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IDENTITY IN ROBBERYThe main purpose of investigation of robbery is considered to find means by which the robber can be identified. The corpus delicti is usually easily proved by the evidence obtained from the victim. Identity in some cases is likely to be made by the victim or other witnesses who recognized the robber by some identifying characteristics in his face or body, speech, clothing, mannerisms, license plates, etc. Witness may appear to identify his picture from others in identification bureaus. The description of the robber may correspond to some person in the vicinity (окрестности, соседство) and be identified that way. Sometimes identity may be learned through fingerprints, footprints, fibers or other physical evidence that will reveal a suspect. Ownership or possession of weapons can also be identified. Identity is also sometimes established by confession. Once the identity of the robber is known the next step is to apprehend him unless he is already taken. If taken and identified, the case is ready for prosecution. Identity in Crimes of Malice (преступное намерение ), Assault (нападение) Assaults are known to arise impulsively in many cases between people who are acquainted and in close proximity (близость) to each other. Usually in each case there are other witnesses to the assault, and identification of the assailant (противник, нападающая сторона) is easy. However, if only a description is available, quite possibly the assailant may be a nearby resident. Assault may appear to have been part of other crimes. At any rate, the important problem then is to learn the identity of the assailant. The methods of determining a suspect are similar to those used in robbery. A description of the assailant should be secured, the victim should visit the rogues gallery (галерея преступников) and inspect the photographs of criminals, a search may be made in the vicinity and so on.
Существуют различные методы преследования правонарушителей.
Я помню, что его уже допрашивали перед судебным разбирательством.
Пример: She is said to be a good student.( сложное подлежащее). Говорят, что она хорошая студентка.
Пример: The problem being discussed at the conference must be solved. Проблема, обсуждаемая (которая обсуждается) на конференции, должна быть решена.
VIII. Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните придаточные предложения, укажите их вид. Пример: When I see him tomorrow I will invite him to our party ( придаточное времени) Когда завтра я увижу его, я приглашу его на нашу вечеринку.
Пример: She had heard very little being absorbed in her own reflections (Причастие П). Она услышала очень мало, так как была поглощена своими размышлениями. 1.the developed fingerprints; 2.the suspect watched by the inspector; 3.the facts spoken about were…; 4.the organizing commission; 5.an apprehending officer; 6.a suffering victim; 7.the presiding officer, was…; 8.a bobby-handler called to the crime search, was…; 9.when stolen, the auto could be… .
Пример: The students saw this English film Студенты видели этот фильм. This English film was seen by the students. Этот английский фильм был посмотрен студентами.
Вариант III
Identity of the Victim in Crimes of Malice (Homicide) The first problem in relation to the victim is to determine his identity. As soon as identity is established, a history of the victim should be secured. This history, which may reveal factors leading to his death, takes up his life from the last moment he was seen alive and may go as far as his childhood or birth. His immediate past is usually the most important, especially the last moments or days. Establishment of the victim’s identity is closely related to his story. To be accurate, the victim’s own peculiar history must fit (соответствовать) into the circumstances immediately preceding the mortal injury. Identification is established easily when the victim was in company with his acquaintances at the time he received the mortal injury and the victim remained in the presence of the witnesses. Difficulties in identification seem to increase whenever there is a space of time between the last known appearance of the victim and the time the body is found. The problem of identity is a serious difficulty when the victim is a stranger in the community or when his body has been decomposed (разлагаться) or mutilated (увечить, калечить). The work of identification is known to include taking fingerprints, photographs, masks in moulage, descriptions and measurements with attention paid to the physical characteristics that are peculiar to that person. Clothing and other items are examined for trade marks, laundry (прачечная) marks, or other markings that will furnish clues. If wound are on the body, it is important to know if the clothing was or was not covering the place where the wound was inflicted. Identification is best established by fingerprints if they were taken before death and that person accurately identified at the time the prints were taken. Identification by some person who knows the victim well and views the body is the next best. II. Выпишите из текста 3 предложения с модальными глаголами, дайте их перевод. III. Выпишите из текста комплексы с инфинитивом ( Complex Subject and Complex Object). Предложения переведите. IV. Выпишите из текста предложения с глаголами в страдательном залоге, укажите видо-временную форму глагола. Предложения переведите.
Существуют различные методы преследования правонарушителей.
Я помню, что его уже допрашивали перед судебным разбирательством.
VI. Переведите предложения, подчеркните конструкции с инфинитивом, укажите вид конструкций. Пример: She is said to be a good student.( сложное подлежащее). Говорят, что она хорошая студентка. 1. I heard the door of the court hall open. 2. I saw the public meet that verdict with satisfaction. 3. A local authority is known to be responsible for making decisions in this district. 4. The data proved to be wrong. 5. The public watched him breathe with difficulty.
Пример: The problem being discussed at the conference must be solved. Проблема, обсуждаемая (которая обсуждается) на конференции, должна быть решена.
Пример: When I see him tomorrow I will invite him to our party ( придаточное времени) Когда завтра я увижу его, я приглашу его на нашу вечеринку.
Пример: She had heard very little being absorbed in her own reflections (Причастие П). Она услышала очень мало, так как была поглощена своими размышлениями.
Пример: The students saw this English film. Студенты видели этот фильм. This English film was seen by the students. Этот английский фильм был посмотрен студентами.
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