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Text 3. SMOKING. The Spaniards were the earliest Europeans to sample tobacco. Accounts of Columbus’s first voyage in 1492 speak of thee natives of Cuba using “smoking reeds”, which were a kind of primitive pipe. Most of the Indian-races of the American mainland were given to smoking, partly purely for pleasure, but partly, also, for ceremonial purposes – as with the celebrated Red Indian “pipe of peace”. Once introduced to Europe, the habit of smoking spread round the world. Barely fifty years after its discovery Portuguese sailors introduced smoking into the East Indies and Japan. When tobacco first reached England is uncertain, but it seems likely that small quantities were imported in the earlier half of the 16th century, many years, before the name of Sir Walter Raleigh became associated with it. For a long time there were two distinct schools of thought about smoking. Some learned men maintained that it had a medical value, acting as a disinfectant. Others regarded smoking as a badge of immorality, believing that it went with free-thinking and loose-living. King James I held strong views on thee subject and imposed heavy duties on imported tobacco. But thee tobacco plant was naturalized in southern England and Ireland. At one time in the 17th century there were as many as 6000 plantations, and from these the needs of the increasing numbers of English smokers were supplied. Until about 1900 smoking was almost entirely a masculine habit. Many people, including Queen Victoria, strongly disapproved of tobacco. Exercise. Make up 20 questions to the texts 2 and 3 and discuss the problems of narcotics and smoking in modern society. Text 4. AT THE DOCTOR’S. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:
Is there anything more important than health? I don’t think so. “Health is the greatest wealth”, wise people say. You can’t be good at your studies or work well when you are ill. If you have a headache, heartache, toothache, backache, earache or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a sore throat or a bad cough, if you run a high temperature and have a bad cold in your head, or if you suffer from a high or low blood pressure, I think you should consult a doctor. The doctor will examine your throat, feel your pulse, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, test your eyes, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed. After that he will prescribe some treatment, pills, tablets or some other medicine which you can buy at the chemist’s. He will recommend you to stay in bed for some time, because there might be serious complications. The only thing you have to do is to follow his recommendations. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: anything more important than health; to prescribe some treatment; the only thing; a sore throat or a bad cough; to work well; to have a bad cold in your head; to have a headache; at the chemist’s; to have one’s chest X-rayed; to complain of a sore throat. Exercise 2. Find the equivalents of these expressions in the text: рекомендовать оставаться в постели; зубная боль; жаловаться на боль в сердце; хорошо учиться; сильная простуда; высокое кровяное давление; измерять температуру тела; прослушать сердце и лёгкие; прописать лечение; серьёзные осложнения. Exercise 3. Answer the questions:
Exercise 4. Make up a dialogue on the following situation: you are at the doctor’s and you have a bad headache/toothache/earache/heartache/a very high temperature/a sore throat. Exercise 5. Retell the text. FAMOUS PEOPLE. Text 1. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:
William Shakespeare, the greatest and most famous English writer and playwright, was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564. When he was 21, Shakespeare left for London, where he began to act and to write plays. Most of his plays were performed in the Globe theatre. It was a round building with the stage in the centre open to the sky. If it rained, the actors got wet; if the weather was too bad, there was no performance. By 1603, Shakespeare was already the leading poet and dramatist of his time. In 1613 he finally stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. He was buried in the Church of Stratford. A monument was erected to the memory of the great writer in the Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. Among them there are tragedies, such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, comedies, such as Much Ado about Nothing, historical dramas, such as Henry IV, Richard III. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: the greatest and most famous English writer and playwright; to live in Stratford; no performance; among them; the Poet’s Corner; to be born; historical dramas; the leading poet and dramatist of his time; to leave for some place; a round building with the stage in the centre; to the memory of the great writer. Exercise 2. Find the equivalents of these expressions in the text: драматург; промокнуть; плоха погода; много шума из ничего; трагедии; начинать играть и писать пьесы; большинство пьес; к 1678 году; быть похороненным; такие как. Exercise 3. Make up questions covering the content of the text for your fellow-students to answer them. Exercise 4. Give the three forms of the following verbs: leave; begin; write; be; get; go; erect; find; lose; forget; describe; read; make; tell. Exercise 5. Retell the text. Text 2. HENRY FORD (1863-1947). WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:
Henry Ford is a man who literally transformed the world. In the 1920s his name was as well known as Lenin’s or Trotsky’s. He was regarded as a symbol of industrial technology. Ford himself came from a humble farming background. Born on July 30, 1863, in Dearborn, Michigan, near Detroit, young Henry hated almost everything about farming except the machinery. When he was 16, he went to Detroit to serve as an apprentice in a machine shop. He held a series of jobs and became completely knowledgeable of the way different types of machines were operated. In 1896 Ford succeeded in building an automobile powered by a gasoline engine. Running on four horsepower, the car could reach a speed of 25 miles per hour. Ford organized the Detroit Automobile Company in 1899 and produced a small number of cars before the company collapsed two years later. He designed and manufactured racing cars, and in 1900 one model raced at 70 miles per hour. In 1903, at the age of 40, Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company. In 1913 Ford conducted his first test of assembly line manufacture. The assembly line revolutionised car production. Thus he lowered the price of his car and tripled the production within three years. Ford also introduced the $5.00 wage for an eight-hour day. He also introduced a plan, which allowed his workers to share in the profits of the company (the profit-sharing plan which is used by many companies today). Ford was a genuine folk hero to the American people. He was a colourful figure, and stories of his love of running and his strange notions about diet (he sometimes ate grass sandwiches) were well known. As the owner of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford accumulated more than $1 billion. He contributed more than $40 million to charitable causes, such as public hospitals and research institutions. He established the Ford Foundation, which continues to support various programs in education, media, and culture. He constructed Greenfield Village, near his birthplace in Michigan, as a living museum representing the industrialisation of America. Without a doubt, Ford was a technological genius. Not a great inventor, he was able to borrow ideas and apply them to new uses. In bringing the automobile to the average worker, he altered the structure of society, its cities, and the nations of the world. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: a symbol of industrial technology; the owner of the Ford Motor Company; a genuine folk hero to the American people; the industrialisation of America; to borrow ideas and apply them to new uses; a humble farming background; almost everything about farming except the machinery; charitable causes; to support various programs in education, media, and culture; an apprentice in a machine shop; the price of his car; to share in the profits of the company; to reach a speed of 25 miles per hour; powered by a gasoline engine. Exercise 2. Find the equivalents of these expressions in the text: в возрасте 40 лет; исследовательские институты; без сомнений; великий изобретатель; структура общества; нации мира; государственные больницы; рядом с местом рождения; странные представления о диете; любовь к бегу; несколько мест работы; два года спустя; небольшое количество машин; истинный народный герой; жертвовать на благотворительные цели; буквально изменить мир. Exercise 3. Make up questions covering the content of the text for your fellow-students to answer them. Exercise 4. Make up your own sentences with the words: to establish; knowledgeable; machinery; without a doubt; to organize. Exercise 5. Retell the text. Text 3. BILL GATES. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, the icon of American business and the richest man in the world. Microsoft, the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company. Although the company is in big trouble today – the US government has broken it up – experts say it will remain successful. Bill Gates was born on the 28th of October, 1955, in Seattle, USA. Seattle was once famous for producing Boeing aircraft, but is now better known as the home of Microsoft. From his parents Bill got a good business sense and a quick mind. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a teacher and then a company director. At school Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent. His favourite subjects were Maths and Science. At 13 he got interested in computers. Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programmes and learning about computers instead of doing their homework. After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university. Most of the time he worked on the computers in the university laboratory. The next year, he and Paul Allen wrote an operating programme for the Altair, one of the world’s first microcomputers. Bill knew, even then, that he would revolutionize the world of computing and he left Harvard before finishing his studies. The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and very soon it became a business success. In 1980, Gates bought a small company which produced an operating system called DOS (disk operating system). He made some changes to it and renamed it MS-DOS. He sold the rights to use this system to IBM (International Business Machines). Since 1980 MS-DOS has been the standard operating system for all PCs. Microsoft has also developed such well-known programmes as Windows, Excel and Internet Explorer. Bill’s dream is to computerize everything – TVs, telephones, lights, even the way you cook dinner… One reason for his success is that Bill has always been very ambitious and hard-working. This hasn’t left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee. The couple has two children: a daughter, born in 1996, and a son, born in 1999. Bill Gates has written two books, The Road Ahead (1995) and Business and the Speed of Thought (1999). Both books are best-sellers. Bill hasn’t got much free time, but when he has a chance he likes playing golf and bridge. He is also fond of reading about science. For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends very little on himself. When it comes to helping others, Gates is very generous. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has already given $300 million to charity. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: the icon of American business; to spend very little on oneself; the richest man in the world; the world’s largest computer software company; reading about science; to play golf and bridge; to be in big trouble today; to remain successful; a good business sense and a quick mind; learning about computers instead of doing their homework; America’s most famous university; well-known programmes; to leave much time for a normal personal life; ambitious and hard-working; revolutionize the world of computing. Exercise 2. Translate into English: правительство США; очень умный; для такого богатого человека; быть щедрым; иметь много свободного времени; увлекаться чтением; хотя; любимые предметы; способ приготовления обеда; внести некоторые изменения; вместо выполнения домашней работы; деловой успех; купить небольшую компанию; после окончания школы; самый известный американский университет; известные программы; интересоваться компьютерами. Exercise 3. Make up questions covering the content of the text for your fellow-students to answer them. Exercise 4. Give the three forms of the following verbs: hear, become, go, be, have, spend, come, give, leave, write, buy, make, sell, know, show, get, break. Exercise 5. Retell the text. PROTECTION OF NATURE. |
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