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Text 5. He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He is very good at sport. In 1980 he joined the Royal Navy and became a "sea King" helicopter pilot. He is interested in photography. He speaks French and German. In 1986 he married Miss Sarah Ferguson and has 2 daughters. He is... (Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.) Text 6. She is one of the members of the Royal Family. She is one of the world's richest women. Three quarters or more of her working life is spent in an office reading and signing state papers. She never gives interviews. She likes to spend time with her grandchildren, watch horse-racing, go for a walk and watch TV. Her title in the UK is: "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith". She is... (Queen Elizabeth II.) Приложение № 2 The British royal family Tree Andrew b.1960 Anne b.1950 Charles, Prince of Wales, b.1948 Elizabeth II b.1926 Margaret b.1930 Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother 1900 - 2002 King George VI 1895 - 1952 Edward b.1964 Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, b.1921 Приложение № 3 1. Match the names with the correct country: A. UK, B. USA. C. Australia. Arafura Sea; 1. St. Lawrence River; 2. Clyde; 3. Maine; 4.Land Down Under; 5. Cockney; 6. Commonwealth; 7. system of checks and balances; 8. MP; 9. Star-Spangled Banner; II. Thistle; 10. Magna Carta; 11. National Party; 12. BUPA; 13. Medicaid; 14. punk rock; 15. NSPCC; 16. MPAA; 17. A.G. Bell; 18. Perth Entertainment Centre; 19. Elvis Presley; 20. Lord Chancellor; 21. Henry Ford; 22. Woodstock festival; 25. Clash; 26. National Statuary Hall; 27. serial "Neighbours"; 28. Betsy Ross.
10. The Olympic Games have never been held in Great Britain. 3. Which is the odd word in each group?
4. What do these names stand for?
isn't a part of the UK
9. Snowdon i. a seaside resort on the southern coast of England 10.Wall j. a company which makes ice cream 5. Сhoose the right variant: 1. Russia joined the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in: a. 1989 b. 1990 c. 1991 2. Young people in Britain can drive a car at: a. 16 b. 18 c. 17 3. In Great Britain women are entitled to retirement pension at the age of: a. 60 b. 50 c. 55 4. Hollywood is in: a. Texas b. California c. Florida 5. "Pygmalion" was written by: a. A.L. Webber b. G.B. Shaw c. S. Townsend 6. The director of the film "Titanic" is: a. Steven Spielberg b. Baz Luhrmann c. James Cameron 7. The legislative branch of the American Government is called: a. Parliament b. Congress c. Court 8. The national flag of Great Britain (the Union Jack) is made up of three flags, though the country consists of four nations. The cross of which patron Saint is not represented in the flag: a. St. George b. St. Andrew c. St. Patrick d. St. David 9. The first Safari Park in Britain is in: a. London b. Longleat c. Liverpool 10. Thomas Cook was: a. a great writer b. one of the first travel agents c. a sailor who discovered many new lands 11. How old is Stonehenge? a. 2000 years old b. 3000 years old c. 5000 years old 12. Thanksgiving Day is observed in the USA on: a. the third Thursday in November b. the fourth Sunday in November c. the fourth Thursday in November 13. Several bars from_________are used by the BBC as a signature tune for the World Service news. a. H. Purcell's song "Lilliburlero" b. B. Britten's opera "Peter Grimes" c. "Beatles" composition "Love Me Do" 14. Mrs. Beeton was: a. the author of a famous cook book b. a Nobel Prize winner c. Prime Minister of GB 15. The Peter Pan Cup is named after: a. a famous sportsman b. a great writer c. a literary hero 16. Which of the following is the name of a "chain" of stores in the UK: a. Habitat b. Jackie c. Current 17. The National Museum of Photography is in: a. Bath b. Cambridge c. Bradford 18. Which are working languages of the UN? a. Chinese b. English c. Spanish d. French 6. Divide the following words into two groups: American English and British English. Pay attention to spellings. to practice, to practise, behavior, behaviour, driver's lisense. driving licence, holidays, vacations, kilometer, kilometre, traveling, travelling, com, maize, gramophone, phonograph, canned goods, tinned goods, petrol, gas, check, cheque, dish, platter. Учащиеся, набравшие наибольшее количество баллов объявляются «умниками» и «умницами» и награждаются призами. Приложение № 4 9 класс Awareness quiz on Britain.
{Keys: 1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 2. England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales. 3. The English Channel. 4. Scottish national fabric. 5. English and Welsh. 6. Liverpool. 7. Lady Jane Grey. 8. A man's skirt in Scotland, invented by Englishmen. 9. "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot". 10. Tony Blair.) Multiple choice test on Great Britain. 1. What is the Union Jack?
2. What is the name of the present British Queen?
3. What is the capital of Wales?
4. Where did the Beatles come from?
5. What is the song the Scottish people sing at the parties?
6. Where does the ceremony of the Keys take place?
7. Which street in London is called "Newspaper Street"?
8. Where is the Speaker's Corner?
9. Where is the National Shakespeare Theatre?
10. What is the national musical instrument of Scotland?
(Keys: la; 2c; 3b; 4c; 5b; 6a; 7b; 8b; 9c; 10a.) 10 Клacc Awareness quiz on the USA.
9. Which holiday is called "the birthday of a nation"? 10. What is the name of the King of rock-n-roll? (Keys: 1. 50 States; 2. The Potomac River; 3. Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial; 4. California; 5. Indians; 6. Lincoln; 7. Time Square in New York; 8. Cape Canaveral; 9. Independence Day; 10. Elvis Presley.) Multiple choice test on the USA. 1. Who of the presidents fought for the abolition of slavery in the USA?
2. What river is New York situated on?
3. What is the world's tallest stone structure situated in Washington?
4. Which kind of sport is a typical American invention?
6. Who of the musicians played the trumpet in jazz?
7. Who of the American scientists invented the telephone?
8. Who of the American writers wrote books under the name of Mark Twain?
9. Which street in New York is called the home of the atres?
10. What is the traditional meal on Thanksgiving Day?
(Keys: la; 2c; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6b; 7a; 8b; 9b; 10 c.) 11 класс Awareness quiz on Australia.
(Keys: 1. The Commonwealth of Australia; 2. Aborigines; 3. Canberra; 4. Kangaroo and emu; 5. Koala; 6. James Cook; 7. The Queen of Great Britain; 8. The Darling; 9. Great Sandy and Great Victoria; 10. Sydney.) (См. Приложение № 4). Multiple Choice Test on Australian Fauna. 1. What animals eat eucalyptus leaves?
2. What flightless bird lives in Australia?
3. Which representative of Australian fauna doesn't use eyes and ears under water?
4. Which Australian animals are born the size of a large bean and then grow taller than a man?
5. Which of the Australian kangaroos are the largest?
6. What animals often attack sheep and are dangerous for people?
7. Which animal is considered to be the king of Australian animals?
8. Which of the Australian animals sleeps during the day?
9. Which Australian bird is famous for its mocking laugh?
10. Which marsupial looks like an enormours rat?
(Keys: lb; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5c; 6a: 7c; 8b; 9a; 10c.) |
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