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B a valve that lowers the pressure of water that passes through it C an isolation valve capable of draining the isolated part of the system D contamination that re-enters a fluid system E water distribution outlet valve with a threaded spout F isolation valve used in a gas distribution system G valve for separating portions of system H valve that allows excess pressure to escape from a system
A A ________ uses a single valve to allow water to travel in only one direction. B A _________ prevents backflow by altering water pressure.
A To keep water from entering this part of the system close the __________. B Before you drain the tank, place a bucket under the _________.
hose bibb, backflow, gate valve, relief valve, gas cock, isolation valve, stop-and-waste valve, pressure reducing valve, check valve, reduced-pressure zone device, hose outlet, stop Homework
Практическая работа № 13
Faucets New Product Listing: Complete Bathroom Fixture Set $ 300 This fixture set will provide many years of quality service. The lavatory faucet gives a refreshing cleanse with each use. The combination tub and shower faucet installs easily. The chrome bathtub faucet gives an even stream of water. The detachable shower faucet has a flexible chrome handle. An easy-to-turn diverter switches between faucets quickly and efficiently. This means less water washed and lower water bills. The shower spout has a multiple-setting swivel aerator. Take care when installing this fixture set. The bathtub faucet and tub should have a 30-centimeter air gap. To order this product, please call or complete an order form.
a) What are some common types of faucet? b) Why should a plumber know about different kinds of faucets? c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text? d) Find in the text the sentence in the Future Simple. Read it and analyze the verbs.
1 – The bathtub and shower faucets are separate units. 2 – The shower faucet can be adjusted to different settings. 3 - There must be at least thirty inches between the bathtub and shower faucet.
1 – diverter 3 – aerator 2 – air gap 4 – spout 5 – handle A an attachment to something that can be gripped B a fixture which directs the flow of water to and from the bathtub faucet and the shower faucet C the opening of a pipe from which water is released D part of a faucet which controls how water sprays out of the faucet E a vertical space below a water spout which stops used water from flowing into the same spout
Word bank: bathtub faucet, shower faucet, tub and shower faucet, lavatory faucet 1 A __________ should be installed about five feet high. 2 I installed a combination __________ in my bathroom. 3 A __________ is only designed for hand washing. 4 A good ___________ can fill a tub in a few minutes.
bathtub faucet, shower faucet, tub and shower faucet, lavatory faucet, diverter, aerator, air gap, spout, handle Homework
Практическая работа № 14
Clog Removal Some plumbing problems require the tools and know-how of a plumbing expert. Others simply require a determined homeowner and some basic equipment. Some of the most common of these plumbing issues are clogs. The first way to clear a clogged drainpipe is to try using a plunger. Place the rubber cup over the sink or toilet drain to create a watertight seal. Then firmly push the plunger up and down. This will force water through the system and hopefully send the blockage on its way. If the clog cannot be removed with a plunger, an auger may be needed. A closet auger has a relatively short flexible cable and a corkscrew tip. This will be sufficient for pulling out clogs in the first few feet of a drain system. If the clog is further back, you might need a cable auger. Also called a plumber’s snake, this tool has a long flexible cable that can extend far back into drain system. It will also have a cranking mechanism to extend and retract the cable. Note: To avoid damaging pipes, an electric power auger is not is not recommended on lighter plumbing systems.
a) What is a plunger? b) What are the tools for clearing clogged drains? c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text? d) Find in the text the sentences in the Future Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.
A to advertise clog removal tools B to describe common causes of clogged drains C to warn of the damage clogs can cause D to explain how to clear a clogged drain
A plumber’s snake B cable auger C electric power auger D closet auger 3. What tools makes a watertight seal to push blockage through a pipe? A plumber’s snake B closet auger C electric power auger D plunger
1 – blockage 4 – closet auger 2 – clear 5 – cable auger 3 – crank 6 – electric power auger A a clog removal tool with a J-shaped handle B a clog removal tool with a long coiled cable and cranking mechanism C to turn something in order to work its moving parts D a clog removal tool that turns on electricity E obstructive material in a piping system F to remove obstructions from a pipe
1 plumber’s snake / clog A Sue removed the ____________ using a plunger. B This ____________ has a thirty foot cable. 2 plunger / drainpipe A The rubber cup of the ___________ is red. B The plastic ball became lodged in the ____________.
blockage, closet auger, clear, cable auger, crank, electric power auger, plumber’s snake, clog, plunger ,drainpipe Homework
Практическая работа № 15
Pipe Repair Pipes make up the backbone of your home’s plumbing structure. Without proper maintenance of pipes, your entire plumbing system could collapse. The key to maintaining healthy pipes is catching problems early. A pinhole may seem minor, but it could quickly lead to a massive leak. These holes must be patched right away. Pinch a pipe repair clamp around the hole, and check surrounding parts for other signs of corrosion. Always ensure the area is clean and dry before applying a clamp. For large holes or split pipes, you may need to cut the affected area and slice a new piece into the gap. Make sure you smooth any burrs around pipe edges with sandpaper after cutting. Then secure the replacement piece with ferrules. Take care to leave adequate overlap between the new piece and existing pipe. Some types of pipe, such as braided-stainless-steel hoses, can be difficult to patch. Fortunately, these connections are often short, so the whole pipe is easily replaced. And remember, always turn off the water supply before performing any pipe repairs. Otherwise, your small leak could turn into a massive flood.
a) What are some different types of leaks that form in pipes? b) Which repair methods are best for different types of leaks? c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text? d) Find in the text the sentences in Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs. e) Find the Genitive case. Give an example.
1 The plumber attached a metal ring that secures pipe ends to the replacement piece. _ _ r r _ _ e 2 You must tightly press the clamp to the damaged pipe before securing it. _ _ n c _ 3 Use paper with rough side to smooth the pipe’s edges. s_ _ d _ _ p _ _ 4 A cracked or broken pipe can cause serious plumbing problems. _ p l _ _ 5 Gradual, chemical weakening of the pipe caused it to leak. _ o r _ _ _ I o _
Word bank: braided-stainless-steel, pipe repair clamp, burr, pinhole, splice, overlap 1 The major leak started as a tiny ______________. 2 Remember to ______________ in a new piece when the pipe has a large crack or hole. 3 If the ______________ is too small, the pipe joint might leak. 4 Cutting the pipe formed a(n) ______________ along the edge. 5 If the hole is small, fix it with a(n) ______________ . 6 The sink faucet is attached to a flexible _____________.
4 Pipes make up the backbone of your home’s plumbing structure. 7.Translate the following words: braided-stainless-steel, pipe repair clamp, burr, pinhole, splice, overlap, ferrules, a leak, split pipe Homework
Практическая работа № 16
TO: Employees of Atchison Plumbing FROM: Stephen Atchison, Owner DATE: October 18 SUBJECT: Communication Issues Hank Milton is the owner of Milton Homes. Mr. Milton is one of our biggest clients. Yesterday I received an email from him. Some of the fixtures in the Paradise Subdivision were not installed correctly. Apparently, there was confusion about the instructions on the rough-in sheet. In these cases, employees should consult their on-site supervisor. This will allow you to confirm the correct way to do things. The employees on the job site were not carrying their smart phones. As a result, they were unable to call each other. The posted company policy states employees are to carry their phones while working. The company provides phones and two-way radios to all employees. These allow you to contact me and each other while on the job. From now on, please be sure to carry your phones and radios. Milton Homes received building permits for another subdivision. We will get the work orders for the plumbing. Let’s do it right this time.
a) Why is it important for employees to be able to communicate with each other on job sites? b) What are some methods they use to communicate on job sites? c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text? d) Find an example of the Possessive Case of a noun. Read it.
1 – The email contains a new rough-in-sheet. 2 – Some plumbing company employees violated company policy. 3 – The client no longer wants to use the plumbing company.
1 – The written authorization to do a job came in two days ago. _ _ r _ o _ d _ _ 2 – The store displayed a notice that it was closing at noon. _ o _ t _ _ 3 – The electronic message was sent to everyone in the company. _ m _ _ l 4 – The plumber made sure the client wanted the pipes replaced. _ _ n _ _ r _ _ d 5 The man communicated with the company about any job openings. c _ _ t _ _ t_ _ |
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