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Мое послание:Землю ещё можно восстановить и исправить. Великая Работа – это главное, что мы можем совершить в нашей новой истории. Будут ли дети будущих поколений благодарить нас за передачу им Земли со всеми ее системами и видами, в целости и сохранности? Этого я не знаю, но мы знаем, как к этому двигаться, и времени у нас мало. Мне нужно заканчивать, и я ещё раз взываю к вам: Будем ли мы любить эту Землю? Будем ли мы восстанавливать ее? И будем ли мы жить с ней в мире и благополучии? Итак вы выйдете с веселием и будете провожаемы с миром; Горы и холмы будут петь пред вами песнь, И все деревья в поле рукоплескать вам. Исаия 55:12 Примечания к главе 12 *1 Turnbull, Colin, psychologist The Forest People File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Simon & Schuster, 1987. 60 61 Список цитированной литературыAboriginal Law Bulletin, May 1966, Vol. 3, Special Women’s Issue. Angyal, Andrew, J. Thomas Berry’s Earth Spirituality and the Great Work from Scientific and Religious Perspectives on Altruism. Published in The Ecozoic Reader, s 3(2003) 35-44. http://www.ratical.org/man_worlds/GreatWork html AYM Faith & Practice Committee, Quakers and Nature ‘Friends’ Writings which have drawn inspiration from creation and the environment’, O’Connor, ACT, 1996. AYM, This We Can Say: Australian Quaker Life, Faith and Thought, AYM Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Inc., Armadale, Victoria, 2003. Backhouse, James, A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies, published in London, 1843. Backhouse, Sarah, Memoir of James Backhouse by his sister, 2nd edn, William Sessions, York, 1877. Bane, Peter, ed. Education, Permaculture Activist, Issue No. 53, Autumn 2004. Bayes, Helen, Prophetic Community, Canadian Quaker Pamphlet No. 69, Argenta Friends Press, 2009. Bayliss-Smith & Feachem, R. ‘Subsistence and Survival, Rural Ecology in the Pacific.’ The Structure of Permanence: The Relevance of Self-subsistence Communities for World Ecosystem Management, William C. Clare. Chapter 12, Academic Press, 1977. Berry, Thomas, Reinventing The Human, Talk delivered in Chapel Hill NC, June 1997. The Ecozoic Era, 11th Annual Schumacher Lectures, October 1991. www.schumachersociety.org/publication.html The Dream of the Earth, Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 1988. www.sierraclub.org/books The Universe as Sacred, Earthsong Journal, Autumn, 2005. Boulding, Kenneth, There is a Spirit: The Nayler Sonnets, Fellowship Publications, NY, 1979. Brindle, Susannah, To Sing a New Song, James Backhouse Lecture, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) 2000. Brown, Peter & Garver, Geoffrey, Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco, USA, 2009. Brown, Shirley, Report from local BLUFM radio. Private email June 2010. Cable, Mildred with French, Francesca, The Gobi Desert, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1943. Catholic Earthcare, On Holy Ground: An Ecological Vision for Catholic Education in New South Wales Australia www.catholicearthcareoz.net ecological principles: right to a safe ecological environment is a universal human right. Carson, Rachel, A Sense of Wonder. Film by Haskell Wexler on Carson’s life. Silent Spring, Penguin, 1962. Church of England, Book of Common Prayer. Climate Change: http://www.colombia.edu/-jeh1/ Dr James Hansen, Australian Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO– Joint Statement http://www.csiro.au/resources/State-of-the-Climate.html Connor, Lizzie, Our Seven Ages ‘An unfolding story of human evolution since the beginning of our Universe’, Katoomba, 2007. oursevenages.blogspot.com/ Davis, Wade, Sacred Geography The Wayfinders - Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World, 4th Massey Lecture, Radio National, 2010. De Blas, Alexandra, Making the Shift: from consumerism to sustainability: ECOS (CSIROmagazine), No. 153, Feb/Mar 2010 www.ecosmagazine.com Deasey, Mark, To do Justly and to Love Mercy: Learning from Quaker Service, James Backhouse Lecture, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) 2002. Devall, Bill & Sessions, George, Philosophy of Technology 2010. http://www.transnational-perspectives.org/transnational/articles/article36.pdf Dillard, Annie, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Penguin, 1982. Drengson, Alan, ‘Ecophilosophy, Ecosophy and the Deep Ecology Movement: An Overview’, 1999. An earlier version of this article appeared in The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, Vol. 14, No. 3, Summer 1997, pp 110-111, entitled ‘An Ecophilosophy Approach, the Deep Ecology Movement, and Diverse Ecosophies’ . http://trumpeter.athabascau.ca Edwards, Charles, Resilient Nation, Demos, document on line. Ellegird, Alvar, Science in the nineteenth century, University of Cambridge Press, 2004. http:www.cambridge.org Fontana, Bernard, Of Earth and Little Rain, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1989. Freire, Paulo, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Penguin Books, Australia, 1972. FWCC, Faith and Action Study Booklet, Autumn 2010. www.fwccawps.org Fox, George, George Fox Journal, Rufus Jones edition, 1908, p. 97. Fox, Paul, Clearings: Six Colonial Gardeners and the Landscapes, The Miegunyah Press, Carlton, Victoria, 1994. www.mup.com.au Gates, Bill, Innovations to Zero, TED, March 2010. Gould, Helen, The Quaking Meeting, James Backhouse Lecture, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), 2009. Green, Barbara & Gollancz, Victor, God of a Hundred Names, Gollancz Paperbacks, 1985. Hamilton, Clive, The Freedom Paradox: Towards Post-Secular Ethics, Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW 2008. www.allenandunwin.com. Hellum, A.K. Listening to Trees, NeWest Press, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2008. Hill, Stuart, ‘Redesigning agroecosystems for environmental sustainability: a deep systems approach’. Correspondence to Stuart B. Hill, Faculty of Social Inquiry, Social Ecology Group, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Locked Bag #1, Richmond, NSW 2753, Australia. Holt-Gineny, Eric & Patel, Raj, Food Rebellions: Crisis and Hunger for Justice, 2008, on-line. Intrator, Sam M. (Ed) Living The Questions: Essays inspired by the work and life of Parker J. Palmer, Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint, San Francisco, 2005. www.josseybass.com Johnson, David, Peace is a Struggle: James Backhouse Lecture, 2005. Leopold, Aldo, A Sand Country Almanac, Ballantyne Books, NY, 1949. Levi, Primo, If This is a Man, Abacus, Sphere Books Ltd, 1987. Mackie, Frederick, Traveller Under Concern: The Quaker Journals of Frederick Mackie on his tour of the Australasian Colonies, 1852-1855, University of Tasmania, 1973. McHarg, Ian, Design with Nature, American Museum of Natural History, NY, 1967. Library of Congress Card No. 76-77344 Meitzner, Yoder, ‘Resource Rights’, ECHO Development Notes, January 2010. www.echonet.org Merton, Thomas, The Sign of Jonas, Hollis and Carter, London, 1953. Miller, Alex, ‘More Than Just Mates – The Gift Economy and Friendship’, Australian Literary Review, Issue 6, July 2009. Mitchell, Elizabeth, Excerpt from Red Mitchell’s diary. Unpublished private email June 2010. Mollison, Bill, Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual, Tagari Publications, Tyalgum, NSW, 1988. Murdoch, Iris, The Sovereignty of Good, Penguin, London. Nash, Roderick, The Rights of Nature: ‘A History of Environmental Ethics’, Primavera Press, The Wilderness Society, Leichhardt, Australia, 1990. Naydler, Jeremy, ‘The Work of a Gardener’, Resurgence Magazine, No. 32, 1989. New Internationalist, ‘Mothers Who Die’. Issue 420, March 2009. Orr, David, ‘What is Education For?’ Article in The Learning Revolution, No. 27, Winter 1991, p. 52, reprinted 1996, Context Institute. (David Orr is an environmental educator.) O’Shea, Janey, Living The Way: Quaker Spirituality and Community, 28th James Backhouse Lecture, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers),1993. Palmer, Parker, Let Your Life Speak, Jossey-Bass Inc, San Francisco, USA, 2000. To Know as we are Known: ‘Education as a Spiritual Journey’, Harper, San Francisco. Pelletier, W and Poole T, Wherever You Are Is Home: Earth Prayers from Around the World, Harper, San Francisco, 1991. Pogue Harrison, Robert, Gardens: An Essay on the Human Condition, University of Chicago Press, 2008. Rice, Edward, The Man in the Sycamore Tree: The Good Times and Hard Life of Thomas Merton, Image Books, Division of Doubleday, NY, 1972. Roberts, Elizabeth & Amidon, Elias, Earth Prayers from Around the World, Harper, San Francisco, 1991. www.harpercollins.com Rothwell, Nicolas, ‘Into The Red’, The Monthly, May 2009, pp.38-46. Schor, Juliet, B & Taylor, Betsy, Ed. Sustainable Planet, ‘Solutions for the twenty-first century’, Beacon Press, Boston, 2002. ISBN0-8070-0455-3 www.beacon.org Seligman, Martin, Authentic Happiness, 2002, p.119. Shuford, John A. ‘AVP – An Instrument of Peace’, American Friend. Singh, Vir, ‘Fertilising the Universe – Sustainability as a Cosmic Quest?, Paper presented at Symposium on The New Horizons of Sustainability, India International Center, New Delhi, India, 12 March 2009. Singer, Peter, Ethics and Climate Change, ABC Radio National, 5 pm, March 6, 2010. Society of Jesus, Seven Year Plan for Generational Change for the Society of Jesus. Personal communication with Fr Paul Demarais, Zambia. Stevenson, Charles, Ed. As The Seed Grows: Essays in Quaker Thought. Australia Yearly Meeting, Tasmania, 2007. Swimme, Brian, Canticle to the Cosmos, Video Series, Institute for Spirituality and Ecology, California, 2006. Sydney Morning Herald, ‘We no longer turn to myths to assuage suffering’, Nine Letters to the Editor on Evolution v. Creation, September 27, 2009. Sveiby, Karl-Erik & Skuthorpe, Tex, Treading Lightly: The Hidden Wisdom of the World’s Oldest People, Allen & Unwin, Australia, 2006. Taylor, Jill Bolte, My Stroke of Insight, Hodder & Stoughton, UK, 2008. Thurman, Howard, Mysticism and the Experience of Love, Pendle Hill Pamphlet No. 115, Woodford Library. Van der Post, Laurens, The Lost World of the Kalahari, Penguin, London, 1968. Walker, James, Backhouse, Walk to the West, Royal Society of Tasmania, 1992. Watson, Elizabeth, Guests of my Life, Celo Press, Arthur Morgan School, Burnsville NC, 28714, 1979. Westra, Bosselman, Reconciling Human Existence and Ecological Integrity, Earthscan. Weil, Simone, Two Moral Essays, Pendle Hill Publication No. 240, 1981. Whitman, Walt, The Portable Walt Whitman, Penguin Books, 1973. Winton, Tim, Land’s Edge, McMillan, Australia, 1993, p.44. Woolman, John, ‘Conversations on the True Harmony of Mankind and How it May be Promoted’. Zethoven, Imogen, Origins and Evolution of the Sustainability Debate, Sustainable Development A Critique of Perspectives. In Smith J.W. (1991, Ed.) Immigration, Population and Sustainable Environment, Flinders (SA), Australia. Imogen Zethoven, Great Barrier Reef Campaign Manager WWF: (07) 3839 2677; mobile 0414 950 959 Web links 01 to 10 http://www.quakers.org.au/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=264 01 Quaker Earthcare Statement, Australia Yearly Meeting 2008 02 Quaker Earthcare Action in Australia 02-1 Earthcare Action Network 02-2 Discussion Paper – Background to the proposal 03 Earthcare for Friends at Home 04 Quaker Earthcare for Meeting Houses 05 Quaker Earthcare for AYM gatherings 06 Quaker Earthcare for isolated Friends 07 Earthcare and the Quaker testimonies 08 Quaker Earthcare and AYM Peace & Legislation Committee 09 Quaker Earthcare with Indigenous concerns 10 Quaker Earthcare and Education 11 Quaker Earthcare & Junior Young Friends and Children of the Meeting. www.spont.com/earthcare.htm 12 Quaker Earthcare Action & Reflection By Young Friends. fwccawps.org/pubs/resources/2010_Australia%20YM.pdf 13 Friends’ Earthcare action and events worldwide. qewnet.ning.com/forum/topics/un-info-unfccc-united-nations-1 - 14 Earthcare & Quaker Quotes.quakerearthcare.org/PDFs/Seeds_Vol_III.pdf 15 Understanding the reality of climate change. www.ukcip.org.uk/index.php?id=73&option=com 16 Ways of measuring ecological footprint. www.wwf.org.au/footprint/ 17. Films and documentaries. www.earthcarefilms.com/docu/mn-docu.htm www.earthcarefilms.com/docu/ls-cons.htm www.earthcarefilms.com/docu/ls-devp.htm THE JAMES BACKHOUSE LECTURES 1990 Quakers in Politics: Pragmatism or Principle? Jo Vallentine &Peter Jones 1991 Loving the Distances Between: Racism, Culture and Spirituality, David James & Jillian Wychel 1993 Living the Way: Quaker Spirituality and Community, UJ O’Shea 1994 As the Mirror Burns: Making a Film about Vietnam, Di Bretherton 1995 Emerging Currents in the Asia-Pacific, DK Anderson & BB Bird 1996 Our Children, Our Partners – a New Vision for Social Action in the 21st Century, Elise Boulding 1997 Learning of One Another: The Quaker Encounter with Other Cultures and Religions, Richard G Meredith 1998 Embraced by Other Selves: Enriching Personal Nature through Group Interaction, Charles Stevenson 1999 Myths and Stories, Truths and Lies, Norman Talbot 2000 To Learn a New Song: A Contribution to Real Reconciliation with the Earth and its Peoples, Susannah Kay Brindle 2001 Reconciling Opposites: Reflections on Peacemaking in South Africa, Hendrik W van der Merwe 2002 To Do Justly, and to Love Mercy: Learning from Quaker Service, Mark Deasey 2003 Respecting the Rights of Children and Young People: A New Perspective on Quaker Faith and Practice, Helen Bayes 2004 Growing Fruitful Friendship: A Garden Walk, Ute Caspers 2005 Peace is a Struggle, David Johnson 2006 One Heart and a Wrong Spirit: The Religious Society of Friends and Colonial Racism, Polly OWalker 2007 Support for Our True Selves: Nurturing the Space Where Leadings Flow, Jenny Spinks 2008 Faith, Hope and Doubt in Times of Uncertainty: Combining the Realms of Scientific and Spiritual Inquiry, George Ellis 2009 The Quaking Meeting: Transforming Our Selves, Our Meetings and the More-than-human World, Helen Gould 2010 Finding our voice: Our truth, community and journey as Australian Young Friends, Australian Young Friends Backhouse Lectures, as well as other Australia Yearly Meeting publications, are available from Friends Book Sales, POBox 181, Glen Osmond, South Australia, 5064, Australia. Email . Моя насущная забота – овладеть всеми аспектами пермакультуры, она прекрасно применима для людей и культур, которые выносят или переживают экстремальные условия. Единожды освоив пермакультуру и уяснив для себя, что первостепенно следует делать то, что приводит к восстановлению земель, я стала преподавателем и страстно увлеклась сферой неформального образования взрослых людей, понимая, что это – устойчивый способ передачи и укоренения знаний. Роуи Морроу |
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