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2.2 ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ВНЕУРОЧНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ 2.2.1 ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА ПО ПРЕДМЕТУ Большое внимание в своей работе я уделяю развитию творческого потенциала моих учеников во внеурочное время. В 2013 году я и моя коллега Т.П. Гребенюк организовали неделю английского языка. В рамках предметной недели по моей инициативе в МАНОУ «Лицей № 4» впервые был проведён «Конкурс песен на английском языке», в котором приняли участие представители всех классов учебного заведения. План проведения недели английского языка с 25 по 30 ноября 2013/2014 учебного года.
Ссылка на отчёт о мероприятии: http://www.lk4.ru/archive/3-60.html. Ссылка на фотоотчёт: http://lk4.ru/section/103.html. ![]() ![]() ![]() Сценарий конкурса песен на английском языке в 2013 году Цели мероприятия:
Играет музыка, на сцену выходят ведущие (Трошкин Дмитрий и Кузнецова Марина) Marina & Dima: Hello, everyone! Dima: We are glad to see you on the first English songs Contest in our lyceum. Let’s give a great round of applause! Marina: Dima, do you know what happened last week? Dima: Yes, we listened to different songs of the most popular musicians every morning last week! Marina: And now, dear friends, it’s your turn to perform the most favorite tracks on our stage! Dima: But first let’s meet our respectable jury. Представление членов жюри 1. Marina: So our first singer is Alexander Popov with a great hit “We will rock you!” 2. Dima: Rock is forever! Marina: Rock is everywhere! But I’ m tired of aggressive kind of music! I need melodies that are more romantic now! Dima: Oh, dear princess, I’ ll give you everything you want because all I need is ONLY YOU!!! Marina: Meet our next track performed by the eleventh biological class! 3. Dima: are you happy now? Marina: well, let’ s listen to something intellectual.. Dima: What about the song, which is called “The Big Big Bang”? Marina: It’s wonderful! The tenth economical one class will sing about this dangerous process! Be cautious! 4. Dima: I can’t wait any more, I’d like to take part in this concert too! Where are my classmates? Join me, friends! Let’s feel THE WIND OF CHANGE together! 5. Marina: I’d like to be as tall as you are, Dima! Dima: I’d Like to be as clever as you are, Marina! Marina: But the tenth humanitarian one class wants to be EVERYTHING AT ONCE! 6. Dima: Marina, do you know what the most famous the Beatles song is? Marina: Is it “Can’t buy me love”? Dima: NO! Marina: “Come together right now”? Dima: NO! Marina: “Let it be!” Dima: Yes, let’s listen to Nicolai Baakh’s magnificent voice and enjoy his singing together! 7. Marina: Dima, have you ever met zombies? Dima: Sure! Marina: Really? Where? Dima: Oh. You can meet them too… for example, in public transport every morning. Marina: Sorry, I think, Shkludov Roman knows more about zombies than you, so listen to him attentively! 8. Marina: Give me a reason… Dima: What’s the matter? Marina: That’s all right. “Just give me a reason” is the next track in our concert! Meet two beautiful girls: Yastrebova Violetta and Sizicova Kate! 9. Marina: This girl makes me cry when I hear her fantastic voice! Dima: you know, me too… But keep it a secret! Marina: Ok! Meet Liza Kalugina and the tenth biological class with their song. 10. Dima: Can you play any musical instruments, Marina? Marina: No, I can’t… Dima: I enjoy girls who can play the guitar! They are cool, free and creative! Marina: Lucky you! Now you have a chance to see one of such girls: Shagabudinova Ira! Be cautious, Dima, she has “A Heart on Fire”! 11. Dima: “We will we will rock you!” Marina: Well, we have already heard of this song! Dima: We will rock you! Rock is forever! I want to listen to it again and again… Marina: Oh, my friends, will you help me? Can you sing this track once more? 11 H: Yes. We’ll help you, Marina! Marina: Thank you! Dima: So our concert comes to the end and while our jury is counting your scores we wants to present some prizes for those students who took part in different contests during English Language week! Marina: We are happy that our students were so active and creative the previous week! Thank you for your participation! Dima: First, we are going to award the winners of Best Collage Contest: the second place goes to the eleventh biological class! Your design impressed us completely! You have 15 scores! Marina: The first place was divided between four classes: 10 ph-1, 10 h-2, 10-e-1, 11e! Your works are the best and you are given 20 scores. Dima: Then we want to present a movie ticket to the winner of Serial Lovers Competition! Nicolai Baakh is a student who has done all tasks during one break and that is why he’ll go to the cinema this weekend! Congratulations! Dima: Some students took part in Best Cinquain contest! And we have three best cinquain makers in our Lyceum: Maxim Maibakh, Polina Kovrizhnikh and the first place is given to Kuznetsova Marina! Will you read you cinquain for us? Dima: We see our jury is ready with the results. See you! Goodbye! ![]() ![]() Сценарий конкурса песен на английском языке в 2014 году Цели мероприятия:
Играет музыка, выходит ведущая Ефимова Христина. Khristy: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! We are (играет песня “Oops, I did it again”) very glad to see you…. Из зала выходит ведущий Данилкин Стас в сопровождении двух охранников и 6 поклонниц с фотоаппаратами. Они кричат ему вслед: Stas, Your autograph, please! Stas, we love you! Sign it, Stas. Stas, Stay with us! I can’t live without you! I am crazy about you! Охранники «выводят» девушек из зала. Stas: Hello, everyone! Khristy: Well, you are late again! Stas: Khristy, you know, to be a celebrity is not as easy as you think! Khristy: I think you have a star syndrome, my dear! Stas: Don’t worry! I’m fine! And I’m ready to open the English song Contest 2014! Khristy: First of all, let’s meet the members of our jury: The Headmistress of the Lyceum, Tatyana Anatolyevna Yakushina. The vice-principal, Marina Igorevna Agafonova. Stas: Our English teachers, Tatyana Petrovna Grebenyuk and Olga Stepanovna Shefer. Khristy: Also, there is an innovation in the rules of the contest this year. Stas: The idea is that one student from each class takes part in voting. Khristy: So let’s applaud our jury. 1. Khristy: Now we invite the first singers to the stage. Stas: Feel the power of music! Khristy: Meet Nemkova Galina and Filkin Alexander with the song “Bring me to life”. 2. Khristy: Stas, have you watched the cartoon «Anastasia»? Stas: Yes, I have. It was one of my favorite animated films in the childhood! Khristy: So you will like its soundtrack “Once upon in December” and our next singer, Shagabudinova Irina! 3. Khristy: Stas, What does everybody want to do? Stas: Hm, everybody wants to be a pop star, I think! Khristy: I’m afraid you are wrong. Stas: Oh, I know, everybody wants to be as popular as I am! Khristy: I’m afraid you are completely wrong. Listen to the eleventh humanitarian class and find the answer! 4. K.: Stas, do you know where Eurovision will be held next year? S.: If I’m not mistaken, it will be in Vienna. K. Are you going to take part in it? S.: Certainly! K.: Dear audiences, listen to the song “Is it right?” from Eurovision playlist, which is performed by Alexander Fyodorov. 5. K. (crying) S.: What’s happened to you, Khristy? K. I feel so sorry for Jack and Rose from Titanic! S.: Oh, dear! Don’t cry, it’s just a movie. K.: Let’s meet our next participant Anastasia Karpova with the great song “My heart will go on”. 6. K.: Dog goes "woof", cat goes "meow", bird goes "tweet" and mouse goes "squeek". The question is “What does the fox say?” Meet Stas and his talking foxes! 7. K.: I want to listen to something more romantic now. S.: What about a Skylar Grey song? K: That’s a good idea! Which one? S: For example, “Words”. K.: It’s fantastic! S.: Meet Liza Kalugina and enjoy her wonderful voice! 8. S: Do you like dancing? K. Sure! And I’m going to do it right now. S. Why? K.: Because the eleventh economical class is ready to rock this party! S: “Everybody dance now” 9. K. Stas, do you believe in Santa Clause? S.: whispering Yes, I do, but keep it a secret. K.: Don’t be shy! New Year is my favorite celebration and I’m looking forward to it. S. I’m sure that our last participants can create the atmosphere of New Year and make us feel happier. K.: We invite the tenth economical class with one of the most popular Christmas song. K.: So our concert is coming to the end and while the jury is counting scores we want to invite the participants of the English Performance Festival: S: Lisa Kalugina, Alexandr Fyodorov, Nastya Medvedeva, Julia Murashova with the song “Hit the road, Jack”. All participants are being invited to the stage. K: We see our jury is ready with the results. S: The floor is given to …. (a member of the jury) K: Now we invite all participants to have some photos. Goodbye! Ссылка на фотоотчёт о мероприятии: http://lk4.ru/section/143.html. 2.2.2 ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ В КАЧЕСТВЕ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯ «СОВЕТА ЛИЦЕИСТОВ» В 2013-2014 учебном году я выполняла функции руководителя ученического органа самоуправления «Совет Лицеистов». В мои обязанности входила организация общешкольных мероприятий (в том числе написание сценариев, подготовка видеоматериалов), поездок, проведение собраний актива лицея, решение текущих организационных вопросов. План работы Совета Лицеистов на 2013-2014 учебный год (Документ содержит ссылки на сайт ОУ)
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