colleges. All students on a university first-degree course are automatically eligible for a 7. ___________, awarded by a student’s Local Education Authority (LEA). The amount of the grant depends on the level of income of the student’s family. Because entrance to a higher education is 8. ___________, the majority of students successfully complete their course, which usually lasts three years. Most first degrees are for Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). A higher degree is a 9. ___________ degree taken after a first degree, for example Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MSc). Students may then go to 10. ___________ degrees such as Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Total: _______________ points Mark: ___________________ Тест 6. Ключи 1.
15 points 2. Public funds, income, to fail an exam, compulsory/mandatory, vocational subjects, efficient, transition, stream pupils on abilities, financial assistance 9 points 3. 1. higher, 2. further education, 3. secondary, 4. polytechnic, 5. apply, 6. entrance, 7. grant, 8. selective, 9. post-graduate, 10. research 10 points Критерии оценивания. Тест 6 Total 34 points «2» = 0–10 «3» = 11–23 «4» = 24–29 «5» = 30–34 Тест 7 (Module Six: Unit 2) Name __________________ Form _________ Date ______________ 1. Fill in the missing information about the National Health Service in Britain. 1. The functions of the NHS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Services for fees are: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. When a person is ill he/she first needs to ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The problems of the NHS are: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Private health care is sometimes funded by ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Accessing NHS Scotland first means ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. NHS Wales also provides community services which include ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
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